Flirting With The Freak | Eddie Munson

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A new semester at a new school. How bad can it be? Being the new girl is hard. All the stares people give you, feeling out of place. As the bell rang, you headed to the office to get given your school things.

A teacher kindly walked you to your first lesson, which was math. You were supposed to graduate a couple years ago but never put the effort in so you ended up moving here, to Hawkins High.

"Morning Miss, you have a new student, Y/N. I'll leave you to settle in." The class was silent. A few whispers you could hear. You didn't exactly 'fit in' with everybody else. You wore dark clothes and jewellery with skulls on. You looked around the class, nobody looked decent.

"Well Y/N, welcome to Hawkins High. Take a seat next to Eddie at the back." She pointed over to the empty seat with the guy with his head on the desk. Great, this is gonna be fun. You thought, sarcastically.

You walked to the empty seat, placed your bag down and sat next to this Eddie guy. He seemed to look asleep but he was bored. He lifted his head up to have a glance at you. Assuming you were gonna be one of the popular lot, he gave a quick look and turned away. He did a double take as he noticed the clothes you were wearing, and the skull necklace you wore.

"You were.. not what I was expecting." You look over to see him staring. The first thing you clocked was his rings, one of them being a skull. He noticed your eyes glaring at the ring. "You like it, huh? It's my favourite ring." You smiled at him. "Finally, somebody who is decent for a change." You both chuckled. "I'm Eddie 'The Freak' Munson." He held his hand out for you to shake. "I'm Y/N. And I'd prefer to call you Eddie, if that's ok? Cos from where I'm standing, you're not a freak."

Neither of you listened to the class. It felt as if it was the two of you in the class. "The real question is.. what is your favourite hobby?" Eddie asked you. "Umm, I play guitar a lot." His eyes lit up with joy. "Me too, I'm in a band called Corroded Coffin. We play at this place called The Hideout."  "I love the name. Clearly suits you well." The little grin that appeared on his face, he looked so hot.

The lunch bell rang and the only friend you had was Eddie. You didn't want to sit alone. "Hey Eddie. Can I-Can I sit with you at lunch? I don't want to be on my own." You asked him as you walked out of lesson together. "Well, sure. The boys can deal with it." He brought you to the lunch line and got food together. You followed Eddie to the table him and his friends sit at.

"Gareth, move along and so forth. Y/N needs a sit." All the boys looked at you. Then looked back at Eddie. You took what was Gareth's seat and sat down next to Eddie. "This is Y/N. She's cool so she's hanging with us from now." He looked at you after he said that and gave you another flash of his smile.

"Hi guys." You said sheepishly. Eddie went through all the names of the boys. You noticed them all wearing the same shirts saying 'Hellfire Club' on them. "What's Hellfire Club?" You turned and asked Eddie. "Oh it's a game we play, D&D." Jeff made a snarky comment. "I bet she doesn't even know what D&D is." The boys all laughed. "Dungeons and Dragons." You butted in. They all went silent.

"Wait, you play?" Gareth asked you. "Yeah. Gosh you're all quick to judge." You rolled your eyes. Eddie laughed. "Told you she's cool."

All your classes were with Eddie, since you guys are hoping to graduate this year. So it was nice to have a friend to sit with. "Where do you live? I can drive you home if you want?" He asked. "Just near the trailer park and you don't have to. I can walk home myself." You politely declined his offer. "I live at the trailer park with my uncle. You should stop by after school. Can play my guitar if you'd like."

You had unpacking to do but since you're curious to know more about Eddie, you accepted the offer.

He walked you to his van and opened the door for you. He hopped in the drivers side and began driving, like a maniac.

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