"God damn, how the hell can you live here in D.C with this heat?"

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New Year's Eve.

I was pacing back and forth in the room, freaking out. I was so nervous and anxious, my hands were shaking. I'm getting married in a few hours, and I had a million thoughts running through my head. What if something goes wrong? What if I mess up my vows?

Mom, Dad, and Hailey were trying to calm me down, but nothing was helping. "Bailey, honey. Calm down. Everything will be okay. Just take a deep breath and relax." Mom said, trying to calm me down.

I took a deep breath, and tried to relax my body. "Okay. I'm good. I'm ready." I said, trying to convince myself. Kelley and I decided to bite the bullet and get married on New Year's Eve. We wanted to start the year off with a new beginning, and that's exactly what we were doing. Kelley was getting ready in a separate room, and I couldn't wait to see her. We are at one of our favorite spots here in D.C, and it's such a beautiful place, and the reception will be in our backyard.

It was time to get dressed, so I changed into a loose fitting white dress, and my mom put some nice makeup on me. She then put a white flower pin on my hair and said, "There. You look beautiful, honey."

I smiled and hugged her tightly, feeling so grateful for her and my family. Dad came in, and he gapsed. "Oh jesus, Bailey. You look stunning. Let's go get this show on the road." He said and I smiled. My mom then handed me my bouquet and we made our way outside.

We walked outside and I saw Kelley standing there, looking absolutely beautiful in her off-white dress and pink flowers in her hair. We both looked at each other and smiled, and I felt my heart racing. "Stay calm, kid. You've got this." Dad whispered to me and I nodded.

He started walking me down. Hailey was up there as part of my maid of honor, and Katie, Lauren, Lucy and Peyton were my bridesmaids. Deep down, I'm sad that Brooke isn't here to witness this, because I know right now she'll be up there with time bridesmaids, doing something stupid or possibly thinking of pranks to calm me down.

Kelley had Erin as her maid of honor, and some of her close friends from childhood up on her side as her bridesmaids. Not many people turned up, which is good in a way since we wanted a small ceremony. Alex, Servando and little baby Charlie were here. Allie and her husband were too. Emily and some of Kelley's teammates from the Spirit and the National team were also here too. Her family was also present.

I had my parents, my sister, a few close friends, the majority of whom were already my bridesmaids. Brooke's widow Jeff and their two kids were here too. Surprisingly Vince showed up when I sent him an invite, not expecting him to show up. Addison is here too.

Me and my dad reached the end of the aisle and he gave me away to Kelley. She had tears welling up in her eyes, and I could feel the love radiating off of her. We listened to the officiant say his stuff, then it was time for the vows. "I believe you two have written your own vows. Bailey, you can go first." He said, and I took a deep breath.

"I'm gonna try to get through this without bawling my eyes out like a little baby," I say to which everyone laughed in response.

"Kelley, you know that never in a million years I thought I'd be here. I was content with my life, and then you showed up and stalked my Instagram., leaving likes, flirty comments once and awhile. I was intrigued, but never imagined it would turn into this. Meeting you for the first time at the ESPY's was a surprise. You came up to me, all nervous and shy, and I knew right then and there you were gonna be my person.

Over the past year, I've fallen more and more in love with you. You've stuck next to me during the hardest moments in my life. The car accident that shattered my ankle, requiring my foot to be fused and my face reconstructed. You were there when my closest friend passed away, giving me comfort. And you never left me when I was admitted to rehab earlier in the year.

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