Chapter 63: Worth The Pain

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Ava and Kai walked back to the house, they stepped inside and noticed that everyone was still sitting at the table right where they left them, all except Ermani. "Okay so what did you guys talk about?" Leslie asks, "Ava and I talked about it and she's agreed to have the baby at an earlier time" Kai replies. "That's great Ava, we wish you nothing but the best," Marcy says."Hey guys we have a problem" Ermani took a seat and showed everyone a video on his phone, "Some buildings in Russia have been randomly exploding without an explanation, so far 4 buildings are gone" Ermani says, "You think it's Marcaida?" Leslie questioned. "It's gotta be", "We don't have enough time, we have to do this now" Ava says. "Are you sure you're ready for that? It's not a one-and-done thing, it's a painfully stretching your bones and body thing" Kai warns, "I'm sure now let's go before I change my mind". Everyone got up from the table and began following Ignea down the hall, she led them to a room and opened the door. The room had a bed in the middle, stacked towels on the side, bottled water, and a crib. "Okay princess Minerva, please take a lay on the bed" Ignea requests, Ava went ahead and lay on the bed with Kai, Leslie, and Marcy on her left side while Luke and Ermani on her right side.The doors to the room opened and 2 women emerged from it, both of them approached the bed and stood at each side, one at the left and one at the right."These two women are gonna help me with the process" Ignea says, "Okay Should I be worried? Should I say a prayer or something just in case-" Ava panicked. "Princess, take a deep breath and relax, or try to relax" Kai said, "What-". Ignea and the 2 other women place both their hands above Ava's body and begin chanting words. "Incanteous Limititus, Mobilashio Oppresempra Portaaro Oppresius" Ignea chanted, "To protect the world from all flames" Woman one says. "To unite the universe so call its name" Woman two said, "Light the path to a blessed soul, we call upon zaliste to break the barrier and take control of time to help this woman deliver her baby" Ignea chants. Ava then began to feel a tingling sensation in her body, it quickly went from tingling to pain. "Oh god, this is beginning to hurt" Ava whimpered, "Do you want them to stop-". "No I'm fine- AHHH!" Ava's stomach began growing and growing, the sound of the bones in her spine breaking, echoed throughout the room followed by her screams. "Oh fuck this hurts like a bitch!", "Don't worry, the pain will recede soon" Kai reassured. "You better be right or god so help me Kai I'm gonna- AHHH!" Ava began clawing her fingers deep into the bed as the pain increased and stretched her stomach even more.Suddenly the chanting stopped, the only thing that could be heard was Ava heavily breathing. "It is done, you shall give birth to your child in 2 days" Ignea announced, Ignea handed Ava a bottle of water, Ava took the bottle and drank the whole thing before laying on the bed again, Ava's stomach was huge, it was clear as day that she was pregnant. "Okay she needs to rest so EVERYONE OUT!" Ignea orders, Everyone left the room except Kai, he took a seat and placed it right beside the bed."How are you feeling?" He asks, "I feel like a fly hitting a windshield, I hope that I won't feel this much pain when I'm giving birth" Ava stressed. "I can't promise that but I do promise that I'll be with you the whole time", "That's fine by me". "Can I touch your stomach?" Kai asked, "Yes, of course, it's your baby too. What are you scared of?". "Fuck no I'm not scared" Kai gently placed his hand on Ava's abdomen and kept it there, he had a huge smile that was plastered to his face as the thought of being a father filled his heart and mind with wonder, he wanted that feeling to last forever. ~~~~~~~~~~~"Thank you, Thank you" A voice said, Ava opened her eyes and sat on the bed, she realized that Kai was still asleep in the chair next to her. "Thank you" the voice repeated, "Who's there?" Ava asks. Ava still heard the faint voice repeating the words Thank you, over and over but then the voice stopped, and the room was dead silent. "Okay Ava you have officially lost it" Ava said to herself."Princess?" Ava turned around and realized that Kai was falling out of his sleep, "You okay?" He asks. "Yeah it's nothing to worry about" Ava replies, "Okay" Ava got up from the bed and began walking to the door. "Where are you going?", "To get something to eat," Ava says. Ava walked out the door and down the hall, she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and took out a jar of jelly before turning around and bumping into Kai. "Kai you scared the shit out of me", "What's got you all worked up?" Kai questioned. "I keep hearing voices, "Voices?"."It's the baby" Ava and Kai turned their heads and saw Ignea emerging from the dark. "What?" Ava queried, "The baby is trying to communicate with you guys using its spirit"."The baby keeps chanting Thank you" Ava spoke, "Well that's good, most kids are ungrateful little shits" Ignea jokes. "I'll keep that in mind" Ava put the jar on the counter and went back to the room. "This just keeps on getting weirder and weirder" Ava sighs, " It's nothing new to me" Kai replies. Ava crawled back in bed while Kai went to the seat, "Come lie with me" she says. "You sure you don't mind?" Kai questions, "Nope" Kai got off the chair and climbed into the bed, right beside Ava. He pulled her into his grasp and began running his hand through her hair. "You don't have to worry about anything, I'll protect the both of you", " And I'll do the same to the best of my abilities" Ava says.

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