Mr Quinn | Joseph Quinn

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TW: Smut (This was requested and wants to remain anonymous, so please be kind if smut isn't your thing or if you don't like Joe being portrayed as a protective partner.)

Being Joe's lover for almost 5 years was the best. You both were inseparable. His love language was touch. He always needed you close by, touching. If not, in his eye sight. Only at events. He was protective, but not too much. In the bedroom, it was a different matter.

Now that he is well known, he is wanted for a load of gigs and events. This put a hold on your sex life. You tried your best to join Joe at events but wouldn't always happen with work and personal reasons.

This time, you could attend with him. He dressed smartly with a suit and white shirt, leaving the top button undone. You loved him in a suit. It made him incredibly attractive in your eyes.

Getting out the car, you both walked together, hand in hand to the paparazzi. They called both your names out as you did posed for as many cameras as possible. Mid taking photos, he bent down to your level and whispered in your ear; "You look so beautiful tonight, darling." His comment made a massive smile appear on your face.

After the paparazzi got their photos, you moved along inside the venue. You found the table you both were assigned and took your seats. "I'm so excited for this!" You stated. "Me too darling. I'm glad you're by my side this time."

During the event, some celebrities came and introduced themselves to you and Joe. It was a pleasant evening. You wore a silk black dress that clung to your curves. It gave your body definition and definitely complimented your figure. You shared the table with other guests, so you and Joe could sit next to each other.

Throughout the event, his hand would land on your thigh. You both were craving each other. Needing to be close with one another, receiving pleasure.

A man was speaking on the stage, about the event. It was a great distraction for people close by. Joe inched his hand a little further up, pointing his finger out to reach your folds. He pulled away immediately when he figured out you had no underwear on. "Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered. "I wanted you to be surprised." You whispered back to him.

You not having any underwear on turned Joe on. He placed his hand back on your thigh and refused to move it up further.

"Something the matter, babe?" You asked him. "N-no, not at all." He said, taking a sip from his glass. You giggled to yourself, feeling accomplished. You copied as Joe did and placed a hand on his thigh, inching further up his leg. You felt the bulge in his trousers as you placed your hand on it.

He let out a shudder as you did this. He looked over at you, giving you a death stare. You could tell he wanted it. You removed your hand and took a drink from your glass. "You're gonna pay for that later." He says. You smile into your glass and continued on listening to the man speak.

After his speech, you got up and mingled with other guests. Joe found some people he knew and mingled with them. You were in his eye sight so he didn't mind and allowed you to be a distance away.

"I need the bathroom." A guest said. "I'll follow you, I need it too." You added on. You'd left to go to the bathroom, out of Joe's sight. He glanced over to where you should've been, and noticed you were no longer there. He looked around the place trying to spot you. Panic set in for him.

He was only like this at events as a previous time, you got lost in the crowd and ended up injured. From then on, he'd been protective at events.

"Where have you gone?" A text message popped up on your screen.

"Bathroom. I needed to pee. Sorry babe." You replied. After doing your business, you found Joe mingling with his friends still.

"Hi darling. You alright?" He asks, welcoming you into a hug. "Yeah, getting a little tired now but I'm fine." The time was now 11:20pm.

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