"I'm surprised you two haven't got hitched yet."

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Bailey's POV.

"That should be the last of it," I say as my dad puts down the last box full of my things, "Well, you don't mind if I crash here since I hauled my ass up here from San Antonio?" He asked and I grinned.

"Of course, no way I'd let you drive back home," I said, "Besides, I could use the extra company."

Kelley walked through the front door with one of my bags, "Hey, is this all of it?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yep, just finished up," I said, "Now, I just need to go through everything and make sure I didn't forget anything."

Kelley nodded and she and my dad both started helping me to unpack. "You know, I'm surprised you two haven't got hitched yet," Dad said with a smirk and I blushed.

"Dad!" I said and he just laughed.

"What? I'm just saying, you two seem to be getting along pretty well," He said and I couldn't help but smile.

"We are," I said, "But, it's still kind of early to be thinking about marriage."

Kelley nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we just want to enjoy the time we have together right now," She said, "We'll worry about marriage and kids in the future. There's plenty of time for that."

My dad just smiled and nodded in agreement, "Well, when Marie and I got together we got married within a year, then we had Bailey a few months after, then Hailey came along 3 years after." He said to Kelley and I couldn't help but smile.

"Well, that's nice," I said and Kelley nodded in agreement.

"It really is," She said, "But, like I said, we'll worry about that stuff in the future. Right now, we just want to focus on our careers."

My dad nodded in agreement, "Well, that's understandable," He said, "You two have a lot to accomplish in the next few years and I'm sure you'll both do great."

Kelley and I both smiled and thanked my dad. We then got back to unpacking and before long the entire apartment was unpacked. We then all just sat down and talked for a while, catching up on all the latest from our lives.

"How's Mom and Hailey? Is she still dating that guy?" I asked and Dad nodded.

"Yeah, they're still together," He said, "She's very happy and I think it's going to last."

I smiled, "That's good," I said, "I'm glad Hailey is happy. You take mom's advice from when I last visited? You know, about wearing sunscreen when you're out building houses?"

Dad smiled and nodded, "Yes, I do. Feels good not coming home looking like a tomato," He said and we all laughed. "How's the ankle? Are you sure you are ready to fight again?"

I nodded, "It's feeling good and I'm ready," I said, "I'm just excited to get back in the ring. At least I didn't hammer a nail in my finger on accident one time." I joked.

Dad laughed and Kelley looked at me with a confused expression, "What happened?" She asked and I smiled.

"When I was helping Dad build a house when I was younger, I think it was around after Hailey was born. He was teaching me how to use a nail gun and I accidentally shot a nail into my finger," I said and Dad laughed.

"It was really funny," He said, "But, you were really brave and didn't cry."

"Well, I was more embarrassed than anything," I said and Kelley smiled.

"It's okay, I'm sure it hurts. Any more stories from when you were a kid?" She asked and I smiled.

"Oh, I've got plenty," I said, "Just don't know which ones to tell first."

"I got one. What about the time your mom was out and I went outside and found you covering yourself in peanut butter?" Dad said and I started laughing, remembering the incident.

"You covered yourself in peanut butter?" Kelley asked, laughing.

"She did, I even took a photo of it too. I'll have to show you it along with many other photos of Bailey when she was a baby," Dad said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, great, now Kelley's going to have evidence of my embarrassing childhood," I said and Kelley just laughed.

"It's okay, it's just something to look back on and laugh," She said and I smiled.

We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. I was so glad that Kelley and my dad got along so well. It was nice to just sit and talk and reminisce about the past. I was really happy that I had both of them in my life.

Dad took the couch for the night and Kelley and I went to bed. We cuddled up together and I couldn't help but feel really content. I was really happy that we both made it here and I was so excited for what the future held for us. "Long distance is gonna be hard," she whispered and I nodded.

"It will, but we'll make it work. We just won't have nights like this as often," I said and she smiled.

"Well, we can still talk and text and call. That'll help," She said and I nodded.

"It will." I said, "And when you come down when it's the off-season for you, we can make up for lost time. When is it off-season for you?"

"It's in November, which is only what? A week away?" She said and I smiled.

"Yeah, I can't wait," I responded and she smiled.

"Me neither," She said, "But, for now let's just enjoy this moment."

I smiled and snuggled up closer to her, nestling my head into her chest. We stayed like that for a while, just holding each other and enjoying the moment. She gently stroked my hair and I closed my eyes, "Can I tell you something?" She whispered and I nodded.

"Of course," I said and she took a deep breath.

"When you had your accident, and when I saw you in the hospital afterwards...........it was like my heart shattered," She said, her voice trembling ever so slightly, "I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you. You mean the world to me, Bailey, and seeing you in that state, you know, unable to speak, your face swollen, your foot dangling off the bed.......I just.........I don't know, I just love you so much. You're my everything and I don't know what I'd do without you."

I turned around and saw her watery eyes and I sat up and cupped her face in my hands. "Kelley, I love you too," I said, my voice breaking ever so slightly, "You're my world, my anchor, my everything. I don't know what I'd do without you either. I'm glad you actually did stalk me on Instagram 'cause if you didn't, we wouldn't be here right now. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have you in my life and I'm so happy that you're here with me now."

She smiled and wiped her eyes, "Me too," She said, "Me too."

We stayed like that for a while, just holding each other and enjoying the moment. I was so thankful to have her in my life and I didn't know what I'd do without her. We eventually fell asleep, cuddled up in each other's arms and I couldn't help but smile.

No matter what happened, I knew that Kelley would always be there for me and I would always be there for her. She supports me with my boxing career, and I support her with her soccer career. We both have each other's backs and I wouldn't want it any other way. I love her more than anything and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

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