"Okay, let's have a lookie here."

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I've got the next chapter pretty much written down already, so I'll go over it and then put it up.


December, 2020.

"Hey babe! Are you sure my stomach is meant to be bigger than this? I know I'm starting to show but this is bigger than normal." I tell Kelley and she looks at my belly too. "Hm? Didn't Dr. Richards tell us we're having one baby?"

"Yeah she did." I groan and look down at my stomach. "What if these are twins?"

Kelley gasps, "Twins? Oh wow. That would be amazing!"

We both look at my stomach and Kelley rubs it gently, "Well, do you want me to call Dr. Richards and get her to check? We can always find out if it is twins or not."

I nod, "Sure. Let's do that. I'm excited and scared at the same time."

Kelley smiles, and calls Dr. Richards. While Kelley talks to her over the phone, I can't believe this is truly happening. If you told me a year ago I'd be engaged to Kelley O'Hara, and pregnant with possibly twins, I would've laughed in your face and called you a liar. But here I am, doing just that.

After hanging up the phone, Kelley looks at me and grins, "We have an appointment for an ultrasound tomorrow. We'll get to know for sure then."

I smiled, "Alright. I'm so excited!"

We both hugged and kissed each other, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for this amazing journey. We were finally going to be parents, and I couldn't wait to find out if we were having twins or not. After a while of snuggling on the couch, watching TV. Kelley said she'll cook us dinner and I watched her walk away to the kitchen, my heart filled with love and admiration.

My mom then rings me, "Hi sweetheart. How are you this evening? Are you showing yet? Are you having a boy or a girl?" She asked me all at once.

I started laughing, "Mom, calm down. I'm doing well. Yes I'm starting to show, and no, we haven't found out yet."

She gasped, "Oh my gosh, that's so exciting! I can't wait to be a grandma! Your dad has already built a crib and everything. He's so excited."

I smiled and looked at Kelley, who was stirring a pan of food on the stove. "Yeah, I know. We're both really excited too. We have an appointment tomorrow. Kelley and I noticed my belly is bigger than what it normally is when you have a baby, so we're going in for a check up to see if we're having twins."

Mom gasped again, "Oh wow, that's exciting! Keeping my fingers crossed for you two. Oh, your dad wants to speak with you. Here he is."

Dad got on the phone and said, "Hi, sweetheart. How are you? I've built a nice crib for the baby already. I can't wait to meet him or her. God, I remember it like yesterday when your mom had you and Hailey. It was the most beautiful moment of my life."

I smiled, and tears started forming in my eyes. I remembered the story Mom told us at the hospital, and it filled my heart with warmth. "I know, Dad. I'm so excited, too. You might have to build a second one if it turns out we're having twins."

He laughed, "I'm ready for that. I've got plenty of Mahogany wood in the garage for another one."

I laughed, "Thanks, Dad. How are you doing? Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm doing much better now. Hailey has been coming over a lot lately, and she's been a great help. Oh man, I'm just so excited for the next few months. I can't wait to meet my grandchild. How's the wedding stuff going? Have you and Kelley decided on a date yet?"

I smiled, feeling so happy that Dad was doing good and that Hailey was around to help. "We haven't decided just yet, but we're thinking of having it on New Year's. Screw waiting a full year!"

He laughed, "That's my girl! Go for it. I'll be there to watch you two get married and dance the night away. Just make sure to send me the wedding invites soon, okay?"

I laughed, "Yes, Dad. I will."

We talked for a few more minutes before saying our goodbyes, and I hung up the phone with a big smile on my face. I looked over at Kelley, who was now setting the table for dinner. I walked up to her and hugged her tightly, "I love you, Kelley."

She smiled, and hugged me back, "I love you too, Bailey."

We both kissed, and I couldn't help but feel so grateful for this amazing journey. We were going to be parents, and I couldn't wait to find out if we were having twins or not.

The next day, we go to the ultrasound appointment and to find out if we are having twins or not. We are both so excited and nervous as Dr. Richards applies the gel to my stomach before beginning the scan. As the ultrasound begins, Kelley and I both look at the monitor, "Okay, let's have a lookie here." Dr. Richards says, and I can't help but feel my heart racing.

She continues to move the ultrasound sensor around my stomach, and then stops for a second, "Wait. Hold on. Look here. Do you see that?" She says, and I lean forward, Kelley and I both squinting at the monitor.

"Oh my gosh!" Kelley gasps, and I start crying.

"You're having twins!" Dr. Richards says with a big smile.

Kelley and I both look at each other in shock and amazement, and then hug each other tightly, crying tears of joy. "Do you guys want to know the genders?" Dr. Richards asked, and Kelley and I both nod.

"It looks like you're having a boy and a girl!" She says, and I burst into tears of joy.

Kelley and I look at each other and smile. We were going to be parents of two beautiful babies, a boy and a girl.

We spend the rest of the appointment looking at the babies, and then Dr. Richards wipe my stomach and helps us up, "Congratulations, you two. You're going to be amazing parents." She says as she hands us some photos of the babies.

Kelley and I look at each other, both of us feeling so happy and overwhelmed. We thank Dr. Richards, and then walk out of the office, hand in hand.

We walk out of the office, and out into the sunshine, both of us feeling so blessed and grateful for this amazing journey. We were going to be parents of two beautiful babies, and I couldn't wait to start this journey.

I looked at Kelley and smiled, "Twins. Can you believe it?"

Kelley grinned and kissed my forehead, "I can't believe it. But I'm so excited, Bailey. Can't wait to meet them."

We both hugged each other tightly, and I couldn't wait either. Now, I'll have to get through these next few months, going through pregnancy, preparing for twins. It was going to be a wild ride, but Kelley and I were ready for it.

We were ready to start our family, and create a life filled with love and happiness.

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