So Good | Eddie Munson

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TW: Smut, Praising, a little rough sex.

It was late evening. You'd fallen asleep pretty early since the joint you'd shared with Eddie made you tired. The last you remember was Eddie laid next to you in his bed but since waking up, he was nowhere to be seen.

He left his window open a little, letting the cold breeze of the night, flowing in his room. You smelt the smoke of the cigarette that was outside, informing you of Eddie's whereabouts. You put your slippers on and made your way outside to join Eddie.

"Hey doll. Sleep well?" He took his hand out for you to grab, pulling you into a hug. "I did until I noticed you weren't next to me." You snatched the cigarette from his lips and placed it onto yours.

He stood there, stunned at your manoeuvre. "Well sorry, but uh, needed a smoke and didn't wanna wake my princess up." He responded, taking the cigarette back and finishing it off.

"How kind of you to think about me." You have him a smug smile. "Oh you have no idea how much I think about you." His lips met with yours. The kiss was deep, filled with such passion. You pulled away. "Care to enlighten me, Munson?" You were eye level with him. His eyes got darker. In a swift action, he picked you up and wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you back to his bed.

"I can just show you, it'll be easier for the both of us." He whispered in your ear.

His cold hands wrapped around your neck, smothering your face with kisses. The cold rings left shivers going down your spine. You let a moan escape your mouth as he moved his lips to your neck, leaving little love bites to form. Thankfully they were small and wouldn't be noticeable. Like you cared anyway.

You played with his shirt, then placing your hands on his chest, feeling how hot his body was. He jumped from the bed and took his shirt off. His body was dreamy. He placed his hands at the bottom of your shirt, making you sit up sp he can take it off.

"God dammit Y/N. You're so fucking beautiful." His voice full of lust. He laid you back down, attaching his lips to your breasts. A string of moans left your mouth again. This time, Eddie moaned in response. The vibrations left you wanting more as it became pleasurable.

Your hands entwined in Eddie's hair. Feeling him switch between each breast. "Fuck Eddie." He chuckled against your skin.

He left his saliva all over your nipples as he made a trail down to your underwear. His hand slipped under, feeling how wet you've become.

"My girl all wet for me. Good girl." He pulled off your underwear in a swift action. His tongue met your entrance as he tasted your goodness. His tongue flicking against your bundle of nerves as he inserts a finger inside, curling to reach your g-spot. You struggled keeping still as the pleasure got more intense.

"I love how you lose yourself under me. I'm so lucky to have you, sweetheart." His free hand, he wrapped around your body, pinning you down. "Holy shit." You spat out. The intensity of his tongue and finger left you writhing in desperation. Your hands going through his hair.

"Eddie, you're so good." You groaned as you neared your orgasm. "I might just have to handcuff you. You can't keep still." He laughed. He stood up, collecting the cuffs that hung from his wall. He placed them on you, making sure you couldn't reach beyond your stomach.

"Now you can't go anywhere, I can give you the best orgasm my princess deserves." He spoke before going back to devouring you. His pace was fast this time, continuing to lick you out. "Fuck, Eddie I'm almost there." You screamed. "Then come for me, darling." The pace never changed as he let you orgasm over him, licking it all up as you did.

You laid there, out of breath but wanting more. He un-cuffed you before flipping you over and entering inside. "Now I'm gonna fuck the shit outta you." He whispered in your ear.

He was just as desperate for you as you were for him. He seemed to lose himself in you. He loved fucking from behind. Your hair was in a ponytail, granting him access of pulling your head back so his hand could wrap around your throat.

"You look so good in this position." You loved how rough he was with you when it came to sex. It was a kink for you and him that you both found early on in the relationship. Your eyes were closed as you felt that familiar knot in your stomach. Your moans got louder, as did Eddie's.

He caught a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror, seeing your eyes were shut. "No, sweetheart. Eyes open." He demanded. You soon followed his command. "Such an obedient girl." He slapped your ass and groaned out loud. "I'm gonna come Ed." He got close to your ear. "I want you to watch yourself orgasm in the mirror." Again, you followed his order and watched yourself come for the second time. He too, watched you lose all control of your limbs, screaming out his name as you let go of yourself.

This was enough for Eddie to orgasm. His pace got fast again, wanting his orgasm to happen soon. He replayed the image of your face in his mind as he screamed out in pleasure. His dick pulsating inside you still.

"That was some hot shit." His body hovered over yours as he attacked you with kisses. "You get better each time. So good."

"I love having you fuck me, Eddie. Let's never stop."

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