Step Dad Pt. 5 (Finale) | Joseph Quinn

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Walking Jessie to school, she couldn't stop talking about becoming a big sister. "I'm gonna teach them how to play catch with a ball and I'm gonna look after them for you mum." She was skipping, merrily as she was talking.

"What do you want more, brother or sister?" You asked her. "I want a brother, if that's ok." She said innocently. You chuckled to yourself. You dropped her off at school and went to work for a couple hours. Joe had meetings to attend but would finish in time to pick Jess up from school.

Work was draining, as usual. Your co-workers heard your great news and had been congratulating you for most of the day. The work day seemed pretty slow, mostly because of how tired you were and the morning sickness. You were desperate to be wrapped up in blankets, snuggled in bed.

What seemed like forever, it reached 5pm and your shift was over. You grabbed your things and walked home. It wasn't a long walk away, about 15 minutes. The weather was still warm and the area wasn't as busy.

You reached the front door. Before you were given chance, the door swung open and Jessie leaped into your arms. "Surprise mummy!" She shouted.

"You said it at the wrong time!" Joe laughed. You carried her into the house and saw some decorations they had put around the house. "The real surprise is in the kitchen, my love." Joe said, giving you a kiss.

"Why do I need surprising?" You questioned. Joe stayed silent, following behind you in the kitchen. You saw your favourite meal they had cooked for you. On the counter, was a chocolate cake, baked and decorated by them both. "Oh guys, I love it. Thank you." You spoke, shedding a tear.

"We thought that you needed some TLC so we treated you to food and after dinner, I'm gonna run you a bath." Joe hugged from behind. You turned to face him and gave a big kiss. Kneeling down to Jess' level, you gave her a big sloppy kiss in the cheek.

"Mummy that's gross!" Her face pulled a disgusted look as she wiped the kiss away. "Come on then, let's eat!" You shouted.

The food was delicious. Joe really was a great cook. You asked Jess how school was. She had told pretty much everyone she was getting a sibling. Some teachers congratulated Joe on the news when he picked her up.

"How was work, darling?"

"The usual, bored to death and had people congratulate me too." He chuckled. "Gotta get used to it now, I guess."

Joe cleared the table after you all had finished. Jess had gone to read her book in the living room. "Now, I'm off to run your bath. Don't move a muscle. Understood?" He gave a death stare, followed by a laugh.

You wanted to help out. Ignoring Joe's instructions, you washed up and cleaned down the kitchen. As you were finishing wiping the surfaces down, Joe's arms snaked around your waist.

"I told you not to move a muscle." He nuzzled his face into your neck. "At least let me do something." You pleaded.

"You can do something. You can go relax in the bath." You looked at him, giving puppy eyes. "Those don't work on me, sweet cheeks. Bath, now." He ordered, smiling away.

He followed you into the bathroom, making sure you were to relax. "Shout if you need me, love. Enjoy." He stroked your hair, before leaving you in peace.

Since being pregnant, you're not allowed hot baths. Something you hated not doing. So Joe made it as hot as you could have it. It was still relaxing, but you preferred to be burnt alive by the water.

He had added bubble bath to it, lit candles and had relaxing sounds playing. This was something you could definitely get used to.

You got out the bath, as you felt yourself starting to drift off to sleep. You wrapped your wet body with the towel and walked into the bedroom where Joe had laid warm pyjamas in the bed, ready for you.

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