The Engagement | Joseph Quinn

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"Good morning, beautiful." Joe woke you up with some breakfast in bed. Your face was hidden beneath the covers, slowly peeping out. "What's all this?" You questioned, starting to sit up. "I made you breakfast in bed." He went all giddy, smiling like a school boy. "Aw Joe, thank you."

You adjusted your position as he handed you the tray. "I'll join you in a second, darling." He went off downstairs and returned mere minutes later with his own breakfast tray. You had already turned the tv onto daytime television.

"Does it taste alright?" "It's lovely. Thank you for this."  He smiled, pleasantly.

You both finished eating and Joe took both trays downstairs. You got comfy again in bed, awaiting Joe's return. You were in pyjama shorts, with one leg out the covers. Joe walks back in, licking his lips at his view.

He let out a groan of frustration, before diving into the space next to you. "So fucking pretty." He mumbled into your neck, attacking it with kisses. "What's got you in a good mood today?" You asked, giggling. "Just wanna treat my sweet girl."

You both stared into each others eyes. The way his eyes glistened in the morning sunrise, shining through the gaps of the curtain. He watched your eyes, how they were full of love for him. Joe took his pinky, slowly ran it down your face, and booping your nose gently. "I love you, Y/N."
You blushed. "I love you too, Joe."

He inched a little closer, and softly planted his lips on yours. A small, but cute, make out session took place. His hands on each cheek, being needy. "Go get dressed, I've planned a great day for us." He whispered. He gave one final kiss on your forehead and stood up, getting himself dressed.

He had his back to you as he got dressed, unintentionally. The way his figure looked from the back. You stood watching, dazing off with your thoughts. You noticed a couple of scratch marks on his back and chuckled to yourself. The rough sex from a couple days prior showed how needy you were for him that night.

You didn't realise he'd turned round, now facing you. "Wanna take a picture, sweetheart?" You snapped out of the daydream, now going a bright red colour. He walked up to you, kissing you again. "Sorry, got lost in thought." You turned and walked to your wardrobe to pick an outfit. As you did, he slapped your ass and chuckled. "I've having that later." He said in a cocky tone, leaving the bedroom.

You laughed and continued getting yourself ready. Afterwards, you went to brush your teeth and use the toilet. Heading downstairs to see Joe on a phone call. He heard your footsteps and turned your direction. "I'll call you back." He told whoever was on the phone.

"Who was that?" You asked. "Never you mind. Are you ready?" You nodded. "Let's go then, darling."

You left the apartment and got into the rental car. It was a convertible car, which fit perfectly with the hot weather. The roof was down, the cool breeze, flying your hair in different directions. Yours and Joe's favourite songs on a playlist. The ride was amazing. He would look at you and have the biggest smile on his face. Both of you were carefree and living your best life.

He parked up somewhere, not telling you where you were heading.

"You ready for the best day of your life?" You were excited. "Yes." He got you out the car and took ahold of your hand. You rested your head on his shoulder for a little while, never wanting him to leave. As if he would do that.

You spotted a wooded area on your walk, and Joe seemed to know the route of it. "Is this part of our day together? Walking through the woods?" You smiled at him. "Partly. We have to walk through the woods to get to our special area." You looked at him, hoping he'd give more information. "That's all your getting, Y/N." He laughed, watching you pull your puppy dog eyes and pout.

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