Chapter 24: Complicated

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"What the hell are you doing here!?", "I came to check up on what's mine," Ludriel boldly stated. Ludriel then began traveling his hand up Ava's body, "She's not yours, get the fuck away from her body" Kai vociferated. Ludriel then pulls out a gun and points it toward Kai, "You know Kai, I don't think you're in the position to make demands, either you back the fuck up or I'll put a hole in our pretty princess".Kai backs up away from them, Kai then notices a glass vase nearby, "Now darling you see I wanted to make Kai suffer but I forgot about something". "Which was?" Ava asked, "I haven't put the fear of god into yet, yet" Ludriel says. "What's that supposed to mean?" Ava stalled, "It means-" Suddenly Kai hits Ludriel in the back of his head with the vase, Kai quickly grabs the keys for the cuffs and unties Ava."Hurry, he won't stay unconscious for long" Kai says, "Go Get the gun while I go get dressed" Ava ushered. "Yeah", Kai turns around only to get shot in his leg. "Kai!" Ava called out, "You'll never escape me, princess" Ludriel professed. Ava quickly grabs a tall slip-on dress and books it down the stairs. She keeps on running while putting on the dress while Ludriel is chasing her.Ava then sprints into a small penthouse that was behind the mansion, she quickly closes the door and hides under the bed inside the room, Ludriel then approaches the door. "I know you're in here princess", he kicks down the door, Ava then tries to slow her breathing so he wouldn't hear her. Ludriel entered the room and began walking around while singing, "The way she sucks my soul I need some spiritual healing". Ludriel then walks over to the closet and opens it, "Like grab the red bill fuck your feelings".Ava tries to quiet herself by putting her hand over her mouth, Ludriel then walks towards the bed, he walks away, and Ava releases a small breath.Suddenly something grabs Ava's legs and pulls her from underneath the bed, it was Ludriel. "The way she sucks my soul I need some spiritual healing", "Let me go you bitch!" Ava yells. " No, I don't think I want to. I-", All of a sudden Ludriel gets hit in the head, he falls to the ground and Ava then realizes that it was Leslie. " I think you need more than a spiritual healing bitch" Leslie says, "Leslie?". "The one and Only", Ava gets up and gives Leslie a huge hug. "Why and how did you get here?" Ava questioned, "Long story short Luke snuck me in here and we have been leaving here for a while". "Where is he?", "He went and snuck into the mansion since he heard the gunshots," Leslie replies. "Kai's still in there, he's bleeding out", "I'm sure he's already called for help". Ava and Leslie go outside and sees an ambulance approaching, they see a couple of people rush into the mansion with a stretcher.A couple of seconds later the paramedics rush out of the mansion with a body on the stretcher, it was Kai. Ava rushes over to his body, "Kai!". " I'm sorry ma'am but you can't be here right now" the paramedic says, "But I'm his girlfriend please let me see him!" Ava pleaded. "Okay you can ride with him in the ambulance", "Okay". Ava gets into the back of the ambulance with Kai, she holds his hand while Kai is awake, "Ava" Kai manages to let out. "I'm here" Ava replies, "I love you". "I love you too baby", Kai slowly falls asleep and releases his grip from Ava's hand."Wait what's happening to him", "Don't worry, I just gave him a sedative until we get to the hospital to give him proper treatment" the paramedic reassured, "Okay". They're at the hospital and Kai came out of surgery, he's in the recovery room but he regains consciousness. "Ava?" Kai called, "I'm here Kai". "Fuck, what happened?" he asked, "Ludriel shot you in your leg, you had surgery and now everything's better" Ava replied. "And what about Ludriel?", "Leslie and Luke went back to find him, but he was gone". Kai sighs and looks at Ava, " Ava this is gonna be complicated, you know I hate complicated". "I know" Ava mutters, "You know what we have to do?", "I know"

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