"Your dork."

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Hey all! Here's the new chapter along with some steamy content.


(smut btw)


Time Skip

Bailey's POV.

"Fuckin' hell, Kel. I'm still not 100% yet." I muttered as I put on my sparring pads.

"Sorry. I'm just excited that you're going to teach me some things and let me spar."

It's only been a month since I tore my hamstring. My rehab has been going very well and I should be back to fighting soon, I hope I am. Kelley has been practising with her team a lot lately and her ankle is pretty much nearly 100%.

My parents have been wanting to meet Kelley for a few weeks now since, well, Hailey let it slip to them. Kelley and I have discussed this sort of thing happening, and she's going to introduce me to her family soon, so that's gonna be interesting.

"I'm getting old," I jokingly say as I lift my injured leg through the ropes first, before lifting my good leg through.

Kelley chuckled and was patiently waiting, my gloves already on her. She was also wearing one of my shirts too, which I don't really mind that much.

"Right. Spar or some quick, easy techniques?" I asked as we both took our positions and we were ready to start.

"Spar." She replied with a smile.

"Okay. Just go easy on me. My hamstring hasn't healed up, so no kicking." I say as I hold up my sparring pads.

Kelley nodded and she threw a quick jab, hitting the sparring pads. She kept throwing left and rights at me for nearly a good 2 minutes before I noticed her positioning wasn't quite correct. She does pack quite a good punch though.

"Okay, first off." I take the pads of my hands, and drop them on the mat, "I noticed your positioning was a bit off. Here let me show you.

I got behind her, "See, your foot isn't placed properly, when your body gets into position, it needs to align perfectly with your hip."

She nods and I place my hands on her hips. "Now when you throw that jab, you need to shift the weight between your hip and shoulder. When you swing that jab, you need to use the balance in your shoulders to counterbalance it."

"Alright." She nodded her head.

I removed my hands from her hips after positioning her and then she suddenly backed her ass into my crotch, the sudden friction making my pussy tingle a bit. She looks at me smirking, and then she turns around and kisses me softly on the lips.

"That was awesome. Thanks, baby." She whispered against my lips as she took the gloves off her hands and dropped them on the mat. I grabbed her face, and pulled her closer to me. Our lips met again in a deep kiss that made me feel like I could kiss her forever, or like she was my oxygen. And it felt right.

"How about we go back home and you know, have some 'Fun?'" I suggested seductively.

I saw the desire in her eyes and she smiled, "Hell yeah."

We both quickly packed our stuff and went straight back to Kelley's apartment, the car ride was silent but the sexual tension was thick. Once we got inside her apartment, we immediately started kissing again as we slowly progressed to the bedroom.

"Fuck...." I breathed out as Kelley squeezed one of my breasts through my shirt. I lifted my top slightly, exposing more of my skin and we continued to make out passionately. I pulled away, breathing heavy, and I grabbed her shirt and ripped it off of her body.

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