"Hey, some of my pranks are pretty good."

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Kelley's POV

"Yo, Kel! Check this shit out!" Bailey yelled out from the backyard. I stopped what I was doing and walked out into the hot, sunny afternoon to where Bailey was washing the house with the hose. She had a big smile on her face and an even bigger one when she saw me.

"What is it?" I asked.

Bailey pointed the hose up in the air and water came raining down from the sky like a tiny waterfall. "It's raining!" She exclaimed with a huge grin on her face and I shook my head and laughed.

"It's not actually raining," I say in between laughs, "God you're like a kid."

Bailey beamed, "Pfft, you can't talk. You're just as bad when you come up with crappy pranks," She said, her voice full of amusement.

I laughed, "Hey, some of my pranks are pretty good," I say while sounding offended.

Bailey rolled her eyes and laughed, "Yeah, okay. Anyway, the water is so nice and cool, we should go for a swim."

I smiled, "Sounds like a plan." I responded

We both went inside and changed into our bikinis, and then went back outside and jumped into the pool. We splashed around and laughed, and I felt like I was in a dream. The sun was shining, the water was cool, and I was with the woman I loved.

We swam for a while, and then we lay on the edge of the pool and just talked. We talked about our past, our dreams, and our future. "Remember New Years with my parents, when my mom came up to us and asked us about when we were going to start a family?" She said with a smirk.

I laughed, "Yeah, that was pretty awkward," I said, "Poor you nearly choked on your beer when she asked."

Bailey laughed, "Yeah, I know. I just wasn't expecting it, but it's got me thinking. When I become Champion in the WBA and have a reign of at least one year or just a few months, I'm thinking of retiring from boxing." She said, and I looked at her.

"You sure?"

She nodded, "I am. My ankle is really sore and you know the doctors told me I wouldn't be able to do it since my ankle is fused in a walking position. Plus, I want to start a family with you. I want to settle down, and have a stable home to come back to. I want to have at least one kid, maybe two. What do you think?"

I smiled, "I think that sounds wonderful. Adoption or IVF? We can talk to the doctors and see what they suggest,"

"I'm open to whatever. I just want to make sure that we are both happy with whatever option we choose," She says.

I nodded, "Me too. Let's talk to the doctors when things die down and we're out of this lockdown. Also, I've been talking to my agent and I've told him I'm thinking of transferring teams."

"Where to?"

"Here. Washington Spirit."

She smiled, "That's great, Kelley. You know I'm all for it. I'll be able to see you play in person."

I smiled, "I know you will. I'm really excited. With both of us in the same city, and under the same roof, it's gonna be awesome."

Bailey smiled and leaned in to kiss me, "It sure is," she ran her hands down to my hips and pulled me closer, our breasts pressing against each other. "Hm, eager. Aren't you?" I said, my voice full of amusement.

Bailey laughed, "Maybe," She said, "Maybe I just want to kiss you,"

"Shall we go to the bedroom and make up for some lost time?"

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