Love at First Sight | Eddie Munson

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Since your mom and dad divorced, you went off to live with your dad, while Dustin, your brother, stayed with your mom.

It was sad departing from them but your dad begged you to stay, so you agreed. Every now and then, you'd send letters to your mom and Dustin telling them how you're doing. Dustin always sent letters back, but mom didn't.

You turned 18 and wanted to stay with your mom and brother so you packed your things and headed back to Hawkins.

"Surprise!" You shouted as Dustin opened the door.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He spoke in an excited manner. "I'm moving back!" You picked him up and spun him around. "God you're heavier than last time!" You joked, placing him back on the ground. "I also got my teeth in too since we last saw each other!" He said proudly.

He helped you carry your luggage inside and got everything in your old room. Nothing had changed. Still the same wallpaper, bed, everything was in the exact spot. As you sat on the bed taking it all in, you heard mom walk through the door.

"Mom, Y/N's here!" You ran to see your mom, to no surprise she had hold of the cat, Mews. "Hi Y/N! I missed you." She was showing more love to the cat. Didn't bother to hug you but instead began speaking to the cat. "Is she always like this?" You turned to Dustin and asked. "Yep. It's.. annoying. And weird."

Your mom looked over and could see your guitar case that was still left in the living room. "Y/N you're not playing that in here." "Where am I suppose to play it then?" You gave a stern look of disapproval. "In the garage. I don't wanna hear it."

You stormed off in a huff, annoyed at your mom. Dustin had helped you set up in the garage. "I haven't got long to help, I've got my friend coming to pick me up so I'll hear you play another time. I promise." Dustin stuck out his pinky finger for a promise. He brought a smile to your face as right now, he's the only one who cares about you. He headed off inside while you began doing practice strums before you started playing Bon Jovi's 'Living on a prayer'.

You'd been practicing the song for a while but still hadn't got the hang of it. "Fuck sake, why can't I get it right?" You shouted in anger.

Dustin came outside to wait for his friend. "Aw can Y/N not play?" He teased. "Dustin, shut up." He made a growl noise to tease you even further. "I've got a little time so just pretend I'm not here and play it again." He said. At this point, you had your back facing outside and never saw Dustin's friend stood behind you, listening to your play.

"Fuck." You shouted as you messed up again. You heard clapping from behind you. Knowing it'd be Dustin's friend, you turned around expecting a young child, however was surprised to see a little older boy with long hair, applauding you. "So Henderson, gonna introduce me to this fine young lady?"

"Eddie, this is my sister, Y/N. Y/N this is my friend, Eddie." Not once did Eddie break eye contact. "Since when did you have a hot sister? And why have I never met her?" You looked at the ground, hiding your rosy cheeks. "Eddie, c'mon seriously?" Dustin wasn't amused by Eddie's first impression of you.

"Dustin, why are you hanging around with older boys?" You gave him a weird look. "He's uh, in Hellfire. We play D&D together." Eddie spoke for him. "Wait Dungeons and Dragons? You both play?" Eddie heard the excitement in your voice, causing him to stand up straighter. "No way, you play too?" Both boys asked at the same time. "Yeah, dad taught me how to play."

Eddie took a step closer to you and put his arm around your shoulder. "Dustin, I hope you don't mind but Y/N is now in Hellfire." There was something about Eddie that made you swoon for him. The long hair, the tattoos, the way his veins popped out his arms whenever he tensed.

Dustin shook his head and walked off. "I'm off to get my jacket and a few other things. I'll be back." He said while he walked back inside.

"So uh, Y/N. How long you here for?" Eddie asked, breaking the silence. "Indefinitely." You said with a smile. You looked back at him to see a toothy grin on his face. "We should hang out. I-I play guitar too." To be in your presence, made him nervous. "And smoke weed too. I can smell it." He chuckled as a response. "Well as long as I can smoke a bit too, I don't see why we shouldn't hang out."

"Damn, Y/N Henderson, you are now my favourite rockstar." He saw the red colour rush into your cheeks making him smile at his achievement. Dustin of course had to come and ruin the sweet moment. "Eddie I'm ready if you are." He called as he walked to Eddie's van. "I'll come by tomorrow to pick you up, sweetheart." "It's a date."

All night, you couldn't stop thinking about Eddie. He had you under his spell and you barely know him.

At around 11am, you got ready for whenever Eddie would make his appearance. You put on back jeans, with a Black Sabbath top with a leather jacket. You waited in the living room watching TV with Dustin when a knock was heard at the door. Dustin got up before you to answer it. "Hey Eddie, didn't know we were hanging out today." Dustin said confused. "Actually, I'm here for Y/N this time." Dustin looked over at you. "Seriously?! You have been back a day and already taking my friends." You laughed at Dustin's frustration as you walked past him and out the door. "Bye Dusty!" You shouted.

Eddie laughed as he ran to catch up with you. "M'lady." He opened the door for you and helped you inside his van. The drive to Eddie's place was filled with talks about your favourite bands. It turns out, you and Eddie have a lot in common. Upon arriving, he got you out the van and into his trailer.

"So my room is this way. Please ignore the mess." You giggled while following Eddie. You sensed he was nervous to even have you here.

Entering his bedroom, you saw Eddie's guitar hung up on his mirror. "Sweet! This is so cool Eddie!" He got it off the wall and gave it to you to play. "She's a baddie, right?" "No kidding."

You sat on his bed and played a little of 'You Give Love a Bad Name'. Eddie was mesmerised by you. He could listen to you play all the time. After playing, you placed the guitar back on the wall. Eddie stood right behind you. Turning around to see him stood there, he placed a joint in between your lips and lit the joint. "Where have you been all my life, darling?"

The tension between you was there. Being this close to him, smelling his cologne mixed with cigarettes and weed was a love potion for you. It drove you crazy and wanting more of him.

You took a drag from the joint and placed it between Eddie's lips from him to take. You let temptation get the better of you as you gently touched his lips in the process. How soft they felt. Looking eye to eye, almost touching foreheads. He removed the joint from his mouth and slowly placed his lips onto yours.


I kinda like this one shot. Like I wanna make it into a story. What do you guys think?
Hope you all are doing well and having a great start to 2023! Only 84 days until I meet Jamie!
Much love <3

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