Chapter 38: I Will Always Love You, In This Life And The Life After Death

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Before the alarm could make another beep Ava picks up her gun from under her pillow and shoots the alarm clock. "Ugh", Ava rolls out of bed and lies on the ground for a couple of seconds before dragging herself into the bathroom.While showering she was thinking about What to do with her day, the warm crystal water washes down her body making her forget what Kai said the other day.She hops out of the bathroom and skips to her closet, enjoying the thought of visiting Kai. She riffled through her closet before pulling out a Black leather stretchy pants and a yellow blouse, she then put on a leather jacket. She hurries to the bathroom and starts to put curls in her hair using a curling iron, "This might not be good for my hair but fuck it". She got out of the bathroom and grabbed some black flat shoes before hurrying to her car outside. She hopped in her sweet yellow Shelby mustang 9000 and speed off.She parks outside of the prison; she leaves her gun and other stuff inside the car that they might take. She gets to the desk in the visiting Area."Hey Mrs. Danabaker, I'm here Kai", "Hello Ava dear, I'm sorry Hunny but that won't be possible" Mrs.D announced. "What? Why?" Ava asked, "I don't know, apparently Mr.Varnava got into a fight, he got stabbed in the process" Mrs D explains. "Holy shit! Is he okay?" Ava questioned, "Yeah, he's at the hospital right now"."Did they say which one?" Ava requests, "No, I'm sorry Hunny, I wish I could help some more" Mrs. D expressed. "No, it's okay, thank you, Mrs.D" , "No problem, dear, take care now". "I will" Ava replies, Ava walks out of the prison and into her car. 'something doesn't add up, yesterday Kai said he was gonna get out and now he's in the hospital, what fuck is going on' Ava pondered. ~~~It has been a week since Kai got stabbed, Ava kept going to the jail to check up on him but yet again she was denied access.Ava was downstairs watching tv on the couch while wrapped up in a huge blanket. Suddenly her phone began to ring, she sat up and picked it up from the coffee table, she stared at the caller ID blankly, it was the prison that Kai was staying at."Hello?" Ava asks, "Hello Ava Hunny?". "Oh Mrs. D, how can I help you?" Ava offers, "Where are you dear? Are you sitting down?". "Yeah I'm home why?" Ava queries, "I'm sorry Ava dear". "Sorry about what?" Then it hits Ava, why Mrs.D was calling her, "Mrs. D, please tell me that I'm wrong"."I'm truly sorry dear, his injuries were too complicated to treat, he got into shock and sadly passed away" Mrs. D reveals, "No, this is a joke right? Tell me I'm not hearing fucking correctly!" Ava cried. Ermani runs down the stairs and asks, "What's wrong?" Ermani sees Ava crying and rushes over and gives her a hug. "They say he's dead! It's not fucking true, it can't be" Ava bawled.She kept choking on her words and couldn't stop crying, "Don't worry, I got you" Ermani encouraged. Tears began running down Ermani's face as he silently cried.Ermani lost his best friend.Ava Lost the love of her life.And Kai lost Ava.Time went by fast; it has been a month since Kai's death was announced, Ava slowly lost herself to the darkness. She never ate anything and kept passing out, she says she's fine, but she really isn't. She was always busy, she was always working. "Ava how long are you gonna keep this up?" Ermani questions, "What are you talking about?" Ava asks blissfully.Ava takes a seat around the table opposite of Ermani, "Pretending to be okay when you're not". "Ermani I'm not doing this with you" Ava responded, "Ava you-". "What do you want me to do Ermani! Curl up in a ball and cry all day!?" Ava vocalized, "I want you to talk about it, a grief like that doesn't just go away" Ermani claims."It can" Ava replied, "Ava you lost the love of your life, your everything, how can you say that" Ermani catechized. "I am trying to remain focus on the job, I can't afford any distractions, work first then emotions" Ava signifies, "Well then you better work faster before those emotions consume you" Ermani warns."Whatever", Ermani was about to walk away but he turned back around. "Listen Ava, I'm not here to argue with you, I'm just here to make sure you're ready to go", "Okay I'll be there in a second, Thanks Ermani" Ava says."For what?", "For everything, for pushing me forward and for putting up with my bullshit" Ava disclosed. "Hey, someone has to" Ermani replied. They both laugh before Ermani walks away, Ava takes a long deep sigh before finishing her drink and heading upstairs.She gets to her bathroom and puts on some makeup and brushes her hair, she then goes through her closet and pulls out her outfit She goes downstairs and sees Ermani waiting for her. "Are you ready?" he asks, "Yeah, I think so, Let's go" And just like that, they were off to go to Kai's Funeral.After hours of mourning and people from Kai's life speaking up everyone got up and got into their car to make their way to the burial grounds.Everyone arrives at the burial grounds and surrounds the deep and vast hole that Kai was going to be buried in.The pastor and other people said a few words and left, leaving Ava and Ermani standing alone at the grave. It was Ava's turn to say goodbye.She shakily walks over to Kai's casket and looks at his beautiful resting face with her red weary eyes, "I love you forever, I didn't want our story to end like this and I wish it didn't" she cried."It doesn't have to" A voice says, Ava quickly turns around and looks at the person standing behind her. "Wow, you always manage to look so beautiful no matter the occasion," Kai says. Ava quickly rushes over to Kai and gives him a tight hug while bawling her eyes out, she pulls away and slaps him in the face before hugging him again. "Is this really you Kai?" Ava asks, "Yeah baby, it's me" Kai says.Ava pulls away and looks at Kai before looking at the body in the casket, "I'm confused what the hell is going on?". "Well, my dear Ava, that in the casket is a very detailed wax figure" Ermani clarifies, "What the fu- wax figure!?" Ava asks in disbelief, she was staggered. "Yes" Kai replies, "Wait a damn minute, you knew about this the whole time and didn't think about telling me this!?" Ava asked Ermani, "Well, we wanted a more realistic reaction, the world had to believe that Kai Varnava was really gone so you had to believe it too, it was the only way for Kai to get out of prison" Ermani explained. "Okay but-", "Enough questions Ava, Let's get outta here and head home before someone spots me, okay?" Kai requested, "Okay". They got into the car and headed home, they opened the door and turned and stared at Kai, "Mr.Varnava? I-I thought you were dead!" John Wick said, " I'm very much alive," Kai replies.John Wick gives Kai a tight bro hug before pulling back, "I'm so happy to see you again sir", "Same" Kai replied. Ava and Kai get to their room, Kai walks around the room, he then pauses and looks at the picture frame faced down, he picks it up and looks at Ava. "It was painful to look at that and not cry" Ava uttered, Kai walks over to Ava and give her a tight hug. "You won't have to go through that ever again", "Good" Ava said."Mhm,am I excused to go have a nice, long, HOT shower?" Kai asks, "Please do, you smell like socks and budussy" Ava and Kai laugh before Kai walks off into the bathroom and turns on the shower. Ava plops herself on the bed trying to comprehend what the hell was happening. After a couple of minutes Kai walks out of the bathroom in sweatpants with his bare chest showing, it was filled with bruises and scars. Kai lies next to Ava and pulls her into his hold, snuggling his nose in her neck. "I love you Ava, no matter what happens to me that'll never change" He expressed, "I love you too Kai, now and forever, whether in this life or the next one, in this reality and other realities".They both fall asleep in each other's embrace.

Define Budussy - The smell of booty, dick and pussy.

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