Chapter 36: The Things You Can't Outrun

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It has been 2 days since Ava got in touch with Kai today was the day Ava warned him about, "Are you ready?" Ermani asks. "Yes, I wanna kill that son of a bitch as soon as possible," Kai replied. Kai and Ermani look down from the balcony inside the house and watch as their men equip their weapons, impatiently waiting for them to receive the message.*Ding* Kai was startled at the sound of a notification that he received on his phone. He picks it up and looks at the message from an unknown number saying 'Hello Kai, I think I might have come up with a way to end this silly feud, meet me at The Packard Plant, Detroit. From your favorite enemy, Ludriel'After reading the message Kai tosses the phone over the balcony, he was filled with rage. "Come on, it's time to move out" he announces.Everyone grabbed their weapons and made their way to the vehicles outside; they mounted their way to the location. After about 2 hours they finally arrived at the abandoned building. They got out of the vehicles and surrounded the front door, "Everyone get ready to rain hell, We're not leaving without Ava" Kai states, "For Ava" Ermani says. "For Ava" John Wick joined.Kai gets up and kicks the door down; he enters the building and doesn't see anyone. "Ermani, take some of these men through the back and search, the rest of you follow me" Kai orders, Kai and Ermani go their separate ways and keep searching. After a couple of minutes of searching Kai opens a Door and sees Kai, Ava, and a couple of men standing in a large room waiting. "I was beginning to think that you weren't gonna show up," Ludriel spoke, "Well, you're wrong, like usual" Kai states/"Well since you and your posse squad are here how about a little chat, just you, me, and Ava, no guns how about it?" Ludriel proposed, "Fine, men move out and wait outside" Kai ordered, Kai's men moved out of the room, Ludriel's men began to follow not too soon after. "What now?", " I said I found a way for us to settle our little dispute". "And?" Kai asks, " Have you ever read the story about little red riding hood, the girl went to visit her grandmother but didn't know it was the wolf, she trusted the wolf, but the wolf ate her" Ludriel questioned."I'm pretty sure that's not how the story goes" Kai commented,"Yeah, I know, this is my version of the story". "Is there a point in this conversation?", "You see Kai Ava is little red riding wood, I'm the grandmother and you're the wolf. Ava has to get rid of the wolf, isn't that right Ava?" Ludriel asks. Ava pulls out a gun and points it at Kai, "You see Kai, I have Ava wrapped around my fingers, the only way to end this is if one of us dies and by the looks of things, you're in the red zone" Ludriel clarifies. "Are you sure about that?" Kai queries, Ava turns and points the gun at Ludriel. "What the hell are you doing! Kill him!" Ludriel shouts, "I was thinking the same thing" Ava replies. Ava then pulls the trigger and shoots Ludriel in his shoulder, Ludriel falls to the ground and grunts in pain."You fucking bitch! You betrayed me!" Ludriel groans, "You didn't think I was gonna kill the man I loved right? You're as dumb as you look" Ava disclosed. "You bitch I will fucking kill you-" Before Ludriel could finish his sentence Ava shoots him again in his other shoulder, "Ahhg!".Ludriel slowly pulls himself against the wall to sit up, "You wanna hear something funny?" He asks, 'Sure" Ava said. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and I happen to get in contact with a new enemy of yours, Ava", "What enemy?" Ava questioned."I guess you'll have to wait and find out"Suddenly the doors leading to that room burst open, and flashlights and guns were pointing at them, it was the DPD. "Freeze!" The policemen began arresting Kai and restraining Ava."Kai Varnava you are under arrest for the string of multiple murders, ties with the drug trade and posession of illegal weapons. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law" the policeman read, As the policeman continued to read Kai his rights while dragging him off, Ava kept screaming after Kai and tried to get out of the policemen's grasp. "Kai! No let go of him!" she screamed, Ava kept crying and screaming at the policemen, but they dragged him outside, soon after the policemen began dragging Ava outside. Once Ava is outside, she looks and sees Kai being dragged off into another police vehicle, she screams his name again and manages to steal a glance from him before she was shoved into the police vehicle. ~~~It has been 3 days since everything happened, the policemen let Ava go but kept Kai in police custody. Ermani has been trying to give Ava hope that she would see Kai again, but it wasn't enough for her to believe. "Come on, get up" Ermani says, Ava hasn't moved from her bed ever since she was released, with a strict diet of beer and sorrows."Ava Kai wouldn't want you to be like this, he would want you to push on", "You don't know what Kai would've wanted, Kai's in jail all because of me" Ava mutters. "It's not your fault and I can't take away the pain you feel but I know I can help you get through it" Ermani reassures, "You're right". Ava gets up and runs into the bathroom for a quick shower, she hops out and quickly gets dressed into jeans pants, a blue shirt, and a brown furry blazer on top. She let her hair go and quickly made her way downstairs where Ermani was waiting."There she is, Let's go before we're late" Ermani says, Ava and Ermani were on their way to Kai's court hearing. ~~~~After about 30 minutes Ava and Ermani arrived at the court, they hop out of the vehicle and quickly into the courthouse. They quickly got into the courtroom with every eye on them, they quickly got to their seats. "Mrs. Benyaga how nice of you to join us" Judge Hagerson says, "Sorry your honor I got caught up but now i'm here" Ava explains. "Okay, Let's begin", Ava looks to her right and sees Kai sitting with his lawyer. After a couple of minutes of talking back and forth, the judge calls for a break for the jury to come to a verdict. Everyone gets up and begins to leave, Ava quickly makes her way over to Kai and gives him a tight hug."Hey baby" Kai says, "Kai, Are you okay!?". "I am baby, don't worry about me", "What are we gonna do?" Ava asked, "Come here". Kai leads Ava out of the courtroom and into a different room, "Ava, there's nothing we can do" he expressed. "No Kai, we can't just let them take you away! I won't let them" Ava retorted, "Ava I'm responsible for what is happening to me right now I am responsible for all these deaths, I can't outrun these consequences any longer" Kai reasoned. " No, we have to fight t, you can't just-" Before Ava could finish talking Ermani opens the door, "The court is getting back in session in 2 minutes, we need you guys back in the courtroom" He announced. "Okay, just give us a second" Kai requests, "Okay man". Ermani leaves the room, "Kai-". "Ava......there's nothing you can do now, all I ask is for you to move on and get as far away from this life as possible, I don't want you to end up like me, promise me" Kai urged, "I promise". Kai gives Ava one last deep kiss before pulling away"Let's go". Ava and Kai return to the courtroom and take their seats, "All rise" the Bailiff says, "Have you reached a verdict?" Judge Hagerson questioned."We the jury, in the case of the state of Detroit Versus Kai Varnava, find the defendant guilty, and the jury sentenced the defendant serves a term of life without parole with the count of more than 150 counts of murder" The jury Foreperson announces.Ava breaks down in tears as the jury continues to read Kai's charges, Ermani holds Ava in his arms and tries to calm her down. "Thank you, Jury, for your service today, and Mr. Kai Varnava, may God have mercy on your soul. The court is adjourned" The judge says.Ava cries even more as she sees the guards dragging Kai off into the distance, "No! Let go of him!". And just like that, Ava lost the love of her life.

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