The Sub | Eddie Munson

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"Y/N, we need your help." Dustin made you jump as you sat down with your friends at lunch. "Nope." You said, wanting him to leave. "You don't even know what it is." He stated. "Dustin, I'm not doing anything to help you. You annoy the shit outta me." You turned back to your friends to finish off your conversation. That is when Dustin dragged you from your chair.

"What the fuck."
"Please can you be a sub tonight for Hellfire? It's the last day of campaign and we need one more player." He begged, showing off puppy eyes.
"You are the most annoying brother ever, you know that right?"
"So is that a yes?" His face lit up with excitement.
"If I say yes, will you stop pestering me?" You gave him dagger eyes. "Thank you, Y/N. I owe you big time." He ran off before you could say anything else.

You sat back down and enjoyed lunch with your friends. You couldn't believe yourself that you said yes to playing D&D with Dustin and his nerdy friends but you had nothing else to do and it was a great way of getting Dustin to do whatever you wanted him to do.

You looked over towards the table Dustin and his friends sit at. They all looked very nerdy. You noticed Eddie 'The Freak' Munson looking at you. He turned to Dustin and clearly mentioned your name because Dustin looked your direction too.

Dustin made a 'come here' gesture to which you rolled your eyes at but nonetheless obeyed his instruction. You got up from the table and walked over to the Hellfire table.

"What's wrong now?" You got straight to the point. "I wanted to introduce my sister to everyone." He turned to his friends. "This is Y/N, she's taking Lucas' spot tonight."

Eddie jumped from his seat and made his way over to you. "Does she even know how to play?" He laughed as he faced his friends. "I'm the one who taught Dustin, smart ass. So if you think I'm no good, you'll be saying the same about Dustin." You raised an eyebrow to him. Eddie immediately stopped laughing. "Alright." Was all he said. He walked around you, as if he was checking you out, but not in a fancy way. He whispered into your left ear. "I'll be testing your knowledge later, sweetheart."

Somehow he gave you goosebumps after hearing his given nickname to you. "Meet me at the bench in the woods after lunch." He made his way to his seat again, sitting down. He looked over and winked before focusing his attention on one of the other boys. You gave Dustin a weird look before returning to your table to finish your lunch.

15 minutes later and the bell rang to go to next class. Eddie and you had a few things in common. You both hated classes and skipped a few. Eddie had been held back a third time, whereas this is was your second, meaning you are one year younger than him.

You chose to go speak with Eddie in the woods as you didn't want to be in next class. It was a valid reason to skip.
You made your way into the woods to find no Eddie sat at the table. "What an asshole." You said aloud.

"Who, me?" He said cockily, appearing out of thin air. "What do you want?" You rolled your eyes. "Just seeing if you would actually meet me." He chuckled to himself. "I thought it would be better to meet you on your own without Henderson here." You slowly nodded at him. He stuck his hand out towards the table, gesturing for you to take a seat.

"Test me then." You got to the point. "What?"
"You said you were gonna test my knowledge so...test me." He laughed to himself. "Oh I believe you. It's just I wanted to get to know you better. Maybe you could then join Hellfire, if you do well."

You furrowed your brows at him. "Eddie, you could've just spoke to me back there. I wouldn't of cared. I'm missing class because of this." You shrugged. "Like you care about that." He sniggered. "Dustin's told me all about his badass sister. Missing classes to go smoke weed along here. I mean I'm surprised we haven't bumped into each other while we both did the same thing." You laughed at him. "I guess we are alike, huh?"

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