"Now if my eyes don't deceive me."

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Bailey's POV

"I'm gonna head out and pick up your parents from the airport while you cook," Kelley tells me and I give her a kiss before she's out the door.

My parents and Hailey have flown up here to visit and what's even more funny is that Kelley's parents along with her siblings are coming over here too since they flew up here as well just a few days ago, and they're in a hotel. So tonight has officially become the 'Meeting of the parents'.

Kelley and I have been discussing this business idea of mine along with us making a doctor's appointment to see what our options are for having kids. To be honest, everytime we talk about it, I keep imagining having a little mini me of us two running around.

"Ah you son of a bitch." I mumbled after accidentally burning my finger.

Tonight, I'm cooking up a big salad for the whole group of us along with some mashed potato, and some other vegetables. It's all coming along nicely and I'm thankful that my mom taught me many things about cooking when I was a kid. Just thinking about those times was fun.

Kelley knew how much my dad loved beers, so she had stocked up some. I, however, can't touch them, considering my time in rehab. But she also stocked up on the non-alcoholic ones, so I can still enjoy a nice cold beverage without me possibly relapsing at any time.

I quickly opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle, making sure it was the right ones for me before I opened it and took a swig. I went back to cooking one handed and before I knew it, Kelley was back with my family.

"Hey!" My Dad called out and I grinned and turned around. "Glad to see you're holding up well," He says as he gives me a big hug.

"Hey, sweetie." Mom says and she looks over at my cooking, "Wow. This smells really good."

"Thank you. Keep your hands off it, no eating until Kelley's family comes over."

She chuckled and went back into the living room while my dad raided the fridge for a beer. I pointed out his ones and he quickly tore the box open and grabbed one before going back into the living room.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and knew it was Kelley. She rested her head on my shoulder and whispered, "Let me take over, someone wants to see you."

"You sure? Don't mess anything up."

Kelley smiled, "I won't."

I left the kitchen and went into the living room and saw Hailey, a huge smile on her face as she instantly got up from the chair she was on and pulled me into a big hug, "I'm so happy to see you," I whispered and she tightened her grip even more.

"Me too, Bailey. I'm all better now, the doctors said so."

"That's great news!" I said and Hailey nodded, a big smile on her face.

A knock at the door made us all turn around, and I opened the door to see Kelley's family. Karen, Dan and Jerry and Erin. "Hey, come on in." I said and gestured inside, and they all came in and I gave them a hug, introducing them to my family. "Now if my eyes don't deceive me, John Wilson." Dan said with a smile and my dad's eyes widened before he instantly broke out a smile.

"Dan O'Hara." Dad says as he steps forward and shakes Dan's hand before the two of them embrace in a hug. I was confused and when Kelley came out, she was too. Basically everyone was confused. "Wait, you two know each other?" Kelley asked and the two of them looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"We used to face each other a lot in college. UT Austin vs. UGA. Always a rivalry." Dad said and everyone laughed. "Yeah, you were always an asshole on the field." Dan said and Dad chuckled.

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