Period Pains | Joseph Quinn

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I did a period cramps chapter for Eddie so I decided to do a chapter for Joe.
Also I meet Jamie and David Harbour in 9 days🤩 lol enjoy :)

You woke up feeling refreshed. You had gotten a better night sleep since Joe was home from filming. You laid there, admiring Joe as his chest slowly raised and went down with his relaxed breathing. His face was soft, mouth slightly open with barely audible snores escaping.

You smiled to yourself at the sight of him. You positioned yourself into him, snuggling up. He wrapped his arms around you as he got comfy. He groaned a little as he did, leaving a kiss on your exposed neck.

You found his hand that was laying across your stomach. You stroked your thumb across it, feeling him smile into your neck as you did.
"Someone is in a happy mood." He spoke with his morning voice. "Just missed cuddling you on mornings."

"You're still cute."

You rolled over to face him, seeing his brown eyes glistening in the morning sun. His hair was a little longer since the last time you saw him. He still had the pronounced curl dangling above his forehead. "You're still handsome." He reached his hand up to your face, his pinky stroking your nose, in a 'booping' gesture.

You giggled at him being playful and cute. His pinky slowly made its way to your lips as he felt them. "I missed the feel of those on mine." He admitted. You leaned forward, as did Joe, and reached his lips to kiss. They were soft and still had a hint of taste of the last cigarette he had from last night.

"I can't wait to do this everyday again." You told him. "Me too. Only got 6 weeks left then I'm back home." He ended the sentence with a reassuring smile.

You felt a sharp pain in your stomach, and winced as it hurt a little more. "You alright darling?" Joe asked, concerned. You leaped from the bed and straight to the bathroom. You knew your period was due. Of course it picked a great time to start, interrupting a lovely moment.

You saw the blood inside the toilet after finishing your business. "Fuck sake." You spoke aloud, annoyed. You sorted yourself out and turned on the shower. You didn't feel clean, so definitely wanted a hot shower to help you relax.

As you started the shower, you called out to Joe to bring some clean clothes and a towel to the bathroom. He didn't have a clue what was going on until he brought in the clothes and towel you requested. He saw the box of tampons and pads left out on the side, as you didn't have a preference which to use.

He left them on the heater in the bathroom to keep them warm for you. "Thank you." You called out, seeing his outline from the steamy glass of the shower.

The shower helped ease a little pain, until you stepped out and it all came rushing back. You quickly dried yourself and put on your clothes, choosing either the tampon or pad. Another sharp pain occurred, leaving you in more pain than before. You rested your arms on the sides of the sink, trying to breathe through it.

Joe must of heard you cry out a little as seconds later, he was behind you, rubbing the lower part of your back. "Come on, love. Back to bed you go." He helped you stand up and pulled you in a hug.

You cried into his chest as you hated the first days of your period. You assumed the day had been ruined since you didn't feel like doing anything and Joe was only home for a couple days.

His hand stroked up your back as his other stroked through your hair. "It's ok, I'm here." He whispered. You lifted your head up to look at his face. "I'm sorry I've already ruined today darling."

"No you haven't. It's not your fault, this is normal. I'm gonna do my best to make sure you're happy today." He kissed your forehead and took your hand to take you back to bed.

He had already got a hot water bottle ready on the bed, with blankets at the ready. He had a glass of water and some tablets on the bedside drawers, waiting for you to take for the pain.

"Get comfy, take the tablets and I'll be back shortly, my darling." You did as you were told. You found the tv remote and turned on Netflix to take your mind off of things.

About 20 minutes go by and Joe returns to the bedroom with breakfast on a tray. "All your favourites on one tray. I'll nip to the shop later for chocolates, or if you were up for it, you could join me?"

"Thank you Joe. I mean it, you didn't need to."
You felt guilty whenever he made a fuss with you. "Y/N, if you are in pain or need cheering up, I'm gonna try my hardest to make sure my girl is ok. Eat up." He said, joining back in bed.

Breakfast was delicious. The tablets seemed to be working for the time being, so you chose to go to the shop with Joe. You both got yourself ready and headed outside.

You always held his hand whenever you guys were walking together. However whenever you are on your period, you would give his hand a little squeeze as a comfort thing, to which he didn't mind.

Right before you reached the shop, you squeezed his hand. "Are you feeling ok? We can go back if you want to, I don't mind Y/N." You shook your head and proceeded to go inside.

He never wanted to let go of your hand. He loved feeling your touch, even if you were in pain.

You grabbed your choice of sweets, as well as grabbing a few other things needed for the house. A few fans stopped Joe. He took photos and said hello to them. He knew you didn't mind him doing it. You loved it when his fans would see him and they'd get all happy.

He said his goodbyes to them as you paid for the shopping and left. "I love it when your fans see you, they get starstruck. It's adorable." You told him. "I just can't believe people recognise me now. It's surreal, and they're all so nice and wonderful."

"Baby, you deserve it. You honestly are so good at acting. I've seen it in real life too, don't forget." He blushed hard when you complimented him. "You are too kind and wonderful and I love you so much." He lifted your hand up to his lips and kissed it.

You reached back home and settled down on the sofa. "Does my lovely darling want to watch anything in particular?" He asked, speaking in a posh voice. It made you chuckle. "Anything you want, I don't mind."

He picked up the sweets you bought and took a seat next to you. He put on the first Lord of The Rings movie and wrapped a blanket around you both. You adjusted yourself so your head laid in his lap.

His left hand sat gently on your stomach, rubbing little circles, easing the pain. The other hand switched between snacking on the sweets, to playing with you hair.

"Thank you." You said.

"What for?"

"Today. You've made me feel loads better. I can't wait until you're back here all the time." He did a cute laugh, leaning forward to kiss your head.

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