"That in fact, is true. We'll make it work."

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smut warning btw.


Kelley's POV

A loud crack of thunder wakes me up, and I quickly look around the room. I'm in the bedroom, and Bailey is still asleep snoring away. I look out the window and see that it's raining. I smile and get up, taking a few steps to the window. I watch the rain, and it reminds me of the water fight that Bailey and I had in the backyard.

I turn back to the bed and see Bailey still sleeping, her face peaceful and content. I look at her, and I can feel my heart swell with love. Even though we may have some rough patches here and there, I know that we will always be there for each other.

I walk back to the bed and sit down, carefully running my fingers through her long, blonde hair. It's soft and silky, and I can't help but smile. I lean in and give her a soft kiss on the forehead, and she stirs in her sleep. I pull away and just look at her, my heart full of love.

Bailey's eyes flutter open and she looks up at me with a sleepy smile, "Hey," She says, her voice still a bit groggy.

"Hey," I say, giving her a smile. I lean down and kiss her again, this time on the lips. She pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. I move around a bit so that I'm on top of her, and we just stay there like that, kissing and exploring each other's bodies. My hand brushes against her breasts, and she moans softly. "Want it off?" I say, my voice full of desire.

She nods, and I quickly pull her tank top and sports bra off, exposing her bare chest. I lean down and start to kiss her neck, my tongue tracing circles around her sensitive spots. She moans in pleasure, and I can feel my own desire start to build. I move down and start to kiss her breasts, my hands exploring her curves. My lips wrap around her nipples, and Bailey gasps in pleasure, her hands gripping my hair.

"Aughh, Kelley. I'm gonna cum if you keep.....doing that," She says, her voice full of pleasure.

I smirk, and slip my hand in between her legs. I start to massage her there, and she lets out a loud moan of pleasure. I move my hand faster, and Bailey's moans get louder. I can feel her body start to tremble, and I know she's close. I keep going, my finger dancing around her clit until finally, Bailey lets out a loud cry of pleasure as she cums. I smile and keep going, wanting to make sure she has the best orgasm of her life.

Once she's finished, I pull away and just look at her. She lifts my sports bra off, and gives my breasts the same attention that I gave her. I gasp in pleasure, and I can feel my own desire start to build again. I moan as she moves her fingers around my nipples, and I can feel her smile against my neck.

"Your turn," She whispers, her voice full of desire before moving down, kissing my abs and then tugs at my shorts and panties. I lift my hips up, and she pulls them off. I'm completely naked now, and I can feel the anticipation start to build.

Bailey moves her head between my legs, and I can feel her hot breath on my clit. I moan in pleasure, while another crack of thunder echoes in the night. Ever since this lockdown started, our sex drive has been off the charts.

Bailey licks and sucks my clit, and I can feel my body start to tremble. I moan louder, and Bailey moves her fingers inside of me, pushing them in and out. I can feel my orgasm start to build, and I cry out in pleasure. I can feel the wave of pleasure crashing over me as I cum, and I can feel Bailey smile against my skin.

Once I'm done, Bailey moves up and kisses me, our tongues dancing together. I can taste my own pleasure on her lips, and it sends shivers down my spine. We just lay there, our bodies intertwined, our breathing in sync. "Round 2?" I whisper, my voice full of desire.

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