Chapter 33: Who's The Bitch Now Huh?

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Ava turns on her side facing Kai, seeing that he's already up. "Good Morning" She says, "Good Morning baby" Kai replies. "You're up early", "I wasn't able to sleep, I have a lot on my mind" Kai uttered. "Me too", "Are you ready for this?". "I am" Ava answered, "Good, don't hold back because he won't hesitate to kill you, whatever happens, I'll be right there with you" Kai stated. "Thanks baby, I have to get up and go training", "You're dismissed" Kai says, "Pfft, whatever". Kai pulls Ava back and gives her a soft gentle kiss then pulls away, Ava makes her way to the bathroom. A couple of minutes later Ava gets out of the bathroom wrapped up in a towel with Kai still on the bed but with his phone. Ava goes over to her closet, "Look at me, Ava" Ava turns and faces Kai. "Drop the towel, '' Kai demands. Ava drops the towel and looks at Kai with her hand folded across her chest, "Do a little twirl for me".Ava rolls her eyes and slowly twirls her body, she then stops and points her face to the ground and her ass in the air, she slowly moves her hips left and right while looking back at Kai. "Are you pleased, Sir?" Ava asked in a seductive tone, "Very much, baby" Kai reached into his night stand and pulled out a huge Nikon camera, as Kai kept snapping pictures from all kinds of angles, the only thing Ava could do was giggle. She walks to her closet and pulls out a workout outfit set.She exits the room and makes her way to the training center. She enters and sees that no one was there, she puts her headphones on and grabs some dumbbells then lifts them up and down repeatedly. Ava then makes her way to the pull-up bars and starts to do some pull up while looking at the ceiling. She didn't hear Kai enter the room, Kai looks at her struggling to continue her pull-ups, Kai then grabs the bars and gets between Ava's legs, Ava looks at him and wraps her legs around his waist, kai then thrust his hips up and down, doing pulls up with Ava using her legs hanging around Kai's waist. "You always have to make things sexual", "Come on, don't pretend that you don't like this" Kai remarks. "I don't like it, I LOVE it" Ava admits.Kai then kisses Ava's lips, Ava kisses back and their kissing goes from soft to hungrily while Kai still thrust his hip up and down.Suddenly Ermani opens the door and looks at them, "Eww what the fuck, go do that somewhere else" he shouts. Kai lets go of the bar and stands on the ground; Ava did the same, "Hey man what's up?" Kai asks. "It's time to go", "I'll go get ready" Ava says. Ava exits the room leaving Kai and Ermani, Ermani then looks at Kai and shakes his head. "Come on, I was only helping her do some pull-ups" Kai says, "Yeah, I bet you help each other a lot don't you" Ermani said. Kai then hits Ermani's shoulder playfully and leaves the room, Meanwhile, Ava quickly gets in and then out of the shower, she quickly gets dressed and does her hair.She then goes over to her dresser and pulls out a gold finger attachment and puts only one on her pinky finger.She quickly heads downstairs and sees Kai already dressed and waiting for her at the door, "You ready?" he asked, "Ready as I'll ever be ''. Kai grabs Ava's hand and leads her to the car, they get into the car and begin making their way to Ho'Zeah Ghul. About 2 hours passed by and they pulled up to this huge mansion, "We're here" Ermani says. Everyone got out of the car and made their way to the front of the mansion where they were greeted by 10 guards. The guards stepped aside and allowed everyone into the mansion. One of the guards steps forward, "This way" he ushered. They began to follow the guard throughout the mansion, Ava didn't have time for sightseeing because she wanted to stay focused on what was about to come. The guard came to a stop at a huge door."In here", The guard opens the door to this huge room with a fighting ring inside of it.Inside the room they also see about 24 guards surrounding someone, the person steps forward and looks at Ava. Ava sees a guy 5'4, slick back hair, bearded face, in a white dress shirt, blue vest, and red tie. The step in front of Ava, he analyzes her then walks over to Kai and gives him a bro hug. "Hello Kai, I haven't seen you in a while!" Ho'Zeah Ghul says, "Yeah, sorry about that, we had a couple of issues we had to deal with" Kai explains."Ludriel?", "Yeah". "Ugh that dick, just his name pisses me off" Ho'Zeah groaned. "Yeah, this is Ava," Kai gestures to her. "What weapon does she kill with?" Ho'Zeah questioned, "How about my finger" Ava hissed. " Oooh feisty, I can see why you kept her" Ho'Zeah commented, "Yeah, more