Epilogue Pt. 1

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2 years later. Bailey's POV.

"Mama! Mama!" Abigail squealed as my dad was playing peek-a-boo with her in the backyard as I watched. I glanced over at Kelley and Owen and smiled. Kelley was watching Owen.

"Owen!" Kelley exclaimed, while laughing. Owen had dropped his cup and was sucking the concrete, trying to get his drink back.

I quickly took a photo and Kelley picked him up, "Let's ask grandma to get you a new cup, okay buddy?"

Hailey came out and smiled at me, "Hey sis, getting big they are."

"Yeah, I can't believe it." I said, still in awe of how fast time was flying.

Kelley put Owen down and he grabbed his cup and started to run around, laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Come on, let's go play." Kelley said and took my hand in hers. We all went outside and played tag with the kids. Abigail and Owen were laughing hysterically as they ran around. My mom sat aside and watched with Hailey, taking photos while me, Kelley and my dad were chasing after them.

Kelley and I had been married for almost two years now and our babies have been the biggest blessing of our lives. They have grown so much since the day they were born and we couldn't be prouder of them.

So much has happened since they were born. First of all, Kelley went back to playing soccer with the Spirit after a month of Owen and Abigail being born and helped lead her team to their first NWSL Championship. I was extremely happy and proud of her.

During last year's NWSL season though, Kelley was mainly injured, but that didn't worry her as she got to spend time with our kids. She went to Mexico for a few weeks with the National Team to qualify for the World Cup this year, and next year's Olympics. One sad thing about that season was that at the end of it, her team didn't make it to the playoffs, and then she was told that they didn't want her anymore despite her wanting to keep playing for the Spirit.

The two of us discussed what she should do, and Kelley ultimately decided to sign a contract with Gotham FC, formerly Sky Blue FC, which was Kelley's first NWSL team. Sadly, she'd have to live in New York.

We're making it work, and Kelley always comes down either when she's injured or has a break in the season. Soon, however, Kelley will most likely be going to NZ for the World Cup since it's approaching, but that's if she's called up.

I've still got the boxing gym, and I'm still teaching young ones on how to box etc. All of the previous teenagers I had have all made it to the independents and I'm proud of them. Addison is one of them too. Around a month after I gave birth, she came over one day and told Kelley and I that she's leaving for L.A. It was a shock, but it's her choice and she kept training while in L.A and it's all starting to pay off.

Vince has been trying and trying again to get me to come back to the WBA in some way shape or form, either as a commentator or a backstage interviewer. But I'm done with that. Boxing is always something that I love but at some point you have to move on.

Hailey hasn't been sick again for quite a while now, which is good. She moved up here to D.C and with Erin's help, she became a nurse. Relationship wise, she's been with a few guys and girls but they didn't last long. I always keep telling her that one day she'll find the right one, and now, it turns out she's got her eyes set on one of her co-workers and I've told her to go for it.

After playing with the kids, we all went back inside and had dinner. Abigail and Owen were babbling away in their own little world, and I couldn't help but smile. Dad was telling us funny stories about his work, and mom was talking about her new hobby of gardening. Kelley was watching the kids eat and I just looked at her, still in awe at how much she loves our kids. Abigail got a bit too excited and knocked her sippy cup over, spilling milk all over the table.

Mom, Hailey and Dad started laughing as I stood up to clean the mess. Kelley quickly stood up and wiped the table down, and put a new cup of milk in front of Abigail.

"It's okay sweetheart, no need to be upset. Here's some more milk for you," she said and Abigail smiled, quickly grabbing the cup and drinking it. After an hour of chatting and eating, Mom and Dad said their goodbyes and went home. Hailey stayed for a bit longer and then said she'd be going too.

"Kel, I'll give them a bath and get them ready for bed," I said and she nodded, "I'll just go outside for a bit and make a few calls, okay?"

"Yeah, that's all good." I said and she gave me a kiss before walking out.

I walked upstairs and put Abigail and Owen in the bathtub, and they both splashed around and giggled. "What have you got there, Owen?" I asked as he was holding a rubber duck.

"Duck! Duck!" He said and I smiled. Abigail splashed him with some water, and he laughed. after the bath, I got them dressed which was always a mission, "Owen, stop it. Stop running away from me," I said, trying to put his shirt on him.

He laughed and kept running away, and I heard a chuckle coming from the hallway. I looked up and saw Kelley leaning against the door frame, "Need some help?"

I sighed, "Yes please."

Kelley walked over and picked up Owen, "Come on buddy, let's get you dressed." Kelley carried him back to me and I finished putting his shirt on. Abigail was already done and she was sitting in her crib, playing with her stuffed bear.

I picked up Owen, and he squealed, "Weeeeeeee!" I laughed, and I placed him in his crib too. He grabbed his bear, and hugged it tightly.

Kelley and I watched them for a few moments, before she kissed me on the cheek. "I don't want to head back to New York tomorrow, I wish I could stay here with you guys."

I reached out and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. "You'll be back before you know it."

"Yeah but I feel as if I'm missing out on so much. I wish I was still with the Spirit. It was so much fun being there, with the girls and the staff. I miss it."

I just looked at her, and I smiled, "You're doing amazing in New York, and you're helping Gotham FC to the playoffs. Remember, you're doing this for all of us."

She just smiled and nodded, "I know."

We said our goodnights to Abigail and Owen, and then we went downstairs. I still watch the WBA and there's a whole new crop of talent who are actually good. Some of the older fighters are still there.

I turned the TV on and it was on. Kelley sat next to me and snuggled against my side. The commentators were discussing which fighters could potentially be going into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

"Bailey Wilson," one of the commentators said. "Despite not winning any titles or being on the top for a short time. She has most definitely made her impact on the world of women's professional boxing."

Kelley turned to me with a proud smile on her face. "That's my girl," she said, giving my hand a squeeze.

The TV then cut to a video montage of my fights, with fellow WBA fighters talking about my skills and determination in the ring. "She was someone who went in the ring with one objective, and that was to take the head off whoever had the misfortune of facing her." Geovana Peres said, and I smiled.

They showed some of my promos from over the years too, "You want mercy? Take your ass to church!"

"There ain't nobody. There ain't NOBODY who can make me quit!"

"I remember the night I watched that." Kelley whispered and I grinned. Seeing all this stuff I did was awesome.

"Bailey Wilson is one of a kind. No one can come close to the intensity she brought with her in-ring work and her mic skills." One of the road agents who I knew from my time there said.

As the video ended, a picture of me appeared on the screen, accompanied by the words "Bailey Wilson, Inductee, International Boxing Hall of Fame."

Kelley squeezed my hand again as I stared at the TV in shock, "Oh my god," I whispered. "I can't believe it. I'm going into the Hall of Fame."

Kelley wrapped her arms around me, kissing the top of my head. "You deserve it, babe," she said.

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