Step Dad Pt.2 | Joseph Quinn

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•Part 2 of (Step Dad) Chapter. If you haven't read it yet, please read it before this one. Thanks :) •

Joe had a weekend free, so you chose to have a lie in. Well so you thought.

"Mummy, Daddy wake up!!" Jessie shouted as she dived on the bed, causing you both to groan. "Darling, it's 8:15am." Joe rubbed his eyes while he made space for Jessie to squeeze between you both. "I wanna play today." You rolled over to see Jessie snuggled up with Joe. "How about either me or mummy cooks breakfast, then we go out for a little walk, then we come home and play. How does that sound?" She gave a concentrated face before choosing you to cook breakfast.

"What do my two favourite people want for breakfast?" You asked. "PANCAKES!" Jessie shouted, sounding excited. You weren't the best pancake maker so you gave Joe a 'help me' look. "Princess asked for them." Was all he said, sticking his hands up in a surrender manner.

"Fine." You rolled your eyes before smothering Jessie with kisses. She climbed off the bed and ran to the kitchen while you got dressed.

You slipped off your silk night gown and could feel Joe's eyes burning into you. "Can I not get privacy, Joseph?" You giggled. "Not when you look like that." You turned to face him, seeing him looking comfy, staring at your now naked body. "Save it for later." You joked before putting on some clothes. "I might have to stay in bed a little longer." He said, trying to hide the tent that grew under the covers.

You both laughed as you left the bedroom to see Jessie in the kitchen. "Hurry up mummy, I'm hungry." She pulled a chair up so she could reach the counter to help you make the batter. "Somebody is impatient this morning." She giggled, watching you collect all the ingredients.

Joe walked in about 10 minutes later to see his two girls having fun while making a big mess. "Has there been a flour bomb in here? My gosh, you two are messy." He walked over to Jessie and tickled her, making her squeal. They watched as you began flipping pancakes and failing miserably.

"Mummy can't flip pancakes, daddy." They started laughing as you failed again at flipping. "Hush you two. I have to do it the old fashioned way. Spatula." Jessie was in hysterics laughing as you gave up on the fun way.

Finally the pancakes had finished cooking and was plated up with some golden syrup and some chocolate chips. Jessie and Joe ate while you cleaned up and had a bowl of cereal instead.

After breakfast, you all got ready for a little walk together. The weather was a bit cold, so you wore warm clothes with a hat and some gloves. Joe had a brown, thick jacket on with some jeans complete with his glasses. Since it was a Sunday, the street weren't extremely busy so you felt comfortable walking around London's quiet streets.

Jessie had hold of yours and Joe's hand, starting to skip her way down the streets. It was cute having a family walk. A couple of fans stopped Joe for some pictures. They commented on how adorable you guys were as a family. Jessie gave them a little wave, to which they awe'd at her.

You chose to stop off at a cafe for some food and a hot drink to rest your legs. Jessie was getting tired and ended up falling asleep in your lap.

"She definitely takes after you. Sleeping all the time." He joked. "I'm a tired mama, what can I say." You chuckled. You enjoyed time with Joe. You spoke for ages, while Jessie stayed asleep.

"So Jessie asked me the other day if she could have a brother." You almost choked on your hot drink. "She asked what?" You said in shock. "It got me thinking, if you're ready to, maybe we could?" The thought never crossed your mind. As much as you were happy with Joe and how much of an amazing dad he is, you felt scared about what happened last time.

"Umm, I- maybe." You struggled finding words to say. At that moment, Jessie woke from her nap, full of energy again. You mentally thanked her for focusing the attention on her instead of the question.

It was time to head home. Joe and Jessie had a race across the park while you watched. Your thoughts deep about having another baby. You were so deep in thought that you didn't realise Jessie had ran to you as Joe chased her.

"You ok, darling?" You nodded in response, taking hold of Jessie's hand and continuing the walk home. Joe's arm wrapped around your shoulders. It was a nice feeling.

Jessie wasn't up to playing, instead she was happy watching her favourite children's show. Joe and you were stood talking in the kitchen as Joe cooked dinner.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" His back was leant against the counter with his arms crossed. "What do you mean?" You tried to hide the fact he knew something was wrong. "Ever since I mentioned what Jessie said, you've not paid attention." You looked down at the ground, not knowing what to say. "Y/N, if you don't want to have a baby, just say. I won't be mad." At this point he's closer to you, giving you a hug.

"I do. It's just-" You let out a big sigh. "I know you're not gonna leave me but I can't help thinking about what happened when I was pregnant with Jessie. I couldn't cope. I felt lost, scared and hopeless." Joe's hand was rubbing your back as he hugged you.

"Y/N, you don't have to worry about a thing. I'll be here the whole time. But I want you to be ready for this. I'll always stick by your decisions and I'll keep you both safe." He kissed your forehead before cupping your face and placing his lips on yours.

"You're my girl. I'll always love you." You smiled at him. You knew you'd make the right decision, just in your own time.

Jessie wanted a bath before bed so you went and ran the bath for her. You picked out her pyjamas and got her bed ready before getting her in the bath. Joe tidied the house a little before getting comfy in bed.

You made yourself a cup of tea and joined Joe, waiting for Jessie to finish her bath.
"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Are you ready for a baby?" You twiddled your thumbs together, avoiding Joe's gaze on you. "I'm ready whenever you feel comfortable with the idea. Don't feel forced just because I want a baby with you." He strokes your hair while you lay across his chest.

"I think I'm ready. I mean, I want another baby. I was just making sure you are." He smiled at you, planting a kiss on your head. "I love you, darling."

You heard Jessie call for you to help her out the bath. You got her dried and dressed before Joe put her into bed with another bed time story. In no time at all, she was in slumber. "Good night princess." Joe whispered, leaving a gentle kiss on her head and pulling up the covers.


Part 3 will be here in a few days. Thanks to prettylittlelairs-AD  for the suggestion of a mini series for this chapter! I hope to make part 3 longer than this but since I'm at work in the morning, it's an early night for me :(

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