Chapter 19: If You Love Her, You Will Let Her Go

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Kai's POV

Kai And Ermani gear up as they get ready to rescue Ava, they were loaded with weapons of all kinds but one thing they did not pack was sympathy, Kai doesn't care who he kills because Ava was the only person on his mind. "Are you okay?" Ermani is concerned, "Yeah" Kai replies. "Good, I've located her at a small, abandoned building at Prescott and Man Street". Kai was about to walk out of the room, but Ermani stopped him. "When you get there you know what you have to don't you?" he asked, "Yes". "Good, let's go".

Ava's POV

After witnessing Ludriel kill Sanji in cold blood as much as it is hard for Ava to admit it, she was scared of Ludriel. Ava regains consciousness at the sound of a door opening, Ludriel then walks into the room. "Where am I?" she asked, "This is my office, since you obviously can't be trusted on your own, you are my new display model, now I can keep a close eye on you". "What if I need to use the restroom?", "Then I'll accompany you to the restroom," Ludriel replied."Kinda pervy if you ask me" Ava commented, "I think that's already been well established". Suddenly one of the guards enters the room, "Sir Ludriel there are a couple of cars spotted in a 1-mile radius heading towards us" the guard informed. "Get the men ready, it's showtime" Ludriel declared. The guard was about to leave but he spots Ava, "What do we have here?" He asked. "My new display model" Ludriel responded, The guard then goes to Ava and starts caressing her cheek. "Your job is done so you can leave" Ludriel ordered. "The things I can do to you-" All of a sudden Ludriel shoots the guard in the head, he then walks over to Ava and starts to wipe the blood off her face, "Sorry for that, I couldn't watch as that guy flirt with you, I'll have someone come get you in a minute" Ludriel claimed.Ludriel then places a soft kiss on Ava's lips before he leaves the room.

Kai's POV

Kai, Ermani, And his men pull up to the building and see Ludriel standing at the entrance, they get out of the car and approach Ludriel. "Hello Kai, what brings you to this side of town?", "You know why I'm here". "I don't, oh wait is it because you want to be friends or because I have your bitch" Ludriel questioned."Where is she!?" Kai yelled, Ludriel then called one of the guards and he brought Ava out with a bag over her head. " Here She is, now tell me Kai why the hell would I let her go, she is such a good sex toy" Ludriel Taunts.Kai then pulls his gun and starts firing a Ludriel, Ludriel's men start firing back and they were at war. Ermani then runs and grabs Ava, leading her away from the fight. He then removes the bag from her head and immediately realizes that it wasn't Ava. Ermani then gets the girl in the car and runs back to the fight."Kai!" Ermani shouts, "What!?". "It's not her" Ermani revealed, "Shit" Kai then runs from the scene and around the building looking for Ava, he goes to the back of the building and sees Ludriel holding Ava. "Kai?" Ava asked?, "Ava! let her go Ludriel" Kai warns. "No and I won't let her get away this time" Ludriel then pulls out a knife and stabs Ava in her back, Kai then runs to catch Ava. "Ava! baby please don't go please", Kai then picks up her body and runs straight to the car not caring if he got hit with a stray bullet. He then lays her body in the car and tells everyone to fall back. Ermani quickly gets in the driver's seat and drives off while Kai is holding Ava in his embrace as she bleeds out. Ermani then looks at Kai and says "You know what you have to do", "I know" Kai muttered.A couple of hours Later Ava wakes up in the hospital, she looks around and sees a letter on the right side of her bed, she silently reads the note.Letter: Ava it's Kai, I hope you can forgive me for what I'm about to do. I can't be with you anymore if it'll only get you kidnapped every time, you almost died because I was reckless and incapable of taking care of you and it won't ever happen again, don't try to look for me, just move on. I love you so much and I hope you can forgive me, love Kai.After reading the letter Ava's eyes were filled with tears and her mind was filled with disbelief, " Nurse, Nurse!" she cried. Suddenly a nurse runs into the room, "Are you okay?". "Where is the man that brought me here?" Ava questioned, "I'm sorry miss but he left about 10 hours ago" The nurse announced. "No, no, no!" Ava then breaks down into tears as the thought of Kai leaving corrupted her mind, she felt a big emptiness in her chest, she didn't like that feeling. All he ever wanted was for her to be happy, but he couldn't bring her that happiness if she was harmed in the process.

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