"I don't want to sleep on no cot."

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Bailey's POV

We were all at the airport in Vancouver, waiting for our flight to our next destination to Ft. Lauderdale. We were all pretty tired from the long week and the long flight, but we were still excited for the next show.

As we were all standing in line, my phone started to buzz. I looked down and saw it was a text from Kelley.

Hey babe. I miss you so much.

I smiled and texted her back.

I miss you too. We'll be together soon.

She replied back.

I can't wait. You're my rock and I need you.

I'm always here for you. No matter what.

We talked for a few more minutes, before saying our goodbyes. I tucked my phone away and sighed. I was so lucky to have Kelley in my life. Even though we were apart, she was still here with me in spirit, and I knew that no matter what, we would make it work.

We finally boarded the plane and it was a long flight, but eventually we landed in Florida and checked into the hotel. I was so tired, but I was still excited for the show tomorrow night as I instantly crashed on the bed.

The next morning we all had our breakfast, and I went to the nearest gym for my daily workout. Few hours passed after doing multiple reps and I walked back to the hotel for a little nap before the show tonight.

When I woke up, I quickly had a wash and sat around for a bit. As I was getting ready to leave for the arena, a knock at my hotel door came. I opened it and it was Kelley.

I gasped in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

She smiled, "Surprise! The entire national team is here for the SheBelieves Cup. I wanted to surprise you and show you how much I miss you."

I smiled and hugged her, "I missed you too," Our lips connected and I felt like I was in heaven. She then tugged at my hand, "Come. I want to introduce you to the team."

We went to the lobby and I was introduced to her team. Everyone was so nice and welcoming, and I could already tell we were going to get along just fine. "About time we met you, Kelley keeps talking about you all the time, " Lindsey said.

I smiled, "It's nice to meet all of you." I found myself chatting away with Emily, Lindsey, Megan, Mal, Rose and a few others. "It's nice to finally put a face to the names," I told them.

"It's nice to finally meet you too. You must be a special girl for Kelley to be talking about you all the time," Mal said.

I blushed, "Aww, thanks. I guess."

"Where's Allie?' I asked while looking around, "She didn't get called up this time round." Alex said and I nodded.

We all talked for a bit, before I had to leave for the arena. Kelley hugged me and kissed me goodbye, "Good luck tonight. Don't get too hurt out there, okay?"

I smiled and hugged her again, "Don't worry. I won't."

We said our goodbyes and I left for the arena. I was so excited to see Kelley again, but I was also excited for the show. Brooke tagged along with me and we got to the arena. The locker room was buzzing with excitement, everyone was so pumped for the show tonight. As I was taking off my shoes, I heard a kid yell, "Mommy!" I looked up and saw it was James, Brooke's 6 year old son. He ran up and hugged Brooke and I couldn't help but smile. Her husband followed while holding their 3 year old, Jenna. "Hey Bailey. This is my husband Jeff. Kids, this is Bailey, she's a friend of mommy's."

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