Chapter 7: Just A Little Fun

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With all that had happened yesterday, my mind can't stop racing Ava thought to herself. Ava wakes up to the sound of pot covers bashing together. “Hey, what the fuck is your problem!?”, “Wake up sunshine, we have a long ride ahead of us” Kai vocalized.

“No, 5 more minutes” Ava groaned, Kai opened the blinds and a piercing light glazed over Ava's eyes. She covers her face with the blanket. “Come on Ava, we have to get ready to leave” Kai then rips the blanket off Ava's body. “Fine! Why do we have to get up so early?” Ava questioned, “Where we're going, it's gonna be a long ride, plus we don't want to be attacked by Ludriel's men don't we”, “Fine, just give me a couple of minutes”. “Ok, I'll go load our stuff in the car” Kai said, Ava took a couple of minutes to get ready and she chose this outfit.

Ava grabbed the rest of her stuff and headed downstairs. Leslie runs over to Ava and gives her a huge bear hug.

“I’m gonna miss you!” Leslie expressed, “I'll miss you too, don't destroy the house while I'm gone”. “Don't worry I won't” Kai comes back into the house. “Ok my friend should be here any minute now” he announces, “He better be hot” Leslie uttered. “Shut up, I doubt he'll wanna lay a hand on you”, “Here we go again” Ava mutters.

After a couple of seconds of arguing, everyone shuts up at the knock on the door. Kai goes to open the door and gives a bro hug to the person at the door. “Hey guys this is Luke, he'll be here keeping our house sane and be keeping you company”, “Hi, my name is Leslie, nice to meet you” Leslie shakes his hand while wrapping her hair around her finger. “Hi” Luke said, “Ok enough of that, we'll be on our way. Oh, and Luke, please protect my couch” Kai said asserting, “Will do” Luke replies. 

Ava and Kai get into the car and wave goodbye to Leslie and Luke, “Don't you think Ludriel's men will come after Leslie?” Ava asked, “Don't worry about that I already have that taken care of, Luke is not just my friend, he is also a part of our league, he'll be there to protect Leslie '' Kai revealed, “Okay”. A couple of hours went by and they began to enter a huge city, “Where are we?” Ava question. “Welcome to Atlanta City '' Kai vocalized, ''Cool ''. After what seemed to be decades of driving all the huge buildings and light began to disappear and they pull up to a huge house in a medium sized field, “This house is huge'', “Yeah, it's an operating base in the middle of nowhere and it's where we're gonna be staying and training you until you're ready to meet the big boss” Kai articulated.

“I thought we were gonna meet him now”, “Nope you're not ready for that yet” Kai replied. Ava and Kai pulled up to the front door and a group of men came out and helped them bring their luggage inside. They entered the house and the inside was so huge and beautiful, “Oh shit, I think I might like it here” Ava utters. “Yeah, let's head to our room” Kai said, Ava and Kai ran up the stairs and into a huge hallway and stopped at a huge door. Kai opens the door “And here is our room” Kai says, “Babe, this is so awesome! And yet you don’t seem so amazed” Ava says.

“It could’ve been better” Kai responds, “Well this is perfect''. “I’m glad you like it,” Kai said, ''A small knock comes from the door. “Come in”, A tall man enters their room, Kai gives him a huge bro hug. “Ava, this is my best friend, Ermani. Ermani, this is my beautiful girl, Ava”, “Hi, pleasure to meet you, Ermani '' Ava said. “Please, the pleasure is all mine”. “Ermani and I have known each other for ages, he'll be your bodyguard some of the time” Kai mentions, “And just how many HOT! bodyguards do I get'' Ava cheekily questioned. “Really Ava'', “Come on babe, you know I’ve only got eyes for you” Ava said in response. “Well now since Ludriel's men have come after you, I'm guessing about 5 bodyguards' ' Kai claimed, “I don't need that many men to protect me” Ava remarked.

“Believe me you do, Ermani, gather everyone in the bratva room, I'll be there in a minute”, “Yes sir” Ermani leaves the room, “What’s the bratva room?”, “It's just a place where we make announcements,” Kai explained. “Okay”, Kai makes his way to exit the room and Ava follows along. “Woah slow down there; you're not coming with me” Kai states, ”Why not?” Ava questioned. “Because I said so and you'll be way safer in this room, don't worry I'll have a guard at your door to tend to your needs”, “What about my personal needs?” boldly asked. Kai walks over to Ava and kisses her on her forehead, “I'll take care of those when I come back” he says.

Kai leaves the room and after a couple of minutes, Ava opens the door and looks at the security guard. “Hello”, the guard remains quiet. “Damn, tough crowd. Maybe if I yell louder, HELLO!?”, “I’m not supposed to talk to you,” the guard asserted. “You almost look like John Wick” Ava observed, the guard kept his silence once more. “When can I leave?” Ava questions, “You can leave when Mr.Varnava says so”. “Wow, Kai never told me his last name was Varnava” Ava returns to her room and closes the door. ‘I have to find a way out of this room, it might be stupid but I'm not staying in this boring room’ she thought, Ava looks around the room for something to knock the guard out with. She doesn't see anything useful; she then goes to the bathroom. ‘This is a nice bathroom, but I wonder if I can break off a piece of that pipe from the showerhead and use it? Well only one way to find out’, Ava grabs the pipe and breaks it apart.

“Score!” she silently celebrates, Ava returns to the room and hides the pipe behind her. “”Excuse me, I need help with something!” Ava vocalizes, The guard opens the door and enters. “ What do you need”, Ava charges at the guard and yells “Enguarde!”. “What the-” she takes the pipe and hits the guard in his head. The guard falls to the ground and Ava runs out the door. She runs down the stairs and into a long hallway. She looks behind her and sees the same guard running after her. “Come back here!” he yells, “Never!” Ava phrased. Ava turns back around and sees a couple of guards in her way. She runs and dodges them but then she sees an even bigger one, she quickly slides under his legs and continues running, “Dodge and weave”. She dodges a couple more guards and keeps running. Suddenly a door opens, and Kai comes out. “What’s with all this noise!?” He yells, Ava bumps into Kai but luckily he catches her. “Hey babe” Ava says while out of breath, “Ava what the h-” Before he could say anything the guards that were chasing Ava ran up to him out of breath. “Sorry sir, she was too fast”, “No, you guys are just out of shape” Ava remarks. “ Ok everyone as you were, I'll deal with this” Kai announces, “Bye everyone, bye John Wick!”. “Stop calling me that” the guard argues, Kai then brings Ava into his office. “Nice office” she says, “Yeah. Baby, why were my men chasing after you?” Kai inquired. 

“Because I was bored in that room and because I missed you” Ava claims, “Baby couldn't you wait until I got back?”, “No”. “Well, you should've waited in the room, thanks for exhausting my men” Kai said sarcastically, “You’re welcome” Ava replied. “Well since you obviously can't be left alone you can hang out here for a while”, “Yay!” Ava exclaimed.

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