Chapter 18: Phone Call

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"This keeps happening over and over again," Kai said, "I don't know how many times I've said this, but we'll bring her back" Ermani assured. " I know, and I know what I have to do, I won't let this ever happen again", "What do you plan on doing?" Ermani questioned. "The only thing that can keep her safe" Kai stated.

Ava's POV

"Get up", Ava opens her eyes and stares at Ludriel in anger, "What the hell do you want" she asks. "Well, we are gonna make another video, but it'll be different this time," Ludriel replied. "I'm not doing that again" Ava retorted, "You're not in the position to be making decisions and I'm not asking"."Please I beg of you, just let me go", "No matter how many times you beg or plead, you will never leave this place, now before we get started, I'll send in the usual women to help you get ready" Ludriel then leaves the room, a couple of minutes pass by and the women entered the room, Ava looks at Sanji's face and notices bruises all across her face. "Sanji, what happened?", "I tried to escape while the guards were busy chasing you, I failed" she said."Welcome to the club" Ava replies, "I may have failed but I did get something that can help us" Sanji then pulls out a phone out of her pocket and slips it into Ava's hand. "Use this to get out of here, call your friends for help" she says, "We all are getting out of here" Ava responded.The woman finished Ava's makeup, she then stared into her reflection, planning her escape. Before the women exited the room Sanji and Ava exchanged a look, that was the look of hope. The women exit the room and Ava walks up to the guard, "Excuse me, sir, I really need to use the restroom". "You can't leave this room without sir Ludriel's permission" the guard stated, "I knew you would say that" Suddenly Bam! The guard was knocked out from behind by Sanji."Go now! we'll distract the guards" Sanji uttered, Ava then runs out of the room and searches for a place with service to make her call, she walks around for a while before finding a room with some internet connection. She enters the room and closes the door behind her, she quickly dials Kai's number, but the call wouldn't go through. She opens the door and bumps into Sanji."Did you make the call?" she asks, "No, I couldn't find a good connection" Ava spoke. "Follow me" Sanji announced, Ava and Sanji were about to move but then Ludriel showed up in front of them. "Going somewhere?" he asks, Sanji then quickly grabs Ava's hand and they run in the opposite direction. After turning a few sharp corners Sanji pulls Ava into a room, "Where are we?" Ava questioned. "We're in Ludriel's office so you'll definitely get a connection here, hurry and call your friends", Ava quickly dialed Kai's number and the call was answered."Kai Varnava speaking", "Kai it's me!". "Ava?! Are you okay, where are you?" Kai asked, "I don't know, I need you to track this phone call to find my location" Ava suggests. "I don't know how to do that, but I think Ermani can" Kai says, "Hurry". Ava and Sanji got startled at the sound of pounding on the door, "Come on princess I know you're in there" Ludriel shouts."Kai hurry!" Ava says, "Wait, we almost have it". Suddenly Ludriel kicks the door in, and Sanji and Ava slowly back up away from him, Ludriel points the gun at Sanji and shoots her straight in the head, Ava drops the phone and screams. "Ava! Are you okay? ANSWER ME!" Kai kept calling but didn't hear an answer. "Why did you kill her!?" Ava asked infuriatingly, "Because she was helping you escape, and we wouldn't want that to happen again, would we?". "You're fucking insane" Ava muttered, Ludriel then walks over to Ava and hits her in the face causing her to fall. Ava then crawls over to the phone and whispers "Hurry". Ludriel then steps on the phone causing it to disconnect. Ludriel then grabs Ava's face and looks her in the eyes, "You're mine forever and there's nothing that you can do to change that" Ludriel remarked. Ludriel then pulls out a handkerchief and covers Ava's mouth and nose with it, Ava tries to break free, but he holds her in place. "Shhhhh, you'll feel better when you wake up", Ava then slowly falls asleep.

Kai's POV

"Can we locate her?", "Yes, we got her location before the call disconnected" Ermani replies, "Hang on Ava, we're coming".

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