"I've got to get away."

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Hey all.

I cooked up this chapter while listening to a song called 'Martyr' and made this chapter based of some of the lyrics.

Happy New Year!


Addison's POV

I sat on my bed, curled up in a ball after running away from my parents. I'm at my Auntie and Uncle's home. I don't know why my parents are like this. 

 A loud commotion was coming from downstairs, and I had a look. My parents were here, and they were angry. I quickly retreated back to my bedroom, not wanting to face their wrath again."Where the fuck is the little bitch! I know she's here somewhere!" my dad yelled. 

I was shaking, and I knew I had to leave, get away from it all. "I've got to get away," I thought to myself. "I can't stay here, I can't live like this anymore."I grabbed my backpack that I had packed before running away to my uncle and aunties and quickly threw on some clothes. 

I grabbed my phone and started texting Bailey. 

"Bailey, I need help. My parents are here and they're looking for me. I've got to get away," I typed frantically. 

She replied after a few minutes, "I'm in San Antonio right now as my dad is in hospital. Call this number, it's my girlfriend Kelley. Tell her what's going on, and meet her at the gym. She'll take care of you."

I quickly dialed the number. 

"Hello?" Kelley answered. 


"Who is this? How'd you get my number?"

"It's Addison, one of Bailey's students. She told me to call you. My parents are here and they're looking for me. I've got to get away."

"Okay, listen to me. I'll meet you at the gym in thirty minutes. Just get there as soon as you can." 

I hung up the phone and grabbed my backpack, sneaking out of the house through the window as quietly as possible. My heart was racing as I made my way to the gym, constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure my parents weren't following me. 

When I finally arrived at the gym, Kelley was waiting outside for me. "Addison, come on," she said, taking my hand and leading me inside. 

We sat down in the boxing ring, and Kelley listened as I told her everything that had happened. She hugged me and told me that I was safe now, and that she would do everything she could to help me.I was so grateful to have someone like Bailey and Kelley in my life, people who cared about me and wanted to help me. "I've got to get away," I repeated to myself, "I've got to get away from this hellhole and start a new life." 

"Hey, hey. We've got a guest room at our house that you can stay in for as long as you need. We'll help you," Kelley reassured me.

"Thank you so much," I said, tears of gratitude welling up in my eyes. "I've just been feeling so helpless and alone, but having people like you and Bailey in my life gives me hope that I can get away from this."

"You deserve to be safe and happy, Addison," Kelley said. "We'll do whatever it takes to make that happen."

As we made a plan and talked through my options, I couldn't help but think of my parents and the abuse they had inflicted on me for so long. "Suffer, bastard," I thought to myself. "I'm done letting you control my life. I'm getting away and starting over, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

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