"Holy shit! Wilson's back!"

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Bailey's POV.

Why did I even accept that bet in the first place? It's only the first day of the week and Kelley is already driving me wild, flirting with me at nearly every chance she's got, knowing I can't do a damn thing about it.

I was outside in the hot Washington D.C heat, doing some work outside. Turns out we had a leak in one of the rooms, so I was up on the roof clearing out the gutter. I'd cut this tree down but it's on the neighbors property, and they most likely don't want to cut it down.

"You got sunscreen on?!" Kelley called out from below. Shit! I completely forgot about putting some on.

"No, I forgot!" I yelled back.

She didn't respond and I looked down to see she was smiling while shaking her head as she walked back inside. Lately she's been working on new designs along with Alex and Allie for a new Beat Everybody drop.

Speaking of Beat Everybody, I've been wearing a few of their clothes, and since people know Kelley and I have seen out and about together, the whole USWNT fan base are adamant that we're dating, or possibly married since someone noticed the ring on my finger in one of my Instagram posts. Funnily enough though, we've kept our mouths shut about who we're seeing. We like our privacy, and at least some of the fans respect that and don't push on the issue.

After a good 10-15 minutes, all the leaves that were blocking up the gutter were cleaned out, and I desperately needed to get off this roof since I'm quite afraid of heights. Plus the possibility of being sunburnt made me want to get off this roof too.

I climbed down the ladder, and got Kelley to help me pack it away since its a huge as fuck thing. Once that was done, I put my cap on backwards and went inside where Kelley had the AC going before I got a bottle of water and sat down at the dining table.

"Oh shit, I'm glad that job is done." I say, taking a deep breath while having a sip of water.

Kelley was making some sandwiches, and handed me a plate, "Yeah. Hopefully that room won't leak now whenever it rains again."

"Mhmm," I took a bite of one half of my sandwich and went on Instagram, scrolling through my feed when suddenly, I was getting a phone call.

"Who's that?" Kelley asked curiously.

"Vince." I replied as I saw the caller ID. "I wonder what he wants."

I hit the answer button and bring my phone up to my ear, "This is Bailey."

"Bailey! I've got a proposition for you." Vince says happily in his booming voice.

"If you want me for a fight, that's no from me Vince."

Vince started laughing, "That's what I'm not going for. We've been pushing one of our new signings, Charlotte Harrison, and I've booked her in an upcoming fight at this month's upcoming Pay-Per-View event. So, I was thinking how would you like to be the special referee for this bout?"

I sat there for a moment, and Kelley was looking at me and I knew I had to think about this, "Uh, well. Can I think about it for now, then get back to you, like in a day or two?"

"Sure thing, Bailey. How about I give you a call on Wednesday at 4:30 in the afternoon?"

"Yeah, that'll work. I talk to ya then."

"Ok. Enjoy the rest of your day, Bailey."

"You too, Vince. Catch ya later." I say, before ending the call and putting my phone down.

I could feel Kelley's eyes on me, and I looked up at her before speaking, "Vince wants me to be a special referee for a bout at this month's upcoming Pay-Per-View event. I'm not sure how much he's offering me, but I don't know."

She nodded and took a sip of her glass of water, "Well, do you know where it'll be?"

I shook my head, "No."

"Well, I'll be okay with it as long as you know, don't have to travel to shows before it if you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I know. You don't want me getting involved with drugs and alcohol again. But I'm sure they've cracked down on it since painkillers and all that other shit was easy to obtain and use since their drug testing program had heaps of loopholes in it back then."

Kelley nodded and put her plate up before walking over to me and giving me a kiss on the lips, "I know it's your decision, but I just can't help but worry. That's all."

I smiled. Kelley has been extremely clingy a lot lately ever since I got out of rehab, and I don't blame her. She was clingy after my car accident, but this time it's different. "See, that's why I love you."

Kelley smiled and kissed me again before heading back to her laptop to work on a few designs while I finished my lunch and put some sunscreen on as I went to the shed and got the water blaster since part of the house needs water blasting.

All I know is that I need to make a decision. Do I go back? Or do I turn down the offer? If you think about it, me being the guest referee could give them some more buys since I'm still somewhat of a draw despite being retired from active fighting.


"Holy shit! Wilson's back!" Lucy exclaims as she, Taylor, Peyton and Katie came over with huge smiles on their faces.

"In the living flesh. Not fighting though." I say as I get pulled into a hug.

"I don't give a shit about that. You're here, and it's been a long fucking time." Katie said in her Irish accent and I laughed.

There's a whole heap of new faces here in the locker room. Some of the familiar ones that weren't here were either out at home, nursing an injury, or they went on to the other promotions.

I noticed there were two girls who came up to me, looking like they were top shit, "So you're back, huh? Didn't know they're letting the retirees back in here." She says in a cocky tone, her friend laughing.

"Funny. If I was you I'd keep my mouth shut or you'll be picking your teeth up from the floor," I responded, and they walked off. Fucking idiots.

So the way the office is planning this upcoming bout is that I'll return on the weekly show, and announce that I'll be the special referee for the Charlotte Harrison match up. Then they'll include me in her rivalry with Melissa Wells. I talked it over with Kelley and she was okay with it.

This is gonna be a fun 2 weeks on the road. I've given all the teenagers I'm training in my gym new stuff to learn, and Addison has been texting me a lot to vent her issues. I was glad though when she told me that she was now living at her uncle and aunties house. As long as she's away from those assholes who are her parents, I'm happy.

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