Mingling | Joseph Quinn

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You got invited to a party of a mutual friend. You had nothing to do that night and decided to go. After all, it is free alcohol and your chance to mingle.

You changed into a floral dress that stopped above the knee and was strapless. You curled your hair and matched jewellery. A quick spray of your favourite perfume and you were ready to go.

"On my way, see you soon." You text your friend. "Ok, I'll meet you outside."
You ordered an Uber to pick you up and drop you off. Nerves grew as there was more people than you expected.

"Hey Y/N, ready to partay?" She said in a fun accent. "Of course I am." You stated excitedly. She guided you into the house that had a balcony overlooking the city. The view was breathtaking. You got your drink and stood outside having a smoke with your friend. You had a laugh and enjoyed each others company.

You looked around at the other guests who were also having a great time. Your eyes stopped on a gentleman with curly locks. He gave you a smile and carried on his conversation with his friend. You politely smiled back. He seemed like a nice guy.

You finished your drink and headed off to get another. Your friend was walking behind you so you occasionally looked over your shoulder and continued the conversation you were having. Not looking where you were going, you bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Your face tinted a pink colour as you felt embarrassed. "It's ok. No injuries." He stated. When you looked at the gentleman, you realised it was the one who smiled earlier. "Are you sure? I can get you another drink." You saw his drink had split a bit on the floor, making you feel guiltier.

"Truly I'm ok." His rested his hand on your shoulder. He smiled once more and made his way to get himself cleaned up.
"Way to go Y/N." You muttered under your breath.

"I think I need more drinks to forget that ever happened." You turned to your friend. "Y/N, he'll be fine. Stop worrying." She reassured you but it still played on your mind.
You grabbed more drinks and headed back outside.

Your friend began talking about her relationship with her boyfriend and how she's in love with him. You were happy for her but with being single, you hated hearing how nice it was to be treated right.
20 minutes went by and to your surprise, her boyfriend showed up. It was only a matter of time anyway. She got caught up in being in love and ended up ditching you ten minutes after he arrived.

Since you didn't know anybody else, you stayed on your own, admiring the view.
You rolled your own cigarette and went to light it, only now realising your lighter was out of fluid.

"Fuck sake." You grunted, trying to get the smallest flame to light.
"Need to borrow one?" You saw somebody approaching from your side. "Please, if it's no bother."
"Of course it's not." The same smiley man from earlier appeared in front of you.

He chose to light the cigarette for you as it hung from your lips.
"Once again, I'm so sorry about bumping into you." You bit your lip with nerves. He chuckled as you kept apologising. "Please stop saying sorry. It was an accident and I'm perfectly ok."

He lit his own cigarette, letting you smoke together. "What's your name?" You asked, confidently. "Joseph, but you can call me Joe." He spoke with a toothy grin. "What's yours?"
"Pretty name for a pretty girl." You blushed at his compliment, unsure of what to say to him.

"Thank you, Joe. You're not too bad yourself." You giggled. "Are you on your own?"
"Well I got invited by friends but I thought I'd come over and speak with you. You looked a little lonely." His charming ways of flirting kept you interested.
"Well thanks for being a nice gentleman and keeping me company. My friend ditched me for her boyfriend and I don't have any other friends here." He sensed you were nervous about being on your own.

"You have me now." He winked, taking a drag of the toxic chemicals. You both leaned against the railings of the balcony, watching as the sun set in the distance.
"Could do this everyday if I could." Joe looked at you and saw how beautiful the orange sky made you look. He smiled big. "Watch the sunset? Me too."

You smiled at him. He was different than most guys. He was down to earth and sweet. He wasn't a douche who was all about girls and money and sex. "I expected you to be like most guys." You admitted to him.
"Is that a good thing, that I'm not?" He raised a brow to the question.
"Yeah it's a good thing. I can actually have a conversation with you and feel safe in your presence."

He made a bold move and placed his arm around your shoulder. "You're different from other girls. Kind, pretty, not all about yourself." You looked down at the ground to hide the blushing that he made you do.
"Fancy a stroll somewhere else?" He asked.
"Don't mind if I do." You linked onto his arm as he walked you both out the house and took you on a nice walk somewhere quiet and private.

"The sky is so pretty, don't you think?" You couldn't stop looking at all the pastel colours that made the sky look amazing. "It's not the only pretty thing I've seen tonight."
You couldn't keep up with the compliments he was giving. He's a total flirt but you didn't mind as he was totally sweet.

The walk was cute, filled with talks about personal life. "I hope there isn't somebody else I'm competing with. I'd love to get to know more about you." You stopped in your tracks and looked into his big brown eyes. "Joe, if there was you would totally win. And to be honest, I'd love to get to know more about you."

He bit his lip, looking at your cute face. "Are you free this weekend?" He pulled a face as he waited for your answer. "Yes I'm free, if it involves seeing you again."
"Can I have your phone a second?" You handed your phone over and he opened the contacts app and gave you his number.
"Text me and I'll give you a time and place I'd like to meet you."

The sky was getting darker and you sadly chose to go back home as Joe was going back to the party to be with his friends. He kindly offered to walk you home as it wasn't too far away.
You both got lost in each others stories and ended up holding hands without realising.

"Well this is my stop. It was lovely meeting you and I'll see you this weekend." He let go of your hand but not before giving it a kiss. "Can't wait to see you again, Y/N. It was lovely seeing such beauty tonight. Sweet dreams, pretty girl."
He waited for you to get inside before wandering off back to the party.


Sorry it's short. I wanted to quickly write something up :/
If you haven't read the FAMILY - Joseph Quinn story, I suggest giving it a read. Especially if you like Dad Joe!
Have a great day/evening <3

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