"That sounds like fun."

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Heyo! Enjoy this chapter!

(smut warning)


Kelley's POV.

The light rain from outside hits the window as I slowly open my eyes. I look over at my alarm clock and then look at the sleeping figure of my girlfriend beside me. She's beautiful. Her hair is spread out around her pillow as she breathes evenly and peacefully. A small smile forms on my face as I gaze upon her beauty. After a few minutes, I decided to get out of bed.

I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower and after that, I start to pull my hair up into a ponytail, using my brush. When I finished I wrapped a large black towel around myself and walked back into the bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed and began to play with Bailey's curls. It's always nice waking up and being cuddled by her. In a way, I feel as if I have found my other half.

I stood up and grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and a T-shirt before heading to the kitchen. I searched for something to eat and grabbed two cereal bars from the cupboard. I've got a game today, hopefully I'll be on the field but Laura might keep me on the bench in the meantime considering I just got back from an injury.

As I ate my food in silence, I heard Bailey let out a loud yawn from the bedroom. As I place my empty bowl in the sink, I see Bailey's sleepy figure standing at the bedroom door. She looks at me tiredly and lets out a quiet yawn.

"Morning sexy," I greet as she walks over to me and gives me a peck on the lips.

I lean in closer and wrap my arms around her, my tongue gliding across her bottom lip. She opens her mouth and allows me entrance, letting me slip my tongue inside. Our bodies pressed against each other and I felt the familiar warmth spreading throughout my body, sending waves of bliss through my body.

Once we pulled apart, I leaned my forehead against hers and smiled softly. "How are you feeling?"

Bailey shrugged, "Leg is a bit sore. I might get some physio done while you're out today."

"That sounds like fun," I joke. "Just a few more weeks, then you should be right."

She nodded and leaned forward to press her lips against mine, wrapping her arms around my torso. A moan escaped from my mouth as she deepened the kiss and soon our tongues were battling for dominance. I cupped her chin as she continued to run her hands down my sides and rest her hands on my hips, bringing me even closer.

I ran my hands into her hair as she tugged on my bottom lip as I pulled away.

"As much as I want to do this, I've gotta be at the stadium soon."

"Please," Bailey whined, "Just for good luck?"

I smiled warmly at her cute pleading expression. "Okay."

She grinned and lifted me onto the counter top, my legs wrapping around her waist. She slid her tongue in my mouth as her hand dipped below the waistband of my sweatpants, straight into my panties. I moaned loudly as she began to massage my clit, her hot fingers rubbing along my core. I let out breathy sighs as her hand brushed against my center, making me rock against her hand. The sensation was driving me insane.

"Fuck," I growled.

"Mmm...baby?" She asked with a grin forming on her lips.

I let out a sharp breath as she slipped her finger inside me, moving her thumb in circular movements, eliciting another soft moan from my lips.

"Bailey," I panted, "Oh yes.........like that.....yes..." I breathed heavily, rocking my hips against her fingers as she worked me slowly, causing me to let out short cries of pleasure.

"Bailey...fuck," I moaned desperately as I started tightening around her fingers and Bailey began working faster.

"Ahhhhhhhh....oh god...Bailey...ahhh, yes..uhhhh...yes....Bailey......Bailey.......Bailey....Bailey...." I gasped as my release hit me hard, filling me with pure ecstasy. Bailey smiled triumphantly and pushed her fingers out of me and stuck her fingers in her mouth, licking them clean of my juices.

I took deep breaths as I got off the counter top, kissing her deeply, enjoying the feel of her lips. After a couple moments, I pulled away from her.

"Good luck with your game today," She says, giving my ass a gentle slap, teasing me.

"Yeah I don't plan on losing," I smirked as she giggled while I walked out the front door of the house.

I arrived at Rio Tinto Stadium and caught up with Christen as she was walking in. "You're glowing, Kel. Did you and Bailey have sex?" She asks in a curious tone.

I blushed and bit my lip, "Yes."

"How is she in bed?"

"Very good actually. Not that I'd tell you about that because I am not going to give you details," I smirked.

Christen rolled her eyes and shoved me playfully. "Whatever. Anyways we better get ready. If you want to score a goal today then we need to practice."

I rolled my eyes playfully at her before grabbing my water bottle and taking a sip as we entered the locker room.

Everyone in the locker room were either chatting, or were doing their pre-match rituals. I walked over to my locker and sat down when Becky sat next to me.

"You and Bailey, how's things going there?"

I gave her a big smile, "Good. Very good. Her leg is healing up really well."

Becky nodded, "That's good. Zach wants her back on TV since her fights are sometimes better than the others."

"Well, it shouldn't be long until she's on the road again sadly."

After a few minutes, everyone is ready and we get told the starters by Laura. To my surprise, I wasn't on the bench. We then went out for a quick warm up and then back to the locker room again to go over our game plan for tonight.

The stadium was packed, I love the fans here in Utah. They're always behind their home team, and very energetic when it comes down to chanting.

The ref blew the whistle and we were under way.


Bailey's POV.

My alarm for my physio appointment went off and I stopped working out before I put on some shoes and a hoodie. I locked up the apartment before deciding to drive to physio instead of walking. One thing I hated the most about driving was driving in cities, coming from a small town originally in Texas I'm used to less traffic.

During the drive there was a car in the other lane swerving back and forth, I slowed down and checked to see where I could go just in case that car headed towards me. Unfortunately the car was about to hit me head on so I swerved off the road and hit something that caused my car to flip. I hit my head on the roof and I was thrown out of the car, launched 50ft away in the air and I closed my eyes as I'm about to hit the pavement face first. All I could think about was my parents, my friends, Hailey and most importantly,



What could happen to Bailey? Will she survive?

Find out in the next chapter, comments are welcome as always.

Also, thank you for the nearly 400 reads and the votes I've gotten so far. Thank you very much :)

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