Chapter 64: Volodya

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"Ava princess, are you ready?" Kai asks, "Yeah just a second" Ava replied as she held onto the railing and slowly made her way down the stairs, Ava and Kai we're gonna leave Mafriash for a little while so they could go to a nearby town and get some stuff for the baby, after all, Ava was gonna give birth tomorrow.

Ava finally was at the bottom of the stairs and was out of breath, Kai walked over to Ava and held her hand in his hand while he slowly and gently escorted Ava to the car. Once they were in the car they both fastened their seat belts and were on their way to the town nearby. The car drove and followed a path leading throughout the city but the car came to a stop because the road was no longer in sight, the only thing that stood before them was a forest that was enveloped in fog.

"Um, Where did the road go?" Ava asks, "Firim Horrifa" Kai casted, The trees suddenly disappear, revealing a pathway for them to use. "This is a spell we use to keep the city hidden and safe" Kai says, "It's a good call". The car continued to follow the path throughout the forest, after a couple of seconds later, the car drove out of the forest and onto the main road with a town in front of it, Ava looked back and didn't see any trace of the forest, it was gone. "Yup, definitely not freaky", "What if I'm a bad father" Kai brought up. "You will be an amazing father and I know that for a fact, all you have to do is try your best because it's all we can do" Ava comforted, "My best is not enough" Kai muttered. "Don't worry about it, no one is perfect. Plus I'll be here to help you" The car slowly came to a stop outside a store called Mini Me's, Kai got out of the car and walked to the passenger's side to help Ava out. They both stepped into the store and were hit with the sight of baby clothes, shoes, hats, dresses, and a bunch of other stuff. It all made Ava so excited.

They walked around the store and began to browse the shelves and racks, "Okay what about this onesie that says " Back off I have a cranky Aunt and I'm not afraid to use her"? Ava asks. " I think Leslie would love that shirt" Kai replies, "Definitely". Kai looked around and reached out for something on the high shelf. It was two pairs of blue matching sneakers, one for a baby and another for an adult, "Omg that's so cute!", "It is, I can't wait to meet the baby tomorrow" expressed. "Me too".


About an hour passed by and they were done shopping, Ava made her way back to the car as Kai held two huge bags of baby clothing and accessories. He put the bags in the trunk and got back into the car, he saw Ava there laying her head back at rest and dozing off. He started the car and was heading back to the Mafriash.

Minutes passed and they were safely back in Mafriash. "Ava hunny, wake up we're home" Kai helped Ava out of the car and into the house, he held her hand and led her up the stairs and into their room. Kai helped Ava onto the bed and then lay by her side, "I'm scared" Ava confessed. "Scared of what princess?" Kai questioned, "The pain, I don't think I'm strong enough to give birth tomorrow". "Well it's a good thing I have enough strength for the both of us, I'll be by your side from the beginning till the end" Kai reassured, "After tomorrow, everything will change. I'll try my best" Ava says. Kai pulled Ava into his arms and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, "That's my girl".


7 in the morning and Ava was already up, the baby wouldn't stop kicking and moving. Ava was sitting up in bed and watching tv while Kai lay sound asleep next to her. Ava got up and grabbed the cup of water from her nightstand, she walked to the bathroom and opened the top cabinet that held her daily prenatal pills.

She opened the bottle and popped a pill in her mouth. She was about to drink some water but she felt a sharp pain in her stomach that caused her to drop the glass of water to the floor. " Ava? Baby are you okay!?" Kai questions, Kai jumps out of the bed and runs into the bathroom. "I felt a sharp pain a while ago" Ava says, "Contractions?". "I think so- Ahhh!" Another sharp pain hit Ava's stomach again, causing her to stumble and hold onto Kai. "Okay we need to get to the hospital like right now" he says. "Okay", Kai grabbed the baby bag he packed the night before and led Ava down the stairs. Ava stopped to take a breather but then realized something, her pants were wet and water was running down her legs. "Uh Kai look", Kai turned and faced Ava, his face immediately dropped. "EVERYONE IN THIS HOUSE GET THE FUCK UP! AVA'S ABOUT TO HAVE THE BABY!" Kai shouted, After a couple of seconds, Ava saw Leslie, Luke, Ermani, and Marcy rushing down the stairs.

