"What're you doing here?"

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Again, Thank you all for the reads so far. I appreciate it.

Anyways, here's a new chapter. (light smut btw)


Bailey's POV

Somehow, I managed to get back to fighting despite not taking a long time off. Doctors said to have around 2 weeks off, but a week after my concussion, I went and told Pete I was cleared to fight, and he believed me.

Kelley has recently gone back home to Salt Lake City, the reason being was that she suffered an ankle injury during one of her games. I felt really bad for her, since I know what it's like being stuck at home, unable to play the sport you love.

So, I made up a plan in my head. Since I've booked a fight with a new fighter who recently signed with the WBF, and the fight was to be set in Salt Lake City, I managed to message one of Kelley's teammates, Becky Sauerbrunn, and ask if I could have Kelley's address. Becky happily obliged and sent me Kel's address.

Right now I was sitting on the flight that's taking me to SLC, and Hailey has been texting me a lot about how she's met a guy she likes. I told her to take it slow and to be careful, since I'm really protective over her.

A text from Kelley came through and I smiled at what she sent.

Hey, I've been missing you quite a lot lately. When's your fight in SLC taking place? I want to hold you again....

Kelley doesn't know that it's going down at the end of this week, I've been telling her that it's on next month so it doesn't ruin my surprise I've got planned out.

Still on for next month. How's your ankle? Loving the boot so far?

I hit send and just a minute later, I got a response.

I hate it, but I'm used to it. Just wish you were here though.

I read what she sent and responded back instantly.

I wish you were here with me too. But hey, we'll see each other soon.

I put my phone away and relax in my seat as the plane prepares to take off. A few minutes later, I hear the announcement that the plane is preparing for takeoff and I'm ready for a little rest. About three to four hours later the pilot's voice comes over the intercom, saying that we are beginning to land.

After landing in Salt Lake City, I got off the plane after being stuck in this line of people for nearly 3 minutes, and went to the baggage claim area. I grabbed my duffel bag, which only consists of clothes, my wallet, and my boxing gear.

Luckily enough, it wasn't as difficult getting my stuff out and onto a wheelchair like I did after one flight a few years back, so I didn't bother waiting for a cart to help me. By the time I left baggage claim, it was already 3:30pm, and the heat was scoring hot. Not that I minded, LA can be way hotter than what it is sometimes.

I walked out of the airport and stood outside for a bit and eventually called a taxi. They pulled up and I jumped in the back along with my bag.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"This address please." I showed him the address Becky had sent me and he nodded.

The traffic here in Salt Lake City isn't bad, or at least it doesn't seem like it. During the ride, the driver looked at me through the rear vision mirror and when I caught him, his eyes quickly went wide.

"Holy shit, you're Bailey "The Crippler" Wilson!" He exclaimed and I tried not to laugh.

"In the living flesh," I responded, "You a fan?"

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