Chapter 15: We Belong Together

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"Darling, get up" Ava opens her eyes and sees Ludriel smiling at her, she was about to try and run away but she then realizes that one of her hands and legs was cuffed to the bed. "I thought you would try and escape, it seems that I was right" He said, "Let me go you bitch!" Ava hissed. "No, you belong to me now and quite frankly I'm not done with you yet" Ludriel then hands Ava a bowl of food."Eat up, in the meanwhile, I have an important email to send Kai, I'm sure he'll love the video" Ludriel says, "I'm gonna kill you" Ava uttered. "Yeah I doubt that" Ava then watches as Ludriel leaves the door; she then hears the door being locked from the outside. Ava then grabbed the bowl and began eating, she had no choice because she hasn't eaten in hours. After she finished the meal, she looked around the room to see if she could find anything to help her get free, but there was nothing, the only thing that was in the room was the bed. She then starts to feel dizzy then it hits her, the food was poisoned with something. She tries to stay awake, but she can't, Ava then slowly drifts off to sleep.

Ludriel's POV

Ludriel then goes to his office and began typing away on his computer, 'Hello Kai it's Ludriel, Ava and I had some fun last night, I'm sure you're confused but the video below will explain everything, enjoy'. Ludriel then hits send, and the email was sent to Ludriel, Ludriel then sat back in his chair and started laughing and laughing, he was so curious to see what happens after.

Kai's POV

Kai sat there in his room pulling apart his gun and putting it back together, he did this over and over again, trying to keep himself occupied. Ermani then enters the room with a laptop in his hand, "Kai, a mysterious email was sent to you, it's saying it's from Ludriel". Kai grabs the laptop and begins reading the message, he then hits play on the video attached and his eyes widen as he watches it, it was the video of Ludriel sleeping with Ava. He then clutches his gun tight as he watches in disbelief. He then watches as Ava mouthed "Kai I'm so so sorry", those words sunk into his heart, He then takes his gun and begins shooting the computer."I'm GONNA KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER IF IT'S THE LAST FUCKING THING I DO ON THIS FUCKING EARTH!" He yelled, "I know man, but we don't have any way of finding them," Ermani said. "I don't care if we have to work overtime, we will find that bitch!" Kai yells.

Ava's POV

Ava begins to wake up, but her eyes are out of focus. Suddenly a huge white light hits her eyes. She looks away and tries to block the light, but she is tied to a chair. Her eyes then adjust then she looks back up, and she realizes that she was in a different room. Ludriel then pulls a seat beside Ava. "Hello darling, we have a long night ahead of us" he says, "You fucking bitch, you poisoned me" Ava says."It was necessary, I knew it would be a problem to bring you out of the room, so I thought of an easier way", "What are you gonna do to me now?". "Well, we are gonna go on a little video call with your loverboy Kai, you'll see what will happen during the call" Ludriel replied. Ludriel then dials up Kai's number on his computer and calls, "Kai Varnava speaking". "Hello Kai", "Ludriel you bitch!" Kai yelled."Did you like the little present I emailed you?" Ludriel asks, "When I find you I'm gonna cut your dick off then stuff it down your throat". Ludriel then turns the camera toward Ava, "Ava?". "kai! I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" Ava cried, "No baby, it's not your fault, I'm gonna find you I swear" Kai said softly. "Ok enough of that, you will meet me at the exact address I send you after this call in 2 hours, Ava and I will be waiting" ludriel explained, "Wait Kai I-" before Ava could say anything Ludriel closes the computer."I will send for the ladies to come to fix you up, get ready for the show of a lifetime darling" Ludriel exits the room and Sanji enters the room with the other women. This time they sat in silence, not a word was spoken. After an hour one of the women brings out a tall mirror. Ava then looks at herself in a beautiful red dress. The women were about to leave but then Ava grabs onto Sanji's hand, Sanji then looks back at Ava. "When this is over, I'll come back for all of you" she said, "Thank you" Sanji replies with a smile. The women leave the room and Ava is left sitting in the darkroom. 30 minutes later Ludriel enters the room, "It's showtime darling". Ludriel then grabs Ava's head, tilts her head back, and kisses her. Ludriel was hiding a pill in his mouth, he tried to push it down her throat with his tongue, but Ava was resisting, eventually, Ava gave up and swallowed the pill."That was some kiss wasn't it darling, night night" Ava then slowly drifts off to sleep. A couple of minutes later Ava slowly wakes up. She realizes that she was in a different location, it was night and she was tied to a chair, she looks behind her and realizes that she was at a huge lake surrounded by buildings."The star of our show has finally joined us" Ludriel says, "Just let me go" Ava says tiredly, "Not yet darling". A few seconds passed by and two black cars pulled up to the location. Kai, Ermani, and a few men came out of the first car, the second car was filled with men. Some of Ludriel's men then came out of hiding around the location. Kai and Ermani then walk closer to Ludriel but not too close."Let her go, this is between me and you" Kai says, "You know I did all of this to teach you a lesson right? you still don't believe that me and you are the same" Ludriel claims. "Ok you've made your point just leave her out of this", "No, it's too late for that"Ludriel then pulls the chair closer to the water, "Stop" Kai shouted. "No, this is what's gonna make you just like me", realizing what's about to happen Ava opens her mouth and says "Kai, I love you now and forever". "Ava baby don't say that, please just let her go" Kai pleaded, "Okay" Ludriel says. Ludriel then pulls the chair back and it falls in the water with Ava still tied to it, she slowly sinks to the bottom. Ermani then pulls out his gun and shoots Ludriel in his leg, shots begin to fire all around them. Kai takes off his jacket and jumps in the water, As Ava slowly sinks to the bottom the only thing that was going through her mind was Kai.As memories play through her mind, she closes her eyes and lets go. She then feels two strong pairs of hands grip her waist. It was Kai, he quickly untied her from the chair and swam up with her to the surface. Kai shoots up to the surface and takes a deep breath, he then pulls Ava to the land nearby. He quickly pulled her body out of the water and started giving her CPR. "Come Ava please wake up", Ava gasps and coughs out water."Kai" Ava uttered, Kai and Ava gave each other a tight hug and sealed it off with a kiss. "Come on let's go" Kai carries Ava and walks back to the car. They passed the dead bodies of Ludriel's men, and Ermani walked up to them. "Are you guys okay?" he asked, "Yeah" Ava says, "We'll be okay" Kai replies."Good, I had Ludriel but he escaped", "He's the least of my problems right now" Kai says. "I think you should reconsider that" Ermani suggests, "Why?" Ava questions. "I snatched his phone off him before he escaped, I went through it, and it turns out he's just a lackey, he's not even the leader of the league of Solstice, someone else far more dangerous" Ermani reveals.

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