"You're gonna have the baby now?!" Leslie asks,

"Yes". "You gotta go now!" Marcy says. "Let's go, people," Kai yelled. Everyone ran out of the house and into the car, once they were all strapped in, the car immediately drove off. "Omg how do you feel?" Leslie questions, "Like I'm trying to piss out a fucking toaster!" Ava yells, "Good thing you're not having twins, then you'd be screwed" Ermani says. "How far is the hospital?" Luke asks, "Another 4 minutes" Kai says. "This baby is coming NOW!" Ava shouted, "Step on it," Marcy says. Kai stepped on the gas pedal hard and began overtaking the other cars, and yes they were reckless.

The car came to a stop outside of the Silver Pine Hospital. They all got out of the car and rushed through the hospital doors, "WE NEED HELP OVER HERE!" Kai calls. A doctor then rushed over to them and analyzed Ava, "We need a stretcher over here now! What's your name sweetie?" the doctor asked, "A-Ava". "Okay Ava I need you to take a couple of deep breaths for me". Two other doctors brought a stretcher over and helped Ava onto it, they began pushing Ava down the hall. "I need you all to stay out here" the doctor says, "To hell with that! I am gonna be in that room with my wife whether you like it or not!" Kai argued. "I said no!", "You better let me in that fucking room right now or else I'll make sure you're fired and the next job you get is teaching Cpr to a bunch of 8th graders you got it?!" Kai threatened. "Fine, just don't get in my way" They all rushed into the room, Kai, Luke, and Ermani on Ava's left side while Leslie and Marcy were on Ava's right.

"Oh dear god, you're 8 centimeters dilated, this baby is coming real soon" The doctor says, "Don't worry princess, I'm here with you" Kai comforted. "Okay Ava, you just hit 10 centimeters, get ready to push, Would the husband want to come down here and take a look?", "A-sure" Kai walked and stood beside the nurse. "Okay Ava I need you to give me a push on 3, 1 2 3" Ava began to scream as she tried to push the baby out, she took a couple of deep breaths before pushing again. "Okay you're doing great so far just give me another push" The doctor says, Ava held on tight to the bed before pushing again, tears began running down her face, and screams and profanity came pouring from her mouth. "GET THIS FUCKING BABY OUT OF ME!", "Okay I see the head, you're almost there we just need one more big push". All of a sudden everyone heard a loud thud, they all looked and saw Kai passed out on the floor. "Oh for fucks sake! Someone get him out of here" the doctor said, "Luke and I are on it, grab his foot" Ermani said

Ermani and Luke grabbed Kai's body and dragged him out of the room, now left in the room are Leslie, Ava, Marcy, and the 3 doctors.

"No, no I can't do this, I'm too tired" Ava cried, "No you listen to me" Leslie lifted her hand and gave Ava a not-so-hard hit across the face. "You are gonna toughen up and push this baby out", "This baby is counting on you, do this for him or her" Marcy says. "Yeah, you have to do this. Think about the family you'll have, think about Kai and the baby" Leslie said. "Kai and the Baby, Okay okay, I'm ready" Ava replies, "Okay one last push, you got this" The doctor encouraged. Ava held onto both Leslie and Marcy's hands and began pushing, she released a loud sharp scream as she kept pushing and pushing then done, and the sounds of a baby crying echoed throughout the room.

The doctor was about to cut the umbilical cord but the doors opened, it was Kai. "Let me cut it" He says, The Doctor handed Kai the scissor and showed him where to cut it, Kai carefully cut the cord and handed the scissor to the other nurse, he then carefully held the baby in his arms and walked to Ava's side. "Congratulations on having a girl" The doctor voiced, "Kai" Ava called.

"Yes princess?", "I want you to name her". "No- I can't, are you sure baby?" Kai questioned, "Yes". "Volodya, Her name is Volodya", "Volodya it is" Ava says.

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