bruises from her than Ludriel" Kai says. "Well, Let's get this over with" Ho'Zeah Ghul walks back over to the fighting ring. "And I thought Ludriel was a dick, but this guy is just a cold-blooded asshole" Ava whispered to Kai, Ava went over to the ring and prepared herself; she was about to go but Kai held her hand. "Whatever happens I'll be right here; I love you Ava and as much as Ho'Zeah is friendly towards me he won't hesitate to kill you so don't hesitate to do the same", "I know, I love you too Kai and I always will" Ava replies.Kai gives Ava a deep kiss before letting her go, Ava steps into the fighting ring, and she gives Kai one final glance before turning her attention to Ho'Zeah Ghul on the other side of the ring. A guard stepped into the ring between them, "Okay the rules are simple the first one to end up out of the ring loses, you each will be handed a weapon further on into the fight, positions" he announced. Okay the rules are simple the first one to end up out of the ring loses, you each will be handed a weapon further on into the fight, positions, "Fight!".They begin walking around the ring, all of a sudden Ho'Zeah charges at Ava but she manages to dodge Ho'Zeah and punch him in the face. Ava sprints towards him but Ho'Zeah catches her fist and punches her in the gut, he then kicks her leg causing her to fall. Ava looks up and sees Kai mouthing the words "Get up and defeat him", Ho'Zeah grabs Ava's hair and slams her head into the ground repeatedly. Ava's vision starts to become blurry as Ava thinks to herself, ' No Ava get up, you have to beat him, do it for Kai', Ava opens her eyes and slashes Ho'Zeah's hand with her pinky finger that had the ring attachment, she gets up off the floor and charges at Ho'Zeah, slashing him over and over again all over his face and hands. Ho'Zeah began walking drunkenly, Ava wipes the blood off her face and looks at him."I'm guessing you're feeling the effects already" Ava mentions" Ava queries, "What?". "My nail attachment was filled with numbing poison, Tetrodotoxin to be exact. The gold helped with masking the smell so you wouldn't detect it before we started fighting" Ava clarified, Ho'Zeah then fell to the ground to his knees. "You bitch! You poisoned me" Ho'Zeah spat, Ava unbuckles the belt from around her waist and ties it around Ho'Zeah's neck, she then pulls it aggressively causing Ho'Zeah to fall flat on his face. "Who's the bitch now huh?" she asks.Ava then punches Ho'Zeah in his face repeatedly and then kicks him in the stomach, she grabs the belt around Ho'Zeah's neck and uses it to pull him across the ring to the edge causing Ho'Zeah to start to choke. "Ava then punches Ho'Zeah in his face repeatedly and then kicks him in the stomach, she grabs the belt around Ho'Zeah's neck and uses it to pull him across the ring to the edge causing Ho'Zeah to start to choke. "And I thought this fight was gonna be difficult" Ava commented, She then pushes Ho'Zeah out of the ring, she then looks back at Kai and sees him with a huge smirk on his face. She walks out of the ring and into Kai's hands, she gives him a deep kiss."That bitch cheated!" Ho'Zeah yells, "I'm sorry sir but she won fair and square, no rule stated that cheating wasn't allowed" the guard claims. "Yeah, all bronze and no brains, I guess" Ava says, 'You fight dirty rather than honorable and clean. We'll see how long that'll keep you afloat" Ho'Zeah commented. Kai then leads Ava out of the room and into the hallway, Kai then grabs Ava and gives her a tight hug, "Baby that was so badass! What you did to him was amazing and I'm so proud of you!" Lai expressed. "Yeah, I was trying to make you proud" Ava responds, "Well, you did, I love you so fucking much!" Kai gives Ava a soft, slow, and tender kiss. "Come on, let's get you checked out", Ava and Kai are now in the med bay and the nurse finished patching up Ava. "Okay, what do we do now?" Ava asks, "Now we make you official," Kai replies. "Official?", "Yeah, the tattoo of loyalty to the League. And to me as your superior". "You're my superior now are you? Well superior, nothing like a present so let's go" Ava says, "Okay, lead the way, inferior" Kai voiced. "Come on baby just a little couple more seconds, you got this" Kai encourages, the tattoo artist drags the tattoo gun across Ava's skin and adds the finishing touches. "Fuck just hurry up already, I can't take this anymore longer" Ava yells, "Okay and.....Done". Ava pulls her hand up to her face and looks at the tattoo on her hand that spelled 'Obez'Yana', "Finally" Ava sighs. "Yeah, it's official baby, You're a part of the League of Solstice" Kai declared.

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