Battle Scars | Eddie Munson

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TW-  mention of SH, Abuse

You hadn't been at school for a week now. Your boyfriend, Eddie, was concerned and asking all of your friends if they'd heard from you.
"I haven't even seen Y/N since last week. Have you tried calling at her house?" Robin asked Eddie.

"Yeah but uh, her dad keeps saying she's not there. But her car is. Something isn't right and I'm gonna find out what."

Your dad and you have never seen eye to eye with each other. He disapproved of your relationship with Eddie and prevented every way possible of you seeing him.

"You're not the daughter I wanted, Y/N."
He screamed at the top of his lungs. You'd came home five minutes late after being with Eddie all day.
"He's no good for you."
"He's exactly good for me." You yelled back. "He cares for me. Like you never did!"
He raised his hand and slapped it across your face. "You're grounded and it's over between you and him."

You slammed your bedroom door shut, which angered him more. He barged in, dragging you off the bed. He got you to your feet and shoved you against the wall, pinning you by your neck.
"You dare disrespect me Y/N, in MY home."
You coughed, desperate for air to reach your struggling lungs.
"You're a disgrace to the family. I wish you were never born."

You stayed shut in your room. He would come in and hurt you whenever he got angry. You struggled to take the abuse. You were dying to see Eddie, even if it was for one last time.
Taking a bathroom break, a razor caught your eye. The pain needed to be taken away. It was one of the last resorts you had.
You squinted your eyes as the sting hit your arms. Blood coating every inch, dripping to your fingertips.
It relieved the pain, for a little while.

You cleaned up as best as possible, praying your dad wouldn't notice anything. You headed back in your room, and started writing a note for Eddie.

Dear Eds,

I'm sorry for everything. I wish I could tell you everything but he's forbidden me from seeing you. I can't cope with his torture. I can't cope with the pain anymore.

I wish we could live forever, me and you. You make me happy always. Every time he hurts me, I think of you and how you would take my pain away if you were with me. I hope you don't hate me, I'll always love you.

Love your girl, Y/N.
Ps. Meet me at our spot.

You had a plan to leave out your window at night. Hellfire Club was on tonight so you knew Eddie would be out.
You grabbed a jacket and a bag of clothes and waited for your dad to leave for work as he worked nights. You peaked out the curtain to watch him drive off and left through the window. He always locked the door and he took your keys away to prevent you from leaving, so this was the only way.

You climbed out the window and left with your things. The walk wasn't too long to Eddie's trailer, though seeing his place again made you nervous.
Hellfire Club would be finishing soon, so you placed the envelope on his step, leaning against a nearby rock you found. The next step was to head to your spot. It was near lovers lake, a little area you and Eddie discovered whilst taking a cute stroll after your second date.
You couldn't risk being seen at Eddie's place. You knew your father would potentially murder Eddie or you for that matter.

Eddie arrived back from Hellfire. He hadn't been himself all week since he was worried about you. He almost missed the letter, if it weren't for him kicking the rock. "Fuck." He muttered. His eyes saw the white envelope on the ground. He took it inside and read it.

He scanned the words carefully. His face switched between soft and anger as he read over the abuse you were getting. He looked at the clock, noticing the time. "Shit!" He grabbed his keys and ran out to his van, flooring it to your spot. He wondered how you you were waiting for him, hoping it wasn't too long.

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