"You know, I have a bet for you."

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Kelley's POV.

Stretching my legs out, I let out a quiet yawn as I rolled over and saw Bailey still sleeping soundly. I know she's been worried about Addison and her situation at home. But today is July 5th, her 31st birthday. I smiled as she snored away, before I slowly brush some of her long, blonde hair away from her face. I kiss her on the forehead, "Mmmm....." she groaned softly.

"Happy Birthday, my love." I whisper as I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was 5am, and I decided to cuddle up with Bailey. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled as she saw me. "Good morning beautiful," I said as I kissed her lips. We both ended up making out, and I could feel the love and passion between us. Soon enough, we both ended up naked and I kissed her neck, "Let me love you." I whispered, and she moaned in response as I moved my hands all over her body. I kneaded her breasts, before moving down and massaging her clitoris. She was so wet, and I could feel her body trembling with pleasure, as I moved my fingers in and out of her. She was so close, but I wanted to draw it out, so I kept teasing her, before finally letting her reach her climax. She screamed out in pleasure, and I kept going, until I felt her body convulse with pleasure, and I finally let her take a break.

We both lay there in each other's arms, and I smiled as I said, "Happy Birthday, Bailey."

She smiled and kissed me, before she said, "Thanks, baby. That was amazing."

I smiled, before I said, "You're welcome. Now, let's get up and get ready for the day. You have a big day ahead of you."

Bailey nodded and we both got up and got dressed. We then headed downstairs, and I made us both breakfast. We ate together before I said, "I have a surprise for you later, but you'll have to wait until then." She smiled and nodded, before we both headed out for the day. We drove to the mall, and I took her to a jewelry store, where I bought her a diamond necklace. She gasped when she saw it, before she said, "It's beautiful, Kelley. Thank you so much."

I smiled before I said, "You're welcome. It's my way of saying how much I love you."

She smiled before she hugged me, and we both left the store. We then went to the park, where we just talked and laughed, while watching the kids play. "Should go ahead with booking that doctors appointment about IVF? I know you've been thinking about it."

Bailey nodded, before she said, "Yes, I think it's time. I'm ready to take the next step."

I smiled before I said, "I'm here for you, always."

We both smiled before we hugged, before we decided to head back home. I cooked her a special dinner, and we sat down and had a nice evening. I had put a small table outside on the balcony and made it extremely romantic with candles, and lights. "This is beautiful, Kelley. Thank you."

"You're welcome, baby." I said, "I wanted to make it special, since you're so special to me."

Bailey smiled before she said, "I love you so much, Kelley."

"I love you too, Bailey." I said, before we both shared a passionate kiss. We then ate dinner, and we both ended up talking until late into the night. At the end of the evening, we both hugged, "I'm so happy I get to spend your special day with you, Bailey. You mean the world to me."

Bailey smiled before she said, "Me too, Kelley. I love you so much."

I kissed her one last time before we both got into bed and fell asleep in each other's arms. And I knew that this was the start of something special.


"Damn it Bailey, you're retired and now you want to go back?" I said in an annoyed tone.

Bailey sighed, "Look Kelley, it's a one off fight. Vince called me and asked if I wanted to do it. Plus the money he offered is hard to pass up."

"Yeah but-" I let out a loud sigh and rubbed my forehead, "But I don't want you to get hurt. You know you can't fight with your ankle the way it is."

"Look how long I lasted after the accident, Kel. I can handle just one more match."

"How much did he offer you?" I asked bluntly.

"Uh, okay, um....." She trails off and rubs her neck, "Roughly around what I made in a year while I was under contract."

"Which was....."

"Nearly 200k."

I looked down for a moment and shook my head. Is she really wanting to go out of retirement for one night? For 200k? To me, I think it's unnecessary. She saved somewhat of a considerable amount of money, and still earns quite a bit from her gym. Plus you've got my money that's part of my contract with the Spirit, along with the appearances I make with the USWNT and also my endorsement deals and also my earnings from the clothing line that Alex, Allie and I started back 2019. That 200k to me is kind of pointless.

I took a deep breath, and held her hands. "Bailey, you have your own boxing gym now, and I have my earnings from the NWSL and USWNT, as well as my endorsements and income from Beat Everybody. We're financially secure."

Bailey's shoulders slumped, and she nodded slowly. "You're right, Kelley. I guess I just got caught up in the excitement of the offer. Yeah, it'd be fun to see some of my friends again."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, relieved that she had made the right decision. "I'm here for you, no matter what. Let's focus on building our future together, and leave the fighting in the past."



Later that night, Bailey and I cuddled up on the couch, a bowl of popcorn between us as we watched the NHL game. Bailey was cheering for the L.A Kings, and I was rooting for the Washington Capitals.

As the game heated up, I leaned in closer to Bailey, a mischievous glint in my eye. "You know, I have a bet for you," I whispered, my lips brushing into a smile.

Bailey raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"If the Capitals win, you have to agree to no sex for a week," I said, trying to keep a straight face.

Bailey's eyes widened in mock horror. "No sex for a week?! That's a tall order, Kelley. But I'm confident in the Kings. I'll take that bet."

I chuckled and leaned in to kiss her. "We'll see who comes out on top, won't we?"

As the game went on, we continued to flirt and tease each other, our eyes glued to the screen. In the end, the Capitals pulled out a win, and Bailey pouted good-naturedly.

"Well, I guess I'm in for a week of no fun in the bedroom," She said, feigning disappointment.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sure we'll find other ways to keep ourselves entertained," I whispered, nuzzling my nose against hers.

Bailey grinned and kissed me, our passion and love for each other burning bright, no matter who won the game.


But of a short one here, so I hoped you enjoyed it.

Also, Merry Christmas! 

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