"Ew, you smell."

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Heyo! Here's a triple upload.



Bailey's POV

It's been 2 weeks since I retired, Kelley has been away a lot with the Washington Spirit and she's enjoying it. We had a late night talk last night where she told me about all of the bad things that happened in Utah with the Royals. Fans calling players names, making them not want to play. Having a coach who made rude comments and how the Front Office was. No wonder the team has been sold.

Becky was transferred to the Portland Thorns, and I have now clue where Christen went, but she announced she was going to take a massive break away from soccer. So yeah, nice to know what goes on with them.

Also, Kelley found out that Alex was pregnant, and she was super excited about it. Like she was jumping up and down like a child, which was pretty funny if you ask me.

Today was another day of me sitting at home by myself, Kelley was out at training so I took a walk around D.C.

The sun was out, the sky was a clear blue, and I was working up a sweat from the heat. Hopefully I won't be cooked from the sun. I got some extremely good news from Mom and Dad yesterday. Hailey was better than what she was when I last saw her, and once she's out, they're gonna fly over here to visit Kelley and I.

Dan and Karen had made a surprise visit the other day, and they told they were upset over what went down and that was mainly because of how badly Kelley was upset. They've forgiven me, which is good.

By the time I walked home, I saw Kelley pulling into the driveway. She got out as I walked up to her, and pulled her into a deep kiss. She moaned and I pulled away, a big smile on my face. "How was training?" I asked.

"Same as always. Did you go out for a walk?"

I nodded as we walked inside, "Yep. Been thinking about that business idea a lot too."

One night when Kelley and I were laying in bed, I had an idea pop in my head. I thought about how much it'll be cool to open up a little boxing gym, and teach young fighters who are looking to get into the world of professional boxing.

Kelley smiled as she put her gear bag down and stretched, "Oh yeah? What about it?"

"I think it's a good idea. It'll give me something to do, and I'll be able to stay involved in the sport. What do you think?" I asked.

Kelley wrapped her arms around me and nodded, "I think it's a great idea. You should totally do it."

"You don't think it's a bad idea? I mean, it's a lot of work." I said.

"No, I think it's a great idea. You can do it, Bailey. I know you can." Kelley said, and I scrunch my nose up, "Ew, you smell."

Kelley chuckled and smacked me on the arm before she pulled away, and she started walking upstairs to the shower. "Get in the shower with me." She said, and I smiled and followed her.

We got in the shower and started making out, and before long, we were both naked and doing what couples do in the shower. Kelley had one hand on one of my breasts while her other hand was downstairs, and I was moaning in pleasure. Her fingers were rubbing me in just the right way, and I could feel my body tensing up. I was getting so close, and I could feel Kelley speed up, "I got you, baby." She whispered, and I smiled, feeling so loved.

Just then, I exploded in orgasm, and I leaned against the cool tile, trying to catch my breath. Kelley kissed my neck and turned the water off before we got out and got dressed. We then went back downstairs and laid on the couch, the AC blowing cool air into the living room while Kelley ran her fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp.

"Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" She suddenly asked.

"Where to?"

"I don't know, somewhere vegan, you know? I'm not sure. I just thought we could go out for dinner instead of cooking or getting take out."

"Sure, that sounds like a good idea." I said, and Kelley smiled and kissed me on the lips.

We then got up and got ready before heading out to the restaurant. Kelley wore a green sundress while I wore a pair of black shorts and a white tank top. We walked arm in arm as we made our way down the street, and I looked over at Kelley, feeling so content. We got to the restaurant and were seated at a table near the window. We ordered some food and chatted, and I looked at Kelley, feeling so grateful. "What?" She asked, and I smiled and shook my head.

"I was just thinking about how lucky I am." I said, and Kelley blushed and looked down at her hands.

"I'm the lucky one, Bailey. I have you, and that's all that matters." She said, and I smiled and took her hand in mine. "So this IVF stuff, have you given it any more thought?"

I nodded, "I have, and I'm ready if you are. I mean, I'm not getting any younger."

Kelley chuckled, "You're not that old, Bailey."

"I am so. Look at me, retired at 30." I joked, and Kelley laughed.

"That ain't bad. You'll find something to do eventually. Even I'll end up retiring from soccer later on down the line."

"I know. I don't have to worry about training or fighting or anything. I can just focus on being with you, and starting a family."

"I like that." Kelley said, before taking a bite of her food. I looked at her plate and reached out and took a bit of her food, and she blushed and looked down at her plate. "Hey, that's mine."

I chuckled, "I know, but it looks so good."

Kelley shook her head, but I could see the smile on her face, and we continued to eat our food. She then did the same to me, and I started laughing. We both continued eating our meals and once we finished, we paid for them, and went for a long walk.

We ended up walking the path that paralleled the Potomac River. It was peaceful. The birds were chirping, the fresh, cloudless blue sky was still out, the sun shining down. Kelley had her arm linked with mine, her head on my shoulder as we walked along the path.

"Your birthday is coming up soon, right?" I looked down at her and smiled.

"Yeah it is. July 5th."

Kelley smiled and tightened her grip, "I knew that."

I chuckled and shook my head, "You did not."

"I did so," She jokingly said in an offended tone. I started laughing a bit and Kelley joined in too. "Oh hey, get this. Turns out Hailey's nurse has a bit of a crush on her."

"Really? Now how do you know?"

"Oh you know, my gaydar." I said and Kelley snorted. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No. Of course not."

I just shook my head while smiling. I seriously got to marry this woman sometime soon.

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