Beauty Within | Joseph Quinn

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Requested imagine.
TW- Body Dysmorphia

Joe was on set of his new film. He asked you to join him as you had no plans for the day. You always got excited when he wanted you on set with him. Joe drove you both there. Getting out the car, you walked hand in hand to his trailer. It was the only place you two could be alone with each other.

"I've only got a bit of filming to do today, looking at the schedule so we shouldn't be here the whole day." He said, making some tea to put in his flask. "That's fine. I'm excited to see you work." He smiled, giving you a kiss on the lips. It wasn't long before there was a knock on the trailer door for Joe to head to hair and makeup. As there was no room for you to join him there, you stayed in his trailer and only left to get yourself some food.

You had skipped breakfast as you were rushing to get ready. Your belly grumbled loud notifying you that you should go get food. You put on your jacket and left the trailer to the food stalls.

A couple of actresses on set were making their way over to get food also. They were already in their outfits. Their bodies looked incredible. They were behind you in the queue. They seemed lovely, only speaking to them one time.

"Can I get a some fries and a cheeseburger please to go?" You asked the lady at the counter. "Sure. If you wouldn't mind standing over there and it shouldn't be too long." She smiled politely. You followed her instructions and moved over to the side to allow her to serve other people.

You overheard the two actresses ordering salads. Their outfits revealed their toned stomachs, which made sense at why they would order salad.
It got you thinking of your stomach. It wasn't as flat as theirs was, which is ok but not in your mind.

Why didn't I get a salad? I eat a perfect amount of food and my body doesn't look as good as theirs. What's wrong with me?

You were snapped out of thought to be handed your burger and fries. "Thank you." You said. Walking back to Joe's trailer, you had lost your appetite. You knew Joe had a mirror in his trailer and that's the only thing that was in your mind. You needed to look at your stomach and figure out why it wasn't as flat as theirs was.

You put down the food on the side and walked straight to the mirror. You rolled up your shirt to reveal your stomach. You weren't confident with how it looked, making you think you were gaining weight. You were always conscious about your body. Now that you're in the limelight too for being in a relationship with Joe, the bullying online had gotten worse. You believed the nasty comments so every time you looked at yourself in the mirror, you never liked what you saw.

"Y/N, are you in here?" You recognised Joe's voice and immediately pulled your top down and walked over to him. "Hey, looking good." You said to him. "What were you doing?" He questioned to why you were looking in the mirror. "Nothing just checking something out." You threw your food away in the bin and went to sit back down.

"Have you eaten already? I was about to get something." He took his phone out of his pocket as he received a text. "Yeah I already ate." Your belly grumbled to which Joe gazed up at you. "I just finished eating. You know what my body is like." You tried to brush it off. Joe seemed confused at why you were acting strange. You stood up and walked over to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you.

Joe didn't believe the lie you told him, and he was right not to. He went in the bin, pulling out the takeaway boxes that was filled full with fries and one with a burger that had gone untouched.
He didn't understand why you lied to him about eating. He put two and two together, working out why you were looking in the mirror with your shirt rolled up.

"Y/N?" He knocked on the door. You were silently crying to yourself. "Can you open the door please?" He didn't sound mad at you, but definitely concerned. Your cries got a bit louder. "Please darling. I want to talk to you."

Joseph Quinn: ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now