"Hey, get a room, you two!"

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Bailey's POV

The next few days flew by and before I knew it, it was New Year's Eve. Kelley and I were at my parents' house in San Antonio, drinking and chatting with my mom and dad, and Hailey and her boyfriend, Kyle. "Long time no see, sis" I say as I pull Hailey into the biggest hug ever, "How you've been? Staying away from the hospital I hope?"

"Oh yeah, no trips so far," She said.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that." I say.

Mom came up to me and Hailey, "So, when are you and Kelley going to start a family? Or get married?" My mom asked and I nearly spat my beer out.

I started coughing and Kelley started laughing, "Oh, we're not, um, we're not ready for that yet. Besides, with us being women, the only way we can have kids is either adoption or going through that IVF or whatever it's called."

Mom sighed, "Well, I guess that's true. I just want grand kids soon."

"Don't worry, Mom, you'll have them soon enough." I said.

Kelley was chatting and having a laugh with my dad as Kyle came over and wrapped his arm around Hailey's shoulder. I don't know why, but I get this weird vibe from him, something just doesn't seem right. I can't put my finger on it, but I just don't like him.

We all sat around and talked and drank for a while longer, then we all went outside to watch the fireworks. "Hot damn! Careful Bailey!" Dad said while laughing, as the firework we had going off had fallen over and I went to put it up right. "No worries, Dad, I got it. Least it ain't shooting towards the neighbors house like the other year it happened."

"Yeah, good thing too, they were not happy." Mom said.

After the fireworks were over, Dad and I went and got some loose branches and sticks, and made a quick bonfire as Hailey broke out the Jack Daniels and Jagermeister for everyone to enjoy. I lit the bonfire and Mom got some music going as we took our shots, "Yeah, I love this song," Dad says as 'Hey Man, Nice Shot' by Filter comes on, "This takes me back. Remember when you used to blast this song in your room all the time?"

"Yeah, I remember. Your CD wasn't it?" I say and Dad nods, "Yeah, I still got that CD."

We continued drinking till the bonfire went out, then we retreated inside to drink even more. "Bailey! Bailey! Bailey!" Everyone chanted as I chugged my beer.

I slammed the empty bottle on the table and belched loudly, "WOOOOOO!!!!!!" I yelled as everyone cheered. I got up from my seat and did a little dance as everyone continued cheering.

"Fuck yeah, Bailey!" Kyle yelled and I looked over at him. He was wasted, and so was Hailey. I don't know how they were still standing.

Kelley was equally drunk too, well, we all were. I stumbled over to her and gave her a shot of Jager. "Fuck yeah, New Years!" I said and we took our shot.

I put my arm around her waist and we swayed back and forth to the music, then we started making out. "Hey, get a room, you two!" Dad yelled and I gave him the finger, and he started cackling. There was a sudden knocking at the front door and dad went to answer it, "Mike! Holy shit come on in man!"

One of my dad's best friends, Mike and his wife, Isabelle, came in. Mike was carrying 2 cases of beer and Isabelle was holding 2 buckets of shots, "Can't miss the biggest party of the year!" Mike said.

"Hey Bailey!" Isabelle said as she came over and gave me a huge hug, "Who's this?" she asked, looking at Kelley.

"My girlfriend, Kelley O'Hara."

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