Falling for A Mother | Joseph Quinn

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this was requested by  prettylittlelairs-AD :)

You were a single mum of one. Your past relationship wasn't great. He wasn't a nice man and when he found out you were pregnant, became aggressive and ended up leaving you with nothing. You struggled with a lot of things but always provided for your child and did the best you could.

You had a lovely 2 bedroom apartment in London. You worked as an assistant manager at a cafe, that gained a lot of popularity since a celebrity was spotted inside your place of work. You never realised it was Joseph Quinn until one day, he came in and ordered while you were on shift.

You recognised him from Catherine The Great and Stranger Things. He was the first celebrity you'd ever been close to, which was surprising since you live in London.

Your child was at school and you were at work. Since it was morning still, it wasn't as busy as lunch rush, so it was you serving customers.
"Hi my love, what can I get for you today?"  You asked Joseph, trying not to show how excited you were. "Hi darling, could I get a latte with a slice of brownie please?" He responded. "Of course you can, would you like it regular or large?" "Large please." His smile could light up the world. The twinkle in his eyes as he stared into yours. He's a lot more attractive in person. "Anything else, love?" "Just that sweet smile of yours." You had the biggest grin and your cheeks burning a bright red colour. Did Joe just flirt with you?

"Oh behave yourself! That'll be £4.30 please darling." He gave you the money and you handed him the change. Since it was table service, you asked him to sit at a table and you'd bring it to him. His smile had never left his face since he spoke with you. Inside, you were freaking out at how you just met Joe, but on the outside you needed to act professional for work.

While there was no customers to serve, and you had a couple more staff, you took Joe's order to his table. "Are you free to sit and talk?" He asked. "Sure, we're not exactly busy." You joked. You took a seat next to him. "So.. Y/N, I'm guessing? From your name badge." He looked a little nervous but still cute. "Haha yes that's my name. And you're Joseph aren't you? I recognise you from Catherine The Great and Stranger Things." His face lit up when you mentioned about Catherine. "Wow I'm surprised, nowadays I'm known from Stranger Things. I take it your a fan?" "I love period dramas and I've only recently watched the whole stranger things seasons so."

He seemed so interested in you. "So what else do you like? Tell me about yourself, if you don't mind." You felt like you could sit and talk to him all day. "I'm a single mum, I'm the assistant manager of this cafe and I love art and history. That pretty much sums me up." You shrugged your shoulders at your answer as you felt you weren't really interesting. "Well you sound like a very nice person. And for the single mum part, you should be proud. I can tell you're a great mum already and I haven't met your child. You're doing a great job!" The way he gave positivity and his manners just made you fall deeper for him. "Thank you. You don't know how nice that feels being told that." He placed his hand on top of yours. "I promise you, you're doing amazing." His cheeky grin flashed once more. "I hate to break our little chat, but I've got a meeting to go to. Thank you for your service. I really enjoyed my time." He left a tip of £40 for the tip jar. "Thank you so much!" He gave you a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek and left the cafe.

All day you couldn't believe you met Joe, had a lovely conversation and the way he complimented you. You felt sad when Joe left as you knew you wouldn't see him again but would treasure that sweet moment forever.

A few days go by, you are heading in to work after dropped your child off at school. It was gonna be a quiet day as the weather was awful and damp, meaning you had some paperwork to do and cleaning to catch up on.

It was gonna be a boring day but rather it be quiet as you didn't feel up to much. You'd served a few customers in between cleaning but since it was quiet, all the cleaning got done fast. "Paperwork can wait." You thought to yourself. You stood daydreaming of what to cook for dinner for you and your child.

"Hello? Is Y/N with us?" You saw someone waving their hand in front of your blurred vision which caused you to snap out of the daydream. "Sorry love, in a world of my own there. What can I get for you today?" You brushed it off as nothing and glanced up at the customer. Your eyes widened when you realised it was Joseph and slightly panicked. "Joseph? I'm so sorry."  "Don't be. You looked pretty cute, staring off into space." There goes the flirts again. You were positive he was flirting with you. "Same order as last time, huh?" You smiled at him. His smile still looked the same as the first time you met. "You remembered my order? How sweet. Yes please but this time it's to go." The smile from your face slightly dropped, but it was enough to make Joe aware. "Sure, I'll get it sorted for you." He paid for his order and waited for you to make his latte.

Close by, he noticed a pen and little notepad and took it upon himself to write a little message. Without you seeing, he ripped the note out and placed the pen and paper back to its original spot.
"Here you are. Enjoy and have a lovely day." You plastered a fake smile even though you were gutted you couldn't chat to him. As he takes the latte and brownie from you, he placed a note in your hand. He left with a smile and gave a wink. You opened the piece of paper to read:

Saw the smile drop when I told you my order was to go. I'd like to see that smile again. Here's my number... ~ Xoxo Joe

A genuine grin came back to your face after reading the note. He is such a sweetheart. As a couple more staff came in, you got on with paperwork quite quickly and finished early. Nervous about texting Joe, you managed to pluck up the courage to message him.

Hi Joe, it's Y/N from the cafe. If you're free tonight, I'm cooking dinner for me and my child, if you'd like to join us? Please don't feel like you have to. Xx

Hi Y/N, I'm free tonight and I happily accept your offer. Please send me your address and what time you'd like me there. Xoxo Joe

Great! My address is ... and if you could arrive for 5:30, that'd be great! See you soon xx

You went to the supermarket and grabbed the ingredients you needed to cook for dinner. Afterwards, you collected your child from school and headed home and prepared the food. You got yourself ready and set the table up. Food was almost ready when you heard a knock at the door. Before even making it, your child had already opened the door. You quickly ran to the door to invite Joe inside. "Hi, little one. I hope you don't mind but I bought you a little present." He had gotten down to their level and presented the gift. "Mummy, look what he got me!" Your child was so excited. He stood back up and presented you with a little box. "What's this?" You asked, curiously. You open the box to see a beautiful bracelet, Joe had picked out.

"Joe, you didn't have to get me anything. That's lovely, thank you." He could see the glint of sparkle in your eyes as you couldn't take your eyes of the beautiful bracelet. "I had to get my host a gift. Plus I think a beautiful lady deserves a beautiful gift, don't you?"

He followed you to the table where your child and Joe waited patiently for you to bring the food. Whilst they waited, Joe got to know your child more as he asked them about school and what they enjoyed doing the most. You brought the food over and dished it out for you all.

"This tastes amazing, Y/N. Thank you." He gives a little wink again. "Thank you mummy!"

Every plate had no waste left on them. You all enjoyed it. You let your child watch tv while you washed up. Joe took it upon himself to help tidy up in the kitchen.

"Thank you for the presents. We both love them. You're really good with children, has anybody told you that?"  "Well maybe it's because I'm falling for the mother." You looked up at him as he said that. His brown eyes, melting into your heart. "I'm falling for you too." You leaned in closer to him as he didn't the same until both lips touched. The way his soft lips felt against yours. It was like a dream.


First of many one shots! Thank you for the request! Hope it's as good as I imagined it. It's late when I wrote this and got distracted by my child too. Any requests, let me know! Have a great day/evening <3

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