Daddy Munson | Eddie Munson

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"Hey Y/N, how you feeling today?" Wayne asked you as you walked up to the front door. He sat outside smoking a cigarette on his own. "I'm a little tired, but can't be helped with this little one." You replied, pointing to your belly.

"You're glowing! I can't wait until she's here." You smiled at him and entered inside to hear Eddie playing his 'beauty', his guitar.

Eddie saw his bedroom door swing open and reveal you stood there. "There's my sweetheart." He quickly put his guitar down and ran over to you, being careful not to squish your belly. "And there's my other sweetheart." He kissed all over your belly. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeah, a little tired because a certain someone was having a party all night." You looked towards your belly. Eddie laughed. "Well she's already a rockstar then. Just wait until she's playing guitar with her daddy." He brought his hands to your face and pressed his lips onto yours.

"You wanna try catch some sleep now? I can make my bed comfy for you." You loved how attentive he was. "I can try, might not work though."

You stood and watched as he made his bed, propping up his pillows to your liking. He helped you in and got you comfy. "You want anything  getting?"  "Just for you to massage my head, how you normally do it." You spoke in a soft tone. Eddie chuckled and did as you asked.

Another thing that helped you sleep was thinking back to the day you told Eddie the news.

You spent the day with Robin and Nancy. Just a typical girly day. Nancy spoke about being on her period and how 'lame' she felt. Something clicked in your head that you hadn't had your period for 2 weeks. Most of the time Eddie had condoms but when he ran out, you would still go through with unprotected sex.

You thought about growing up with Eddie and having a family but you didn't think it'd be this soon. You let out a gasp to the girls and told them your period was late.

"I think you might wanna buy a test, just to be sure." Robin said. "That's the only option I've got Robin." You responded. You all headed to the closest store and picked up a pregnancy test. It was a quick ride home to Nancy's as you all were impatient to find out the news.

"Be quick Y/N!" Nancy hurried you. You sat reading the instructions before opening the packet and peeing on the cheap stick. 2 minutes to wait.

It had just been under two minutes and you couldn't wait any longer. You flipped the test over and saw the two lines, confirming a positive test. "Holy shit!" You said aloud. The girls came barging in and saw you, hand to your mouth in shock. Nancy pulled the test from your hand and read it. "Oh my god, Y/N! Congratulations!"

"I have to go tell Eddie."  You took the test back and Nancy drove you to Eddie's trailer. Wayne answered the door and allowed you inside to see Eddie. He was laying on his bed, flipping through some random magazine.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing here, are you ok?"  You let out a frustrated cry, assuming Eddie wouldn't be too pleased. "Promise you won't get mad at me." He sat you down on his bed and knelt down in front. "What's happened?" He was now concerned. You pulled the test from your pocket and placed it in his hand. His eyes darted straight to his hand as you looked away, scared of how his reaction would be.

"Y/N, are you preg-pregnant?" You slowly nodded, eyes still closed. "Jesus H Christ, I'm gonna be a dad?" His voice was now ecstatic. "You're not mad?" Your eyes now opened, searching Eddie's face to see if he was mad or happy. "Darling, why would I be mad? We're having a baby. I'm gonna be a dad!" He yelled, happily. "Come here, sweetheart." It was calming, knowing he was excited for this journey with you.

You woke up to hear Eddie's faint snores. He took a nap with you. He did that every chance he could throughout the 8 months of you being pregnant. Now there was little time left before baby girl makes her appearance, Eddie wanted to spend as much time with you as possible.

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