Learn to Love Again | Joseph Quinn

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Requested imagine (longest one I've written)
TW- Contains strong abuse. (Please read at your own risk or don't read if this isn't your thing.)

Sunday evening, you finally had the courage to ring the police on your now ex partner. After a year of abuse from him, you were finally free from his anger and hurt. You had stolen his phone and locked yourself in the bathroom to ring the police. They were quick to come and arrest him.

You came out and saw the house was surrounded with police. They eventually spotted you, covered in your own blood. "Are you Y/N?" One of them asked. You nodded, now crying. "You're safe with us now. We're going to get you checked out ok?" You agreed to being checked out by paramedics that they requested be on the scene.

They saw all the bruises he had done, the marks he left on your body and all the blood running out your hand after he pierced it with a knife. They gave you a blanket to keep you warm. You couldn't stop shaking, the fear of what was next to come. Would they release him or keep him locked up for his crime?

You spent the next couple of days in hospital. You'd lost a fair bit of blood and other issues that needed resolving. You hated it. Being prodded with needles to inject medication or to take bloods from you, brought back the memories of him hurting you. How he would purposely find things to stab into your skin, making sure they went unnoticed by friends so they wouldn't suspect anything.

Every time they needed to touch your arm or any part of your body, you would flinch. They always reassured you, but it was going to take a long time to recover from the fear.

As time went on, you managed to gain a little bit of  confidence again. At first, you were hesitant on going outside in case anybody wanted to hurt you, but with the help of your therapist, you were able to do it again.

She told you if you ever got scared, focus on your deep breaths and find a quiet place to sit until you calm down. You haven't used this technique before, until now.

It seemed like a quiet day. It wasn't as busy as it normally is so you felt ok. You turned the corner down the street and saw a massive crowd of girls squealing. You weren't able to cross the road as the roads were busy. The only option was to walk past the crowd. 

You felt your anxiety level raise as you walked closer. Not knowing what was happening made it worse. There was no room to walk around them, you had to push through them. The girls were loud, you tried asking them to move but it was barely audible from all the commotion. You found it difficult to breathe. You tried focusing on breathing but it didn't work. You were getting shoved all around as the girls were trying to see somebody.

"Come on, focus." You told yourself. Holding back the tears, knowing your body was going into shock. You just made it out the other side, but it was too late. You collapsed towards the wall, struggling to breathe. A man noticed your troubles and came to your aid.

"Hey, are you alright?" His soft, British accent spoke. The girls seemed to crowd around him. He must be important. He placed a hand on your arm, to which you flinched. "Don't touch me." You sobbed. "Don't hurt me." Your body was shaking, going into hyperventilation.

"Alright move back please." A man in a suit yelled towards the girls. "I'm not going to hurt you, ok. Just try to relax your breathing for me." He was hesitant to touch your arm again. He could sense there was something wrong but didn't want to make matters worse. "My name is Joe. We've got help coming." He told you as the man in the suit whispered something to him.

"Please don't hurt me." You cried again. "Nobody is going to, darling." He tried holding your hand, seeing you calm down but you pulled away in panic. "It's ok. I promise none of us will harm you in any way."

Joseph Quinn: ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now