"I can tell who's into who and trust me, she is into you."

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Bailey's POV

A month later, I'm ready to leave rehab. I'm nervous and scared as I sign the paperwork, but I'm also excited for the next chapter of my life. I'm determined to make the most of it and to stay on the right path. I see my Mom and Dad, along with Kelley waiting outside. As soon as I see them, Kelley is wearing my leather jacket, I feel my heart swell with love and happiness.

"Hey kid," My dad says, pulling me into a hug.

"Hi Dad," I say, hugging him back.

My mom hugs me next, "We're so proud of you, Bailey. You did it!"

I smile and nod, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over me. I look over at Kelley and she smiles, taking my hand in hers. "Welcome back." She says, and I nod, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. We then get in the car and during the ride, I get a sudden urge to visit Hailey at the hospice. She's still recovering, but I just feel like I need to see her.

"Hey, could you drop me off at the hospice? I want to visit Hailey before I go back home." I say, and my parents exchange a look before nodding.

We arrive at the hospice a few minutes later and I rush in, eager to see my sister. I find her in her room, lying in her bed. She looks up when she sees me, and I can see the surprise and happiness in her eyes. I rush over and give her a big hug, feeling so relieved to see her.

"Bailey! I'm so glad you're here!" She says, hugging me back.

I smile, "Me too. I'm so glad you're getting better."

"I'm glad you're out. I missed you so much." She says, her eyes filling with tears.

I smile and wipe away her tears, "I missed you too. But I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere."

Hailey smiles and nods, and I know that everything is going to be okay. I let go of her and sit in the seat next to her bed, "So how's Kyle doing?"

"Um, well, he's been really busy with work, and he hasn't been able to visit me as much as he'd like. Sometimes I'd call him and he'd be out partying. Now I'm kind of scared that things won't work out between us." She says, her voice full of worry. "He always says he'll visit, but he never does. I'm starting to think that he's just not that into me."

"Give him an ultimatum, Hailey."

"What do you mean?"

"Tell him that if he really wants to make it work, he needs to visit you more often. If he can't do that, then you need to move on. It's hard, but sometimes it's the only way to make things better. You deserve someone who will make time for you, and who values your relationship as much as you do." I say, feeling a bit sad for her.

Hailey nods and smiles, "Thanks. I'll do that."

I smile and nod, and then the door opens as a young looking nurse walks in. She looked around the same age as Hailey, and she was wearing pink scrubs. She smiled at us, "Marissa!" Hailey said, surprised.

The nurse smiled, "Hey, Hailey. Just checking in on you. How are you feeling?"

Hailey smiled, and the two started talking about her progress. I smiled and sat back, letting them catch up and just enjoying the moment. "So this treatment plan is actually working for me?" Hailey asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

Marissa nodded and smiled, "Yes! You've been doing so well, and you're almost ready to go home. We're all really proud of you."

Hailey smiled, and I noticed Marissa blush slightly. To me, it seems like these two have a connection, and I can't help but smile.

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