Birthday | Joseph Quinn

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TW: Smut

It was the morning of your birthday. Joe woke up rather early to get things ready. You felt the cool breeze hit your body as he carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake you. You groaned a little before simply dozing off back to sleep.

Prior to your birthday, you told Joe not to do anything special as you wanted a quiet day surrounded by the people you love. He agreed, of course, but it didn't mean he couldn't surprise you.

He got started on making breakfast which was a full English breakfast, your favourite. He had already wrapped your gifts from him and placed them carefully on the table, along with birthday cards from Joe and family.

You were woken to the sound of Joe singing a song by The Stranglers. You looked at the clock as it read 9:15am. You slowly got out of bed, hoping you wouldn't be too cold leaving bed, and headed to the bathroom to do your business.

You made your way downstairs where you were hit with the smell of bacon and sausages cooking. You were hoping to scare Joe so you silently open the kitchen door. Your plan backfired as he heard the door squeak a little, notifying him of your presence.

"Happy Birthday, my sweet girl." He welcomed you into a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then lips. "What's all this?" You couldn't believe all the effort Joe had put in. The table was covered in presents and cards and the way he had plated up the breakfast. "You deserve to be spoilt. It's your birthday." He smiled as he saw how happy you were.

"Joe, I don't know what to say. This-nobody has ever done anything so sweet before. Thank you." You faced him and kissed his lips once more.

"Presents first, my love." He said, handing you his gift. It was a beautiful necklace you had been eyeing up for some time. "Oh my! I love it!" He took the box from your hand and placed the necklace around your neck. You couldn't stop staring at the sparkly piece of jewellery.

You got through the other presents and card and it wasn't long before breakfast. "This is the best birthday breakfast ever." You smiled at Joe. "Well it doesn't stop here, we've got a fun day planned ahead."  You gave him puppy eyes. "I told you I want a quiet day, Mister." You joked. "But I need to treat you. You've done so much for me Y/N. Let me spoil you just for today." He begged. You rolled your eyes and agreed to which he shrieked with excitement.

After breakfast, Joe cleaned up and told you to get ready. You chose a casual outfit and and easy but cute hairstyle and headed back downstairs, waiting for Joe.

"And the fun day begins, darling." He took your hand and wakes you both out the house to be greeted with a vintage car. He drove you around London, seeing all the landmarks before taking you to the London Eye.

You were greeted by the staff and had your own private shuttle, with some champagne. Joe poured you both a glass as you watched the spectacular view get better and better.

Romantic music played as he took your hand to dance. You both swayed in rhythm with the music, feeling so loved.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered in your ear, making you blush. "You're the best, you know that?" "I have my ways." He chuckled. "I love you Joe. Like I've never felt a love like it." You admitted to him. He pulled away slowly, looking directly at you. "Then there's one thing I'd like to ask." Your hands broke apart from his as he got down on one knee. "I'll never love anyone like I love you. And since you've told me that, now is the perfect time to ask. Will you marry me?" He pulled his hand out of his pocket and presented the ring.

You gasped in shock, as this was one thing you never thought would happen. A tear rolled down your cheek just before you gave your answer. "Yes, I'll marry you." Joe too, began crying a little. You held your left hand out and he gently placed the ring on your ring finger. "I'll never stop loving you, Y/N." He said before kissing your lips. "You've just made me the happiest man on the planet." You smiled, blushing hard. You watched the view started to disappear, still swaying to the music. It was an amazing moment you'll cherish forever.

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