"Why don't you look for it yourself, you lazy bastard."

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Bailey's POV.

January 18th 2020, and I'm already back on the road with the WBA. We were all in New York for a show and I went to check in at the Hyatt Regency in Times Square. Me and Brooke were in the line waiting to check in when the front desk staff got a call. They were speaking until she looked over at us, "Does anyone know where the nearest gym is?" She asked.

Brooke smiled and walked up to the desk, "Give me the phone," She said and the girl at the desk smiled and handed her the phone. Brooke spoke into the phone, "Nearest gym? Why don't you look for it yourself, you lazy bastard."

I watched her listen and she was grinning like a mad man, "If you have a problem with it, come down and do something about it."

Brooke handed the phone back to the girl who was terrified, "Just tell them the truth," she pleaded, "Please."

"Don't worry about it. Just say it was Lucy Thompson." Brooke said and the girl nodded.

The elevator dinged and Geovana Peres came out in a t-shirt and shorts looking pissed off and walked up to the desk, "It was Lucy Thompson, not me," The girl at the desk said. Geovana walked off and went back in the elevator and I was trying not to laugh as I realized what Brooke did, "Did you rile her up and blame it on Lucy? That's fucking hilarious."

Brooke grinned, "Yeah."

We got room keys and it turns out we were rooming together. We went upstairs and dumped our stuff in the room. It was late at night when we flew in earlier and we're tired, so we just decided to go to bed. I changed into my pajamas, which were just a pair of shorts and a tank top. I noticed Brooke taping the curtains and putting aluminium foil on the edges, "What're you doing?" I asked.

"I'm blocking out the light. I have trouble sleeping when on the road. So, I do this at every hotel I stay at."

"Huh, I've never had that problem. I can sleep anywhere."

"Well, good for you. Some of us don't have that luxury." She said and she finished taping the curtains and then she got into bed.

I turned off the lights and got into bed, "Goodnight, Brooke,"

"Goodnight, Bailey."

I turned over and tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I was thinking about Kelley and I missed her so much. But that's the price you pay I guess.


The next morning when we went out to get some breakfast, there was a big rumor going around that Joe resigned this morning and that Vince Jones, one of the commentators, would be taking his position as the promoter. I didn't really believe it to be honest.

Half of us all went to the gym to get our daily workouts in and during my workout, Kelley suddenly called me.

"Heyo! How's New York treating you, babe?" She asked me.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and took a deep breath, "Good so far. You're flying back to Utah soon ain't ya?"

Kelley sighed, "Unfortunately, yes. I love it here in D.C to be honest with you."

"Yeah, it is a neat city. I thought I'd hate it, but I love it. I love it more than L.A"

"Well, I might talk to my agent and see if I could get a trade to the Washington Spirit." She tells me and I'm surprised.


"Yep." She then sighed, "Lots of issues with the FO are becoming apparent with the Royals, and apparently they might be selling the team."

We both continued chatting for a bit, before saying our goodbyes so I could get back to my workout session. After a few hours, Brooke, Taylor and I left the gym together and went back to the hotel where we found out that the news about Joe from earlier was true.

"He's finally out. About damn time," Taylor said.

"Yep. At least Vince is likable and treats everyone with respect," Brooke replied.

Soon after, we all went to Madison Square Garden for tonight's show. I was in the locker room talking with Lucy when suddenly we were all shushed by Lauren Richards. We watched the small monitor and saw Vince come up on there.

"It has been said that anything can happen here in the Women's Boxing Association, but now more than ever, truer words have never been spoken. This is a conscious effort on our part to make sure that the WBA is a safe place for all athletes, and it starts with the leadership. As such, Joe Tizarro is no longer with the WBA, and I, Vince Jones, will be taking his place. We will be making some major changes in the coming weeks, and I'm confident that the WBA will be better than ever. Through some 50 years, the Women's Boxing Association has been a boxing mainstay for women here in North America and all over the world. One of the reasons for that longevity is as the times have changed, so have we. I'm happy to announce that we are embarking on a new era in the WBA, and I'm confident that with my leadership and the dedication of our athletes, commissioners, referees, and staff, we can make the WBA the best it can possibly be. We thank USA Network and TSN for allowing us to continue to bring you the best boxing action in women's sports, and we look forward to many more years of great fights and memories. But most especially we would like to thank you, the fans, for your unwavering support. Without you, none of this would be possible."

We all erupted into cheers, knowing this was the beginning of something great. We were all so excited and happy, "I have high hopes now," Lucy said, "Maybe this new era of the WBA will be the one where I can make a name for myself."

I smiled and hugged her. "You already made a name for yourself, kid. You just need to keep believing in yourself."

She smiled and hugged me back. "Thanks, Bailey."

We all finished getting ready for the show, and then I found out I'd be thrown into a big rivalry with a new female fighter named Savannah. We were both undefeated and had a lot of hype behind us, so they're gonna build it up as a big showdown over the next few weeks, possibly months, and make the big pay off at a future pay-per-view.

I was so excited for this, and when my music hit, I stretched and walked out with a huge smile on my face. I was ready to take on this new challenge and make a name for myself.

Savannah threw multiple combos at me, but I was able to dodge and counter her every move. I could feel the power behind my punches and I knew I had her beat. I threw a huge right hook that connected with her jaw and she stumbled. I followed it up with a straight to the body and she went down. As she was getting up, the referee counted to 10 and I was declared the winner.

The crowd erupted into cheers and I was so happy. I was finally getting the big push I wanted, and I couldn't wait to see what was next in store for me in this new era of the WBA.

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