Chapter 57: Call Out My Name

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Ava woke up to the sound of a loud thud coming from downstairs, "Babe?". "Go back to sleep princess!" Kai yelled from downstairs, Ava decided that she was gonna stay up and watch tv. After a couple of seconds, Ava sees Kai entering the room with a breakfast tray. "Good Morning, what's all this?" Ava questioned, "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed" Kai replies. "Aww That's so sweet of you babe", "It's the least I can do for my beautiful fiancé" Ava got up and planted a kiss on Kai's lips. "Okay I'm gonna need you to help me finish this because you went overboard with the food" Ava says, "Don't mind if I do".Ava and Kai sat on the bed, watching tv while eating breakfast. After a couple of minutes, they were done eating. "I'm gonna go down to the station and help Joe interrogate Marcaida" Kai mentions, "Can I tag along?". "You can if you promise to keep your shit together when you see him", "I promise" Ava says. "Okay Let's go take a shower" Kai turned the shower on and let it heat up to warm, he stripped the clothing from his body before helping Ava out of hers. Once the shower was ready, Kai grabbed Ava's hand and led her in. Kai grabbed the loofah and soap and began washing Ava's back, "Can I ask you something?" Ava questioned, "Go ahead princess". " Can you sing to me again? When we were on the rooftop and you began singing, it was so amazing" Ava expressed, "Anything for you princess"."We found each other, I helped you out of a broken place. You gave me comfort, but falling for you was my mistake" Kai spun Ava around so she was facing him, he began dragging the loofa all around her neck and her chest. "I put you on top, I put you on top. I claimed you so proud and openly. And when times were rough, when times were rough I made sure I held you close to me". Ava grabbed the loofa and began to wash Kai's chest and stomach, "So call out my name, Call out my name when I kiss you so gently. I want you to stay, I want you to stay even though you don't want me" Ava was about to wash Kai's back but Kai wrapped Ava in a tight loving hug." I love you, Ava, I love you so fucking much. Only god knows how truly crazy I am about you and I just wanna beg you, I'm begging you, please don't leave me, Ava, no matter what" Kai pleaded, " I'll always stay by your side Kai, I'll hold you when you're down and I'll lift you when you need it, I love you too Kai and that won't ever change, even when I take my last breath" Ava expressed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ava and Kai finally get to the station and meet up with Officer West, he takes them to the jail cell that Marcaidawas is being held in. "I'm trying to get some answers outta him but he just dodges every question, hopefully, you guys can shed some light" Joe said, "Thanks Joe, don't worry, we'll get him talking" Kai says. Ava and Kai grabbed a chair and placed it in front of the cell but at a good distance, Marcaida just sat there, not saying anything, "Why were you planning on bombing the eastern side of Russia?" Kai interrogated."Wow Kai, I have to say I'm a huge fan of your work" Marcaida replied, "Answer the question" Ava demanded. "It's on my bucket list" Marcaida says, "Why are you trying to frame the League Of Solstice?" Kai questions. "Why not", "Answer us" Ava demands. "Wait, you wouldn't happen to be the best friend of that bitch I beat up, would you? What was her name? Lisa? Lucy? Ah Leslie, now I remember", "You-". "He's testing your patient Ava" Kai says, "She was so weak and if I had the chance, I would do it all again" Marcaida taunted. "You can rot in here for all I care" Ava got up and was about to leave, 'Will I though?" Marcaida asks. "What are you talking about?" Kai queried, "My ascension is nearing". "This whole thing is a setup, you wanted to be caught because you knew the police would keep the bomb here once they found it" Ava figures out, "Got it in one" Marcaida applauded. "You son of a bitch" Kai spat, Suddenly they heard a loud boom in the distance. "Well that's my ride" Marcaida remarked, "What did you do?" Ava questioned."I had my men come here with fully loaded guns, you have two options: either you stay with me and let my men kill you or you leave before my men find you, your choice" Marcaida reveals, "Ava, we have to go". "WHAT!? I'm not gonna let this murderer go!" Ava argued, "Your life is in danger, don't make me have to drag you out of here myself". "Ugh, let's go" Ava and Kai began making their way to the exit, "Tell Leslie I'll be thinking of her" Marcaida taunts. "What the fuck was that back there!?" Kai yells, "Drop it". "I said you should keep your shit together but you obviously can't do that", "I said drop it!" Ava shouts. Kai grabs both sides of Ava's face and looks her dead in the eyes, "I will do everything to protect your life because you mean so much to me, but I need you to help me protect you" Kai explains. "Okay", "And don't raise your fucking voice at me again or I'll have to fuck that habit out of your brain, got it?", "Yes sir" Ava replies.

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