Work with Daddy | Joseph Quinn

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A couple of days before Joe was leaving for Comic Con, you were spending time as a family.
"Can I come with you daddy, please?" Mia asked. "It's a big place darling. You'd have to come along with mummy." They both turned to look at you for an answer. "Please mummy." Mia pouted her lip and gave puppy eyes. For a four year old, she was clever and stubborn. With her adorable-ness, Joe always allowed her to get away with things.

Joe wanted you to join him at the event, but didn't want to force you. "I'll guess I'll go pack then." You playfully rolled your eyes at the pair of them. "Yes!" Mia shouted, celebrating. She ran off to go get some toys that she wanted to take with. "Are you alright with coming along?" Joe wanted to make sure you were happy with your decision. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Can't keep away from you anyway." You gave him a kiss. He smiled after. He was so excited to bring you along with him.

The day had come to fly over to Europe. Mia was so excited to see her daddy meet his fans. She was so proud of him. You all sat together on the plane. Joe had the window seat, Mia in the middle and you at the end. It wasn't a long flight but Mia fell asleep, leaning on Joe's lap. You looked over and saw Joe playing with Mia's hair, smiling down at his little princess. You snapped a quick picture and Joe heard the camera shutter. "What you taking pictures of?"
"The both of you. It's a cute sight to see." He giggled, blushing a little.

The plane landed and you got a ride to the hotel. Mia was exhausted and wanted to go to bed. All of you needed an early night anyway, so once settled in the room, you all went to sleep.

6:30am, Joe's alarm went off. It was time to get ready and start the day. Mia takes after her dad, being a morning person. You on the other hand, enjoyed sleep and didn't want to get up.
"Good morning sleepyhead." Joe whispered, shaking you awake. "Go away." You grumbled back at him. "Come on, sleeping beauty. It's a big day ahead for us." He began kissing your neck, then moving up to your face.
"Just because you get all cute, doesn't mean I'm gonna wake up." You peeped at him with one eye open. "Guess I'll have to get Mia to jump on you. MIA!" He yelled for her while she was in the bathroom. She came running out. "Jump on mummy."

She wasted no time in doing so. Jumping on you while Joe tickled you to death. You squealed for your life. "Okay, you win!" You said loud enough for Joe to hear. "That's what I thought, pretty girl." He gave a wink.

You got dressed and ready for the day. A van drove you to the venue where you all headed inside. Joe started immediately, leaving you and Mia to stand at the side and watched as Joe took photos. Mia got excited every time a photo was taken and cheered Joe on right before the photo was taken. She was definitely a daddy's girl.

It was time for autographs, so all three of you, plus the staff, walked over to the signing table. Mia waved at everyone she saw, earning a few awes from fans.

Again, you had to sit off to the side while Joe signed autographs. Mia was getting a little bored and wanted to stand up. You allowed her to do so, only if she didn't run off. Of course, she did run off to see Joe.
"Mia! Come back here." You whisper yelled. She ignored you and ran straight to Joe.
"Oi cheeky monkey. You should be with mummy." He picked her up, tickling her. "I'm bored daddy." You ran over to the table and apologised. "Don't worry about it." Joe smiled at you. He handed Mia over to you, walking back to your seat. "You are a cheeky monster, Mia." She giggled to herself, knowing she could get away with it.

Joe carried on with the autographs until it was time for lunch. You followed him into the back rooms for some privacy.
While walking with him, he carried Mia on his left side and held hands with you on his right side. He was proud of his family and loved showing you both off.

"Are you having a good time, sweet pea?" He asked Mia. "Yeah, it's fun." She admitted, making Joe happy. "What about you, my darling?"
He knew it would be stressful on you having to watch Mia at all times in a packed venue. "I'm holding up. A little tired I guess." You flashed him a smile to reassure him.
"There's not long left. Just got a panel to do and we'll be going back to the hotel." He placed a kiss on your forehead. You melted into him and his touch. He was the sweetest.

At the panel, you sat off to the side just away from the crowd, with Mia sat on your lap. It was your favourite part of the day. You loved hearing the questions people asked.
Occasionally some questions about you came up. Joe would answer truthfully and sweetly and would always look at you and smile.

He adored the fact his fans were kind about you and Mia.

"Did Mia enjoy her time today? She is so cute by the way." One fan asked.
"Yeah, she begged Y/N to join today but she's had a great time. Thank you." He smiled at the fan.
Mia jumped for joy, hearing her name being mentioned. She jumped from your lap again and ran off to Joe.

"Daddy!" She yelled, making her way.

"Alright darling." He got a little bit nervous seeing her run towards but was stopped by you just in time. "Sorry." You mouthed to him, making Joe laugh.
"She's a little troublemaker." He joked with the audience.

The next fan walked to the microphone. "You're an amazing dad to Mia but my question is, would you have any more children and would you consider marrying Y/N?"

Joe was in awe. Hearing that he's amazing from other people made his heart melt. "Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I'd love more children." He looked over and winked at you. "And we'll see."

He answered the question. You went bright red. The topic of marriage was never discussed by either of you.

Mia wanted to mess around so every time Joe looked at you both, she would pull a funny face which made Joe laugh.
After he answered more questions, it was coming to the end. As the room fell silent, Mia shouted out to Joe.

"You smell, daddy!" The crowd laughed hard.

Joe made a funny face, making Mia laugh.
"Just you wait, cheeky." He pointed at her. The panel had now finished and it was time to head off to the hotel. Joe gathered all his things and walked alongside you back to the van.

He waved bye to fans as you got inside the van. Mia was exhausted and dozed off on your lap. "Thank you for being with me today. It made it 100x better." You rested your head on his shoulder. "It's been fun, but tiring. Thank you for having me and little madam." You gave him a sweet kiss.
"I love you both. And I meant what I said." Your brows furrowed at him. "I'd like more children. Only if you're ready." The fact he wants to wait until you're ready was too cute. "I'm always ready. You're an amazing dad to Mia. Of course I'd want more."

Another dad Joe because I can't get enough of it🥲 the gifs just make it better imo.
Sorry for the delay in posting, will try get back on track. It's been a longgggg week 😏
Have a great day/evening <3

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