"Well ma'am, we're busy trying to make a living too, alright?"

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(warning: phone sex)


Bailey's POV

"This is me, I guess." I said to myself as I walked into my hotel room and put my bags down at the end of the bed.

Basically the WBA is putting on a show here in Boston this week, so all of us had to travel over here from our respective homes throughout the country. I'm just really happy at the moment though, not because of travelling here, but because Kelley will be coming down to D.C sometime tomorrow. She's got a spare key to my place anyway, so she can make herself at home.

I went and laid down on the bed and chilled out in peace, my ankle has been sore lately but it's nothing too serious.

The time was nearing 8pm, and I figured I'd jump into bed now. That was until my hotel room phone started ringing, I sighed and walked over to the table it was sitting on and answered it.


"Hey," It was Brooke, "Come over to my room, I need you for something."

"Yeah, sure, I'll be right there."

I headed over to her room, and knocked on the door. She opened and I stepped inside. "What did you need?" I asked.

She walked over to the table where her hotel room phone was, "Need ya for a prank call I'm going to do." She said and I smiled.

"Oh, okay," I said and she nodded.

"Yup, so just get comfortable, I'll do the talking," She said and I nodded.

We both made ourselves comfortable, and Brooke grabbed the phone and dialed a number. She waited for the person to answer, then she started talking.


Brooke's POV.

I dialed up a number that's part of this big conference room which I managed to get from the front desk of the hotel. The staff weren't too thrilled about it but I told them that I wouldn't snitch on them.

"It's Lisa from Domino's Pizza. We had a problem trying to get a pizza delivered to you?" I say over the line.

"We don't want any pizza," The woman on the other end responds.

"Ma'am, you wouldn't listen to me. I'm trying to apologize, alright? Hello?"


I held it in pretty good, well normally I always do since I've been doing this for years now, "Yes. We tried to deliver a pizza to you. Is that correct?"

"No, you didn't try-Well, you tried to offer me a pizza. I don't want any pizza!" She says and I smile while I look at Bailey.

"I understand that, but there was a gentleman that got on the phone and was very rude!" I said.

I could tell the woman was getting agitated, and it was evident in her response, "Well, look. Look, we're busy right here." The woman says in an aggressive tone.

"Well ma'am, we're busy trying to make a living too, alright? And we don't need people..."

"You know, I can't believe... I don't know how you got my room number? I don't know if it's from downstairs or I don't know where it's from?"

"We call the different hotel chains that we supply pizzas to-"

"I'm telling you very nicely..." She cuts me off, but I cut her off too.

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