Best Friends or More? | Joseph Quinn

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You grew up with Joe. Attending the same school, you guys were best friends from the age of 10. Everything Joe did, he always made sure you were there to stick by him. You helped him prepare for every audition he had.

Once Joe had came back from Paris, you met up with him over dinner for a long catch up.

"Paris was great, I enjoyed meeting everyone." He spoke. "Crazy how far you've come, don't you think?" He loved it when you spoke about his success, as it made him reflect on his goals and how well he's done to achieve them. "I know, it's mad." He laughed. "How's life been for you and everyone?" He asked, continuing the conversation. "Same old. Work is boring but everybody is doing fine. We meet up whenever we have days off together." It was lovely catching up with Joe. If you ever had problems or needed somebody to talk to, he'd always answer every call.

Joe knew everything about you, including secrets, expect for one. Since meeting him, you thought you were best friends, but when you guys were in high school, you developed a crush on him and it's never gone away. You knew Joe never saw you as anything else other than a best friend. Every girlfriend he had was always jealous of you and you blamed yourself for each breakup. Joe never once put the blame on you though.

"So, any boyfriends I need to know about?" He joked. He seemed protective over you whenever a boy would speak to you. "You know me, I'm gonna be single forever." You joked back, giving a thumbs up. "No you won't, you'll find someone Y/N." He took a sip from his beverage. "He's sat in front of me." You barely whispered under your breath. "Did you say something?" He asked with a puzzled look. "Nope."

Dinner was coming to an end. Each time Joe and you caught up with one another, you'd go back to either one's house to watch a movie. This time, it was at your house.

The waiter came over with the bill. You insisted on paying half but Joe refused the offer and paid the full amount. "Joe, you didn't have to." You smiled at him. "My treat, Y/N." He put his arm around you in a friendly manner. Your heart started beating what felt like 1000 times a minute at this gesture. Your cheeks showed a pink colour too. Luckily, the walk to yours wasn't far, so along the way home, small talk was made. It would be about random things but conversations then went dead. 'What is Joe thinking? He's normally talkative.' You thought.

While walking home, you never realised Joe's hand was now placed in yours. You looked in disbelief but nonetheless left your hand in his. The butterfly feeling grew stronger in your stomach. Being honest to Joe about your feelings was on the table but you didn't want to ruin the bond between you guys. His hand sometimes would squeeze tight, as if he wanted to hold your hand forever. Surely he can't have the same feelings as you?

Reaching for the handle, you opened the door to let you both inside. "Still haven't decorated then?" He wondered as he looked around the room. His eyes stopped at a photo of you both that was hung up on the wall. Unknowingly, it was Joe's favourite photo of you both. It's a photo from a friend's Christmas party of Joe kissing your cheek under mistletoe. You tried to get him to kiss you on the lips but Joe didn't wanna mess the friendship up at the time.

He wandered over to the photo and stared at it while smiling. You stood back admiring Joe from afar. All sorts of thoughts were playing around in your mind; did Joe wanna kiss you? Has his feelings changed? Who knows.

"It's my favourite one of us." You spoke, breaking the silence. "Mine too." He seemed to be in thought until something brought him out of it.

"Joe. I need to be honest with you." He immediately turned to face you, now sat of the sofa. The smile had now gone from his face and it now turned to concern. "Is everything ok?" He asked, taking his seat next to you. "You're gonna hate me for this and probably never wanna speak to me again and it's fine if you don't but.."

"Y/N, you can tell me anything. I'm your best friend."

"That's the problem." His brows furrowed together. He was about to speak before you followed on the answer. "I want to be more than friends. I've liked you for a long time, since high school. I've never wanted to ruin our friendship that's why I kept quiet and let you have girlfriends." You looked up at him, a single tear fell down his cheek.

"Y/N, I.."

"I know, I've ruined it." You bawl your eyes out as you make a run for your bathroom and close the door.

Joe can hear the sobs your letting out. He feels heartbroken, knowing you feel this way. He stays seated with his face in his palms as he works out what to do.
5 minutes goes by. Joe would've came and checked on you by now, you thought. Still crying, you scrunch yourself up sitting on the floor. The tears had soaked into your clothes. The loud sobs blocked out Joe's faint knocking of the bathroom door. He knelt down in front of you, his hand placed gently on your back, stroking softly. You lift your head up, showing Joe your red, puffy eyes. His free hand carefully grazed your chin, lifting it up slightly. His lips touched yours.

You pulled away in shock. Your eyes were wide as they stared into Joe's. "Y/N, you never let me tell you my feelings."

"I- I don't understand."

"Seeing you again tonight and catching up with you made me realise how much I've missed you. Not just as a friend but I've always loved being with you. And to be honest, I've had feelings for you for a while."

He stands up, helping you up along the way. "Y/N, it's you I've wanted." A stream of tears fell again from your eyes as you smiled wide. "I love you Joe." You sobbed. He kissed your forehead, then bringing your head up, kissed your lips. The butterflies returned when you felt his lips against yours.

The sparks came shooting out as his hands laid gently on either side of your face as the pushed deeper into the kiss.

"Be mine, Y/N." Joe's forehead rested against yours.

"I'm yours, Joe."

Joseph Quinn: ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now