Chapter 62: The City Of Mafriash

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It was 9 in the morning and everyone in the mansion was awake, Kai thought it would be a great idea for Ava to go to the hospital to see how far along she was or if they were having more than one baby. After a few minutes of being on the road, they finally arrive at Fairmont Hospital Center.They walked inside the building and greeted the lady at the front desk. After a while of filling in forms they were finally sent to a room. They waited a while before the doctor finally got to the room, "Hello my name is Dr. Langham and today you are here for an ultrasound and to see how far along you are, am I correct?" She asks, "Yes" Ava replies. "Great, sorry to keep you waiting", "It's no problem at all" Kai says. Doctor Langham opened a drawer and took out a pair of gloves, a tube of cream, and a handheld Ultrasound probe. "Okay so I'm gonna apply this jelly-like cream to your stomach, it's gonna be a little cold is that okay?" The doctor gave notice, "Yeah it's fine" Ava says.Ava lifted the shirt from her lower half, Doctor Langham then applied the jelly-like substance to Ava's stomach then held the ultrasound device to it. She moved the device around while looking at the monitor and writing notes. "Okay so you are having one perfectly healthy baby and I would say you're about 2 weeks pregnant, would you like to know the gender of your baby?" Doctor Langham asks, "We've decided that we'll keep the gender hidden until Ava gives birth" Kai says."Okay, so Ava I have prescribed some pregnancy pills that will help keep you and the baby healthy, you guys can pick them up at the front desk on your way out. You're all set! If you have any concerns about anything please be sure to call my office", "Okay" Ava replied. After Ava got her stomach cleaned up, Ava and Kai made their way out of the hospital and into their car. "Okay the bottle says that you should take one pill daily, I'm pretty sure you can take one now" Kai says, "Yeah". Kai hands Ava a pill and a water bottle, Ava pops the pill in her mouth and washed it down with water. "Well that's not the most pleasant taste but it'll have to do" Ava commented. "Holy shit", They quickly got out of the car and watched as the firefighters tried to contain the flames, alongside the firemen was the other, Ava and Kai rushed over to them. "What the hell is going on!?" Kai asks, "We don't know, that fire came out of nowhere" Ermani responds. "I don't think there was anything left on in the house that could cause this" Luke says, "We didn't do this" Ava uttered. "Marcaid did" Kai joined, "Marcaida, the gift that keeps on fucking giving" Leslie sighes. "Okay so everyone gather the remaining stuff you have and get in the car, we need to leave now, it's obvious that Marcaida doesn't wanna play nice" Kai remarked, "Great, nothing like 7 flipping hours in the air, my stomach's gonna be doing flips and tricks" Ava says. ~~~~~~~~~ 7 hours later"Come on Ava, we don't have all day", "Wait, just give me a second" Ava sluggishly walked out of the plane while fighting the strong urge to throw up. "Do you feel better?" Kai asks, "Yeah I think so- never mind" Ava hurried back into the plane with Kai quickly following her, she got in the bathroom and luckily Kai hastily held her hair up.After a few seconds of throwing up, Ava got up and washed her face and mouth in the sink. "I'm so tired," Ava sighed, "Well I can fix that. Kai scooped Ava up in his hands and carried her out of the plane, He carefully stepped into the car with Ava still in his grasp and sat down. After the car started and began to move, the feeling of the motion knocked her straight to sleep. Kai held Ava in his hands and slowly fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~"How could you kill our child?!" Kai shouts, "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to". "I can't even look at you anymore, I hate you!", "Kai, please don't go, please!" Ava quickly rose from the bed and held her hands on her stomach."Just a bad dream" She looked around the room and it was beautiful. The room had beautiful white walls with gold floral patterns, a beautiful white carpet and an elegant rose gold chandelier shone all across the room.Ava then realized the change of texture in her clothes so she got off the bed and stood in front of the mirror close to the closet. She was dressed in a tall, soft, silky Mesh dress that was backless and was off her shoulders.She walked towards the door and opened it, behind the door was a small staircase nearby, she approached the steps and walked down. As she went down further, familiar faces came into view. She saw Kai, Leslie, Luke, Marcy, and Ermani all sitting at a table but with a face that wasn't familiar to her.Kai looked up and acknowledged Ava, "Hey Princess, you look beautiful". Everyone around the table set their eyes from the table and toward Ava, She quietly walked over to the table and sat down in an empty chair. "Where are we?" She asks, "We're in The City Of Mafriash, it's the city of our people, the city I was talking about" Kai says. "Is everyone okay?" Ava questions, "We should be the ones asking you that question" Leslie says. "How do you feel?' marcy asks, "Quite good actually" Ava says. "Ava this is Ignea, you might not remember but she was one of your most trusted advisors in your past life" Kai introduced, "Hi, nice to meet you"."I glykiá mas prinkípissa Minerva epéstrepse, as eínai agiasméno to ónomá tis. (our sweet princess Minerva has returned, hallowed be her name.)" Ignea said, "Sas efcharistó {thank you)- wait how am I able to speak and understand what she's saying?" Ava asks. "The second you step into the city, you're able to regain pieces of your past self, you used to be able to speak Greek, and now that you're in the city, you can speak Greek again" Kai explained, "Yup, definitely not freaky". " How about we go for a walk? We could see the beautiful city" Kai suggests, "Okay sounds good to me" Ava and Kai excused themselves from the table and headed for the door, they step outside and Ava was amazed when she laid her eyes on a bunch of houses all close to each other, the beautiful brown sand beneath her feet, the citizens dressed beautifully in Greek culture clothing, the ancient carving on the walls of the houses, but what caught her eyes was the huge monument of a mythical creature with the head of a man and the body of a lion far in the distance, the monument resembled The Great Sphinx Of Giza."This is so amazing!" Ava cooed, "And it's all for you princess," Kai said sincerely.As they advance throughout the city they manage to receive stares from almost all of the citizens, some of them whispering and wondering, some of them seeming shocked."Is it me or is almost everyone is staring at me?" Ava questioned, "It's because you're their queen, my love" Kai replied. "This whole thing is weird and I love everything about it," Ava said. "Okay, so how am I being here helps the baby?" she questioned. "So one of my successors has magic like us, she will be able to speed the amount of time the baby is in your stomach, the baby will grow inside your stomach to the size where he/she can be delivered, so she'll use her magic and you'll be able to have the baby in 2 days". "Won't that hurt a lot?" Ava questioned her concerns, "Yes which is why I'm leaving the choice in your hands, either we use the magic or we find a different way, either choice I understand and I'm okay with," Kai said. "Okay based on what you've told me I can't believe I'm about to say this but let's go with door number one" Ava replied, "Okay, when you're ready, let me know. Take as much time as you need" Kai encouraged Ava. "Yeah" Ava replied.

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