"Holy shit. We're actually doing this."

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2 weeks later.

"Are you ready for this?" Kelley asked me as we waited for the embryologist to come out.

I took a deep breath, "Yeah. I am." She squeezed my hand as I intertwined my fingers with hers.

After coming back to D.C when my Dad was discharged, I told Kelley I wanted to do the IVF process since I want us to have a baby. She was surprised, but agreed since we've been discussing this for months and were planning this for a better time frame. I guess I'm like this now since what happened with my dad, I realized that I don't want our kid to miss out having cool grandparents, and an awesome childhood.

I want them to grow up with cool parents, which they will. I just don't want to wait any longer to be honest, and Kelley can see where I'm coming from.

We've been helping Addison a lot lately too, she's opened more to us and with what she told us, Kelley and I agreed that we should get the police involved now. Addison was a bit hesitant at first, but she came with us to the police station. She went in, told them all about the abuse she's received from her parents, and the cops arrested them later on a day later.

I told Addison she can take some time away from the boxing lessons at the gym, and one day she surprised me and Kelley by telling us she opened up to one of her friends, and was offered to move in with her and her family.

We were happy and excited for her. She moved out and she keeps in contact with us both, constantly thanking us for helping her.

The embryologist came out of her office and walked over to us, "Bailey Wilson and Kelley O'Hara?"

"That's us." I said and she smiled.

"Alright. I'm Dr. Richards, come with me."

We followed Dr. Richards into her office and sat down. She pulled out some papers and started explaining the process to us.

"So, you will be taking some medications to stimulate egg production and then we will retrieve the eggs through a minor surgical procedure. After that, we will fertilize the eggs in the lab and then transfer the embryos back into your uterus. Have you two decided who's carrying?"

"I am." I said and Kelley nodded.

"Okay, great. We'll start the process in a few days and then schedule the retrieval and transfer. Are there any questions?"

I had a million questions running through my head, but the one that stood out the most was, "What are the chances of this working?"

Dr. Richards gave us a reassuring smile, "The success rates for IVF vary, but with healthy individuals like yourselves, we have a good chance of success. Just make sure to follow the medication instructions and take care of yourselves during the process. Now, let's get started on scheduling and filling out these papers."

Kelley and I spent the rest of the afternoon with Dr. Richards, going over the details of the process and filling out paperwork. As we left the office, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. This was a big step for us and I just hoped everything would go smoothly.

As we walked to the car, Kelley wrapped her arm around me and kissed my cheek, "We got this, Bailey. We're going to be amazing parents."

I smiled and kissed her back, feeling grateful for her support and love. I knew this journey wouldn't be easy, but we can handle it. I can just call Alex for help since she gave birth recently to her baby girl.

On the way home while I was driving, I could tell Kelley was deep in thought about something, and I wondered what she was thinking about. "Kel? What are you thinking about?"

She looked at me and smiled, putting her hand on my thigh. "I was thinking about us. We've kept us quiet for how long now? A year?"

I nodded, "Yes. A year now."

"Well, I was thinking since we're engaged and all of that. How about we just put a post up saying we are so we don't have to bother keeping private from the public any longer?"

I thought about it for a moment, feeling the weight of the decision. We've always been private about our personal lives. But now, with us getting married soon and starting a family, I figured we may as well let the cat out of the bag.

"You know what, let's do it. Let's post it on social media and let the world know that we're together and engaged. I'm ready to be open about us and our future family."

Kelley grinned and leaned over to give me a hug, "I love you, Bailey. You won't regret this."

And I knew she was right. Being open and honest about our relationship and future plans felt right, and I was ready to face any challenges that came our way. Together, we were ready to start our family and create a life filled with love and happiness.


A few days pass and we go back to the doctor's office for the retrieval and transfer. The procedure goes smoothly and we are both relieved when it's over.

Now, we just have to wait and see if the embryos will take. It's a nerve-wracking time, but Kelley and I are in it together. We go to all of our appointments and follow the doctor's orders to the letter, hoping for the best outcome.

After a few weeks, we get the news we've been waiting for. The embryos have taken and I am pregnant. Kelley and I are over the moon with excitement, "Holy shit. We're actually doing this. We're going to be parents." Kelley says, tears of joy streaming down her face.

I hug her tightly, feeling so grateful and blessed. We made it through the IVF process and now, we get to experience the joy of pregnancy and parenthood together.

As we walk out of the doctor's office, hand in hand, I can't help but feel grateful for this journey we've been on. It's been filled with ups and downs, but Kelley and I have come out stronger and more in love than ever before.

And now, we get to add another little person to our family. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us as a family.